#!/usr/bin/env bash # WIKI: https://alibaba.github.io/arthas # This script only supports bash, do not support posix sh. # If you have the problem like Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi"), # Try to run "bash -version" to check the version. # Try to visit WIKI to find a solution. # program : Arthas # author : Core Engine @ Taobao.com # date : 2018-09-17 # current arthas script version ARTHAS_SCRIPT_VERSION=3.0.4 # define arthas's home ARTHAS_HOME=${HOME}/.arthas # define arthas's lib ARTHAS_LIB_DIR=${ARTHAS_HOME}/lib # define arthas's temp dir TMP_DIR=/tmp # last update arthas version ARTHAS_VERSION= # arthas remote url ARTHAS_REMOTE_VERSION_URL="http://search.maven.org/solrsearch/select?q=g:%22com.taobao.arthas%22+AND+a:%22arthas-packaging%22" ARTHAS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_URL="http://search.maven.org/classic/remotecontent?filepath=com/taobao/arthas/arthas-packaging" # update timeout(sec) SO_TIMEOUT=5 # define default target ip DEFAULT_TARGET_IP="" # define default target port DEFAULT_TELNET_PORT="3658" DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT="8563" # define JVM's OPS JVM_OPTS="" # define default batch mode BATCH_MODE=false # if true, the script will only attach the agent to target jvm. ATTACH_ONLY=false # define batch script location BATCH_SCRIPT= ARTHAS_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true" # exit shell with err_code # $1 : err_code # $2 : err_msg exit_on_err() { [[ ! -z "${2}" ]] && echo "${2}" 1>&2 exit ${1} } # get with default value # $1 : target value # $2 : default value default() { [[ ! -z "${1}" ]] && echo "${1}" || echo "${2}" } # check arthas permission check_permission() { [ ! -w ${HOME} ] \ && exit_on_err 1 "permission denied, ${HOME} is not writable." } # reset arthas work environment # reset some options for env reset_for_env() { # init ARTHAS' lib mkdir -p ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR} \ || exit_on_err 1 "create ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR} fail." # if env define the JAVA_HOME, use it first # if is alibaba opts, use alibaba ops's default JAVA_HOME [ -z ${JAVA_HOME} ] && JAVA_HOME=/opt/taobao/java # iterater throught candidates to find a proper JAVA_HOME at least contains tools.jar which is required by arthas. if [ ! -d ${JAVA_HOME} ]; then JAVA_HOME_CANDIDATES=($(ps aux | grep java | grep -v 'grep java' | awk '{print $11}' | sed -n 's/\/bin\/java$//p')) for JAVA_HOME_TEMP in ${JAVA_HOME_CANDIDATES[@]}; do if [ -f ${JAVA_HOME_TEMP}/lib/tools.jar ]; then JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME_TEMP} break fi done fi # maybe 1.8.0_162 , 11-ea local JAVA_VERSION_STR=$(${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version 2>&1|awk -F '"' '$2>"1.5"{print $2}') # check the jvm version, we need 1.6+ [[ ! -x ${JAVA_HOME} || -z ${JAVA_VERSION_STR} ]] && exit_on_err 1 "illegal ENV, please set \$JAVA_HOME to JDK6+" local JAVA_VERSION if [[ $JAVA_VERSION_STR = "1."* ]]; then JAVA_VERSION=$(echo $veJAVA_VERSION_STRr | sed -e 's/1\.\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\1/; 1q') else JAVA_VERSION=$(echo $JAVA_VERSION_STR | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\1/; 1q') fi # when java version greater than 9, there is no tools.jar if [[ "$JAVA_VERSION" -lt 9 ]];then # check tools.jar exists if [ ! -f ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar ]; then exit_on_err 1 "${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar does not exist, arthas could not be launched!" else BOOT_CLASSPATH=-Xbootclasspath/a:${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar fi fi # reset CHARSET for alibaba opts, we use GBK [[ -x /opt/taobao/java ]] && JVM_OPTS="-Dinput.encoding=GBK ${JVM_OPTS} " } # get latest version from local get_local_version() { ls ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR} | sort | tail -1 } # get latest version from remote get_remote_version() { curl -sLk --connect-timeout ${SO_TIMEOUT} "${ARTHAS_REMOTE_VERSION_URL}" | sed 's/{.*latestVersion":"*\([0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\-]*\)"*,*.