import{_ as s,o as r,c as n,a as e,b as o,w as c,d as i,e as a,r as d}from"./app.4d248835.js";const l={},h=i(`

Start as a Java Agent

Usually Arthas dynamic attach the applications on the fly, but from version 3.2.0 onwards, Arthas supports starting directly as a java agent.

For example, download the full arthas zip package, decompress it and start it by specifying arthas-agent.jar with the parameter -javaagent.

java -javaagent:/tmp/test/arthas-agent.jar -jar math-game.jar
`,4),p=a("The default configuration is in the "),m=e("code",null,"",-1),_=a(" file in the decompression directory. Reference: "),u=a("Arthas Properties"),g=e("p",null,"Reference:",-1);function v(f,j){const t=d("RouterLink");return r(),n("div",null,[h,e("p",null,[p,m,_,o(t,{to:"/en/doc/arthas-properties.html"},{default:c(()=>[u]),_:1})]),g])}const y=s(l,[["render",v],["__file","agent.html.vue"]]);export{y as default};