There are some switches in Arthas that can be viewed with the `options`{{execute T2}} command. View the value of a single option, such as `options unsafe`{{execute T2}} ## Allow to enhance the classes of JDK By default, `unsafe` is false, ie commands such as `watch`/`trace` do not enhance the JVM class, which is the class starting with `java.*`. To enhance the classes in the JVM, execute `options unsafe true`{{execute T2}} to set `unsafe` to true. ## Print objects in JSON format When `json-format` is false, the output is: ```bash $ ognl '#value1=@System@getProperty("java.home"), #value2=@System@getProperty(""), {#value1, #value2}' @ArrayList[ @String[/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre], @String[Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment], ] ``` `options json-format true`{{execute T2}} When `json-format` is true, the output is: ```bash $ ognl '#value1=@System@getProperty("java.home"), #value2=@System@getProperty(""), {#v["/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre","Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment"] ```