This option specifies the time when profiling will automatically stop. The format is the same as in loop: it is either a wall clock time (12:34:56) or a relative time interval (2h).
Both `--loop` and `--timeout` are used for `start` action but not for `collect` action, for further information refer to [async-profiler Github Discussions](
## `--wall` option
The -- wall option allows for simultaneous performance analysis of both CPU and Wall Clock. This joint analysis helps to more comprehensively identify and understand performance bottlenecks in applications.
--The wall option allows users to set the sampling interval for Wall Clock analysis independently of CPU analysis. For example, by setting - e cpu-i 10-- wall 200, the CPU sampling interval can be set to 10 milliseconds, and the wall clock sampling interval can be set to 200 milliseconds.
When conducting joint CPU and Wall Clock analysis, the output format must be set to jfr. This format supports recording the state information of threads (such as State_SUNNABLE or State_SLEEPING) to distinguish between different types of sampling events.
Linux platform: This new feature is only available on the Linux platform. The CPU analysis engine on macOS is already based on Wall clock mode, so there are no additional benefits.
Performance overhead: Enabling Wall clock analysis will increase performance overhead, so when analyzing both CPU and Wall clock simultaneously, it is recommended to increase the interval between Wall clocks.