
Global options
Name Default Value Description
unsafe false whether to enhance to system-level class. Use it with caution since JVM may hang
dump false whether to dump enhanced class to the external files. If it's on, enhanced class will be dumped into /${application dir}/arthas-class-dump/, the specific output path will be output in the console
batch-re-transform true whether to re-transform matched classes in batch
json-format false whether to output in JSON format
disable-sub-class false whether to enable matching child classes. The default value is true. If exact match is desire, turn off this flag
debug-for-asm false whether to enable ASM debugging log
save-result false whether to save execution result. All execution results will be saved to /home/admin/logs/arthas/arthas.log when it's turned on
job-timeout 1d default timeout for background jobs. Background job will be terminated once it's timed out (i.e. 1d, 2h, 3m, 25s)


For example, to enable saving command execution result, input the command below:

$ options save-result true                                                                                         
 NAME         BEFORE-VALUE  AFTER-VALUE                                                                            
 save-result  false         true