
Load the external *.class files to re-define the loaded peer class in JVM.

Reference: Instrumentation#redefineClasses

Notes: Re-defined classes cannot be restored. There are chances that redefining may fail due to some reasons, for example: there’s new field introduced in the new version of the class, pls. refer to JDK’s documentation for the limitations.


Name Specification
[c:] hashcode of the class loader
[p:] absolute path of the external *.class, multiple paths are separated with 'space'


redefine /tmp/Test.class
redefine -c 327a647b /tmp/Test.class /tmp/Test$Inner.class

Use with the jad/mc command

jad --source-only com.example.demo.arthas.user.UserController > /tmp/

mc /tmp/ -d /tmp

redefine /tmp/com/example/demo/arthas/user/UserController.class
  • Use jad command to decompile bytecode, and then you can use other editors, such as vim to modify the source code.
  • mc command to compile the modified code
  • Load new bytecode with redefine command

Restrictions of the redefine command

  • New field/method is not allowed

  • The function that is running, no exit can not take effect, such as the new System.out.println added below, only the run() function will take effect.

    public class MathGame {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
            MathGame game = new MathGame();
            while (true) {
                // This doesn't work because the code keeps running in while
                System.out.println("in loop");
        public void run() throws InterruptedException {
            // This works because the run() function ends completely every time
            System.out.println("call run()");
            try {
                int number = random.nextInt();
                List<Integer> primeFactors = primeFactors(number);
                print(number, primeFactors);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println(String.format("illegalArgumentCount:%3d, ", illegalArgumentCount) + e.getMessage());