import{_ as r,o as i,c as l,a as e,b as n,e as a,d as s,r as d}from"./app.4d248835.js";const o={},c=e("h1",{id:"mbean",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#mbean","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),a(" mbean")],-1),m={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},p=e("code",null,"mbean",-1),h=a(" online tutorial"),u=s(`


show Mbean information

This command can show or monitor Mbean attribute information.


name-patternpattern for the Mbean name
attribute-patternpattern for the attribute name
[m]show meta information
[i:]specify the interval to refresh attribute value (ms)
[n:]execution times
[E]turn on regex matching while the default mode is wildcard matching. Only effect on the attribute name


show all Mbean names:


show meta data of Mbean:

mbean -m java.lang:type=Threading

show attributes of Mbean:

mbean java.lang:type=Threading

Mbean name support wildcard matcher:

mbean java.lang:type=Th*
`,13),b={class:"custom-container warning"},g=e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"WARNING",-1),v=a("Notes\uFF1AObjectName matching rules differ from normal wildcards, Reference resources\uFF1A"),f={href:"",target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},x=a(""),_=s(`

Wildcards match specific attributes:

mbean java.lang:type=Threading *Count

Switch to regular matching using the -E command:

mbean -E java.lang:type=Threading PeakThreadCount|ThreadCount|DaemonThreadCount

Real-time monitoring using -i command:

mbean -i 1000 java.lang:type=Threading *Count

Real-time monitoring using -i with number of times the command will be executed using -n command (100 times by default):

mbean -i 1000 -n 50 java.lang:type=Threading *Count
`,8);function y(k,w){const t=d("ExternalLinkIcon");return i(),l("div",null,[c,e("p",null,[e("a",m,[p,h,n(t)])]),u,e("div",b,[g,e("p",null,[v,e("a",f,[x,n(t)])])]),_])}const T=r(o,[["render",y],["__file","mbean.html.vue"]]);export{T as default};