*}/\1/' } # update arthas if necessary update_if_necessary() { local update_version=$1 if [ ! -d ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}/${update_version} ]; then echo "updating version ${update_version} ..." local temp_target_lib_dir="$TMP_DIR/temp_${update_version}_$$" local temp_target_lib_zip="${temp_target_lib_dir}/arthas-${update_version}-bin.zip" local target_lib_dir="${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}/${update_version}/arthas" mkdir -p ${target_lib_dir} # clean rm -rf ${temp_target_lib_dir} rm -rf ${target_lib_dir} mkdir -p "${temp_target_lib_dir}" \ || exit_on_err 1 "create ${temp_target_lib_dir} fail." # download current arthas version curl \ -#Lk \ --connect-timeout ${SO_TIMEOUT} \ -o ${temp_target_lib_zip} \ "${ARTHAS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_URL}/${update_version}/arthas-packaging-${update_version}-bin.zip" \ || return 1 # unzip arthas lib unzip ${temp_target_lib_zip} -d ${temp_target_lib_dir} || (rm -rf ${temp_target_lib_dir} \ ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}/${update_version} && return 1) # rename mv ${temp_target_lib_dir} ${target_lib_dir} || return 1 # print success echo "update completed." fi } # the usage usage() { echo " Usage: $0 [-b [-f SCRIPT_FILE]] [debug] [--use-version VERSION] [--attach-only] [@IP:TELNET_PORT:HTTP_PORT] [debug] : start the agent in debug mode : the target Java Process ID [IP] : the target's IP [TELNET_PORT] : the target's PORT for telnet [HTTP_PORT] : the target's PORT for http [-b] : batch mode, which will disable interactive process selection. [-f] : specify the path to batch script file. [--attach-only] : only attach the arthas agent to target jvm. [--use-version] : use the specified arthas version to attach. [--versions] : list all arthas versions. Example: ./as.sh ./as.sh @[IP] ./as.sh @[IP:PORT] ./as.sh debug ./as.sh -b ./as.sh -b -f /path/to/script ./as.sh --attach-only ./as.sh --use-version ./as.sh --versions Here is the list of possible java process(es) to attatch: $(${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jps -l | grep -v sun.tools.jps.Jps) " } # list arthas versions list_versions() { echo "Arthas versions under ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}:" ls -1 ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR} } # parse the argument parse_arguments() { if ([ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]) ; then usage exit 0 fi if ([ "$1" = "--versions" ]) ; then list_versions exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-b" ]; then BATCH_MODE=true shift if [ "$1" = "-f" ]; then if [ "x$2" != "x" ] && [ -f $2 ]; then BATCH_SCRIPT=$2 echo "Using script file for batch mode: $BATCH_SCRIPT" shift # -f shift # /path/to/script else echo "Invalid script file $2." return 1 fi fi fi if [ "$1" = "debug" ] ; then if [ -z "$JPDA_TRANSPORT" ]; then JPDA_TRANSPORT="dt_socket" fi if [ -z "$JPDA_ADDRESS" ]; then JPDA_ADDRESS="8888" fi if [ -z "$JPDA_SUSPEND" ]; then JPDA_SUSPEND="n" fi if [ -z "$JPDA_OPTS" ]; then JPDA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=$JPDA_TRANSPORT,address=$JPDA_ADDRESS,server=y,suspend=$JPDA_SUSPEND" fi ARTHAS_OPTS="$JPDA_OPTS $ARTHAS_OPTS" shift fi # use custom version if [ "$1" = "--use-version" ]; then shift ARTHAS_VERSION=$1 shift fi # attach only mode if [ "$1" = "--attach-only" ]; then ATTACH_ONLY=true shift fi TARGET_PID=$(echo ${1}|awk -F "@" '{print $1}'); TARGET_IP=$(echo ${1}|awk -F "@|:" '{print $2}'); TELNET_PORT=$(echo ${1}|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'); HTTP_PORT=$(echo ${1}|awk -F ":" '{print $3}'); # check pid if [ -z ${TARGET_PID} ] && [ ${BATCH_MODE} = false ]; then # interactive mode # backup IFS: https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues/128 local IFS_backup=$IFS IFS=$'\n' CANDIDATES=($(${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jps -l | grep -v sun.tools.jps.Jps | awk '{print $0}')) if [ ${#CANDIDATES[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error: no available java process to attach." # recover IFS IFS=$IFS_backup return 1 fi echo "Found existing java process, please choose one and hit RETURN." index=0 