import{_ as n,o as c,c as o,a as e,b as i,w as d,d as a,e as s,r}from"./app.977e81c1.js";const l={},h=a(`

Batch Processing

With the help of Batch Processing, you can run multiple commands in batch and get the final result at the end. The process name can be specified using the \u201C\u2013select\u201D parameter.


Step 1: Create the script

Create a script suffixed with as. Here as is suggested for the suffix of the filename, but in fact any suffix is acceptable.

\u279C  arthas git:(develop) cat /var/tmp/
dashboard -n 1
sc -d org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils


  • Each command takes one line.
  • Batch mode execution times (via -n) must be explicitly specified for dashboard, otherwise batch script cannot terminate.
  • Commands such as watch/tt/trace/monitor/stack should include -n option to ensure the script can be able to quit.
  • ",3),u=s("Also consider to use "),m=e("code",null,"async",-1),b=s(" (for example: "),v=e("code",null,"watch c.t.X test returnObj > &",-1),f=s(") to put commands run at background and get the output from the log file, see more from "),g=s("asynchronous job"),_=a(`

    Step 2: Run the script

    Use -f to specify the script file. By default the result will be output to the standard output, but you can redirect the output to the file like this:

    ./ -f /var/tmp/ 56328 > test.out

    Use -c also can specify the commands, like this:

    ./ -c 'sysprop; thread' 56328 > test.out

    Step 3: Check the output

    cat test.out
    `,7);function k(x,y){const t=r("RouterLink");return c(),o("div",null,[h,e("ul",null,[p,e("li",null,[u,m,b,v,f,i(t,{to:"/en/doc/async.html"},{default:d(()=>[g]),_:1})])]),_])}const B=n(l,[["render",k],["__file","batch-support.html.vue"]]);export{B as default};