{ "title": "Arthas Advanced", "description": "Arthas Advanced", "details": { "steps": [ { "title": "Start demo", "text": "start-demo.md" }, { "title": "Start arthas-boot", "text": "arthas-boot.md" }, { "title": "JVM Infomation", "text": "jvm-info.md" }, { "title": "Tips", "text": "tips.md" }, { "title": "sc/sm view loaded classes", "text": "sc-sm.md" }, { "title": "Jad", "text": "jad.md" }, { "title": "Ognl", "text": "ognl.md" }, { "title": "Case: Troubleshooting method invoke exception", "text": "case-watch-method-exception.md" }, { "title": "Case: Hotswap code", "text": "case-jad-mc-redefine.md" }, { "title": "Case: Change Logger Level", "text": "case-ognl-update-logger-level.md" }, { "title": "Case: Troubleshoot logger conflicts", "text": "case-logger-config-problem.md" }, { "title": "Case: Get the Spring Context", "text": "case-get-spring-context.md" }, { "title": "Case: Troubleshooting HTTP request returns 401", "text": "case-http-401.md" }, { "title": "Case: Troubleshooting HTTP request returns 404", "text": "case-http-404.md" }, { "title": "Case: The ClassLoaders in Spring Boot application", "text": "case-classloader.md" }, { "title": "Case: Find CPU usage Top N threads", "text": "case-thread.md" }, { "title": "Web Console", "text": "web-console.md" }, { "title": "Exit/Stop", "text": "exit.md" }, { "title": "arthas-boot supported options", "text": "arthas-boot-details.md" } ], "intro": { "text": "intro.md" }, "finish": { "text": "finish.md" }, "assets": { "host01": [ { "file": "arthas-boot.png", "target": "/tmp/arthas-boot.png" } ] } }, "environment": { "uilayout": "terminal", "showdashboard": true, "dashboards": [ { "name": "Web Port 80", "port": 80 } ] }, "backend": { "imageid": "java", "environmentsprotocol": "http" } }