suggest=1 # auto select tomcat/pandora-boot process for process in "${CANDIDATES[@]}"; do index=$(($index+1)) if [ $(echo ${process} | grep -c org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap) -eq 1 ] \ || [ $(echo ${process} | grep -c com.taobao.pandora.boot.loader.SarLauncher) -eq 1 ] then suggest=${index} break fi done index=0 for process in "${CANDIDATES[@]}"; do index=$(($index+1)) if [ ${index} -eq ${suggest} ]; then echo "* [$index]: ${process}" else echo " [$index]: ${process}" fi done read choice if [ -z ${choice} ]; then choice=${suggest} fi TARGET_PID=`echo ${CANDIDATES[$(($choice-1))]} | cut -d ' ' -f 1` # recover IFS IFS=$IFS_backup elif [ -z ${TARGET_PID} ]; then # batch mode is enabled, no interactive process selection. echo "Illegal arguments, the is required." 1>&2 return 1 fi # reset ${ip} to default if empty [ -z ${TARGET_IP} ] && TARGET_IP=${DEFAULT_TARGET_IP} # reset ${port} to default if empty [ -z ${TELNET_PORT} ] && TELNET_PORT=${DEFAULT_TELNET_PORT} [ -z ${HTTP_PORT} ] && HTTP_PORT=${DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT} return 0 } # attach arthas to target jvm # $1 : arthas_local_version attach_jvm() { local arthas_version=$1 local arthas_lib_dir=${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}/${arthas_version}/arthas echo "Attaching to ${TARGET_PID} using version ${1}..." if [ ${TARGET_IP} = ${DEFAULT_TARGET_IP} ]; then ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java \ ${ARTHAS_OPTS} ${BOOT_CLASSPATH} ${JVM_OPTS} \ -jar ${arthas_lib_dir}/arthas-core.jar \ -pid ${TARGET_PID} \ -target-ip ${TARGET_IP} \ -telnet-port ${TELNET_PORT} \ -http-port ${HTTP_PORT} \ -core "${arthas_lib_dir}/arthas-core.jar" \ -agent "${arthas_lib_dir}/arthas-agent.jar" fi } sanity_check() { # 0 check whether the pid exist local pid=$(ps -p ${TARGET_PID} -o pid=) if [ -z ${pid} ]; then exit_on_err 1 "The target pid (${TARGET_PID}) does not exist!" fi # 1 check the current user matches the process owner local current_user=$(id -u -n) # the last '=' after 'user' eliminates the column header local target_user=$(ps -p "${TARGET_PID}" -o user=) if [ "$current_user" != "$target_user" ]; then echo "The current user ($current_user) does not match with the owner of process ${TARGET_PID} ($target_user)." echo "To solve this, choose one of the following command:" echo " 1) sudo su $target_user && ./as.sh" echo " 2) sudo -u $target_user -EH ./as.sh" exit_on_err 1 fi } # active console # $1 : arthas_local_version active_console() { local arthas_version=$1 local arthas_lib_dir=${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}/${arthas_version}/arthas if [ "${BATCH_MODE}" = "true" ]; then ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${ARTHAS_OPTS} ${JVM_OPTS} \ -jar ${arthas_lib_dir}/arthas-client.jar \ ${TARGET_IP} \ -p ${TELNET_PORT} \ -f ${BATCH_SCRIPT} elif type telnet 2>&1 >> /dev/null; then # use telnet telnet ${TARGET_IP} ${TELNET_PORT} else echo "'telnet' is required." 1>&2 return 1 fi } # the main main() { echo "Arthas script version: $ARTHAS_SCRIPT_VERSION" check_permission reset_for_env parse_arguments "${@}" \ || exit_on_err 1 "$(usage)" local remote_version=$(get_remote_version) if [ -z ${ARTHAS_VERSION} ]; then update_if_necessary ${remote_version} || echo "update fail, ignore this update." 1>&2 else update_if_necessary ${ARTHAS_VERSION} || echo "update fail, ignore this update." 1>&2 fi local arthas_local_version=$(get_local_version) if [ ! -z ${ARTHAS_VERSION} ]; then arthas_local_version=${ARTHAS_VERSION} fi if [ ! -d ${ARTHAS_LIB_DIR}/${arthas_local_version} ]; then exit_on_err 1 "arthas not found, please check your network." fi sanity_check echo "Calculating attach execution time..." time (attach_jvm ${arthas_local_version} || exit 1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit_on_err 1 "attach to target jvm (${TARGET_PID}) failed, check ${HOME}/logs/arthas/arthas.log or stderr of target jvm for any exceptions." fi echo "Attach success." if [ ${ATTACH_ONLY} = false ]; then echo "Connecting to arthas server... current timestamp is `date +%s`" active_console ${arthas_local_version} fi } main "${@}"