dashboard ========= [`dashboard` online tutorial](https://arthas.aliyun.com/doc/arthas-tutorials.html?language=en&id=command-dashboard) > This is the real time statistics dashboard for the current system, press `Ctrl+C` to exit. When running in Apache Tomcat Alibaba edition, the dashboard will also present the real time statistics of the tomcat, including [QPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queries_per_second), RT, error counts, and thread pool, etc. ### Options |Name|Specification| |---:|:---| |[i:]|The interval (in ms) between two executions, default is 5000 ms.| |[n:]|The number of times this command will be executed.| ### Usage ``` $ dashboard ID NAME GROUP PRIORITY STATE %CPU TIME INTERRUPTED DAEMON 889 RMI TCP Connection(15)-30.10.166. RMI Runtime 9 RUNNABLE 48 0:5 false true 1077 Timer-for-arthas-dashboard-0 system 9 RUNNABLE 24 0:0 false true 1074 as-selector-daemon system 9 RUNNABLE 12 0:0 false true 284 JMX server connection timeout 284 RMI Runtime 9 TIMED_WAITI 8 0:3 false true 16 Timer-1 main 5 TIMED_WAITI 5 0:9 false true 47 Pandora pandora-qos-reporter Pool main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 48 JmonitorClient-CheckThread Pool [ main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 49 JmonitorClient-HeartBeat Pool [Th main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 50 JmonitorClient-ReaderThread Pool main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 957 RMI TCP Connection(16)-30.10.166. RMI Runtime 9 RUNNABLE 0 0:2 false true 51 JmonitorClient-WriterThread Pool main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 52 ContainerBackgroundProcessor[Stan main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 53 http-bio-8080-Acceptor-0 main 5 RUNNABLE 0 0:2 false true 54 http-bio-8080-AsyncTimeout main 5 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true 11 GC Daemon system 2 TIMED_WAITI 0 0:0 false true Memory used total max usage GC heap 59M 223M 1820M 3.26% gc.ps_scavenge.count 118 ps_eden_space 14M 114M 668M 2.11% gc.ps_scavenge.time(ms) 1890 ps_survivor_space 6M 6M 6M 96.08% gc.ps_marksweep.count 5 ps_old_gen 39M 103M 1365M 2.86% gc.ps_marksweep.time(ms) 1140 nonheap 234M 240M 0M 97.46% code_cache 46M 47M 240M 19.49% metaspace 167M 172M 0M 97.36% Runtime Tomcat os.name Mac OS X connector http-bio-8080 os.version 10.10.5 QPS 0.00 java.version 1.8.0_60 RT(ms) 1.13 java.home error/s 0.00 received/s 0B systemload.average 3.44 sent/s 0B processors 4 threadpool http-bio-8080 uptime 16020s busy 0 ``` ### Notes on column headers * ID: JVM thread ID, pls. note this ID is different from the nativeID in jstack * NAME: thread name * GROUP: thread group name * PRIORITY: thread priority, ranged from 1 to 10. The greater number, the higher priority * STATE: thread state * CPU%: the ratio of CPU usage for the thread, sampled every 100ms * TIME: total running time in `minute:second` format * INTERRUPTED: the thread interruption state * DAEMON: daemon thread or not ### Screenshot ![](../_static/dashboard.png "dashboard")