diff --git a/bytekit/pom.xml b/bytekit/pom.xml
index 55710a3c6..74a72bc64 100644
--- a/bytekit/pom.xml
+++ b/bytekit/pom.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
- 0.132
diff --git a/bytekit/src/main/java/com/taobao/arthas/bytekit/utils/Decompiler.java b/bytekit/src/main/java/com/taobao/arthas/bytekit/utils/Decompiler.java
index 421e84a05..0929fbd23 100644
--- a/bytekit/src/main/java/com/taobao/arthas/bytekit/utils/Decompiler.java
+++ b/bytekit/src/main/java/com/taobao/arthas/bytekit/utils/Decompiler.java
@@ -4,34 +4,17 @@ import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.api.ClassFileSource;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.bytecode.analysis.parse.utils.Pair;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.entities.ClassFile;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.entities.Method;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.relationship.MemberNameResolver;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.state.ClassFileSourceImpl;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.state.DCCommonState;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.state.TypeUsageCollector;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.state.TypeUsageInformation;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.AnalysisType;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.CannotLoadClassException;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.ConfusedCFRException;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.ListFactory;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.getopt.GetOptParser;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.getopt.Options;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.getopt.OptionsImpl;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.Dumper;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.DumperFactory;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.DumperFactoryImpl;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.IllegalIdentifierDump;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.StreamDumper;
-import org.benf.cfr.reader.util.output.ToStringDumper;
+import org.benf.cfr.reader.api.CfrDriver;
+import org.benf.cfr.reader.api.OutputSinkFactory;
import com.alibaba.arthas.deps.org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import com.alibaba.arthas.deps.org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import com.alibaba.arthas.deps.org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList;
@@ -113,159 +96,48 @@ public class Decompiler {
- * @see org.benf.cfr.reader.Main#main(String[])
* @param classFilePath
* @param methodName
* @return
public static String decompile(String classFilePath, String methodName) {
- StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(8192);
- List argList = new ArrayList();
- argList.add(classFilePath);
- if (methodName != null) {
- argList.add("--methodname");
- argList.add(methodName);
- }
- String args[] = argList.toArray(new String[0]);
- GetOptParser getOptParser = new GetOptParser();
- Options options = null;
- List files = null;
- try {
- Pair processedArgs = getOptParser.parse(args, OptionsImpl.getFactory());
- files = (List) processedArgs.getFirst();
- options = (Options) processedArgs.getSecond();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- getOptParser.showHelp(OptionsImpl.getFactory(), e);
- System.exit(1);
- }
- if ((options.optionIsSet(OptionsImpl.HELP)) || (files.isEmpty())) {
- getOptParser.showOptionHelp(OptionsImpl.getFactory(), options, OptionsImpl.HELP);
- return "";
- }
- ClassFileSourceImpl classFileSource = new ClassFileSourceImpl(options);
- boolean skipInnerClass = (files.size() > 1)
- && (((Boolean) options.getOption(OptionsImpl.SKIP_BATCH_INNER_CLASSES)).booleanValue());
+ final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(8192);
- Collections.sort(files);
- for (String path : files) {
- classFileSource.clearConfiguration();
- DCCommonState dcCommonState = new DCCommonState(options, classFileSource);
- DumperFactory dumperFactory = new DumperFactoryImpl(options);
- path = classFileSource.adjustInputPath(path);
- AnalysisType type = (AnalysisType) options.getOption(OptionsImpl.ANALYSE_AS);
- if (type == null)
- type = dcCommonState.detectClsJar(path);
- if (type == AnalysisType.JAR) {
- // doJar(dcCommonState, path, dumperFactory);
+ OutputSinkFactory mySink = new OutputSinkFactory() {
+ @Override
+ public List getSupportedSinks(SinkType sinkType, Collection collection) {
+ return Arrays.asList(SinkClass.STRING, SinkClass.DECOMPILED, SinkClass.DECOMPILED_MULTIVER,
- if (type == AnalysisType.CLASS)
- result.append(doClass(dcCommonState, path, skipInnerClass, dumperFactory));
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- public static String doClass(DCCommonState dcCommonState, String path, boolean skipInnerClass,
- DumperFactory dumperFactory) {
- StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(8192);
- Options options = dcCommonState.getOptions();
- IllegalIdentifierDump illegalIdentifierDump = IllegalIdentifierDump.Factory.get(options);
- Dumper d = new ToStringDumper();
- try {
- ClassFile c = dcCommonState.getClassFileMaybePath(path);
- if ((skipInnerClass) && (c.isInnerClass()))
- return "";
- dcCommonState.configureWith(c);
- dumperFactory.getProgressDumper().analysingType(c.getClassType());
- try {
- c = dcCommonState.getClassFile(c.getClassType());
- } catch (CannotLoadClassException e) {
- }
- if (((Boolean) options.getOption(OptionsImpl.DECOMPILE_INNER_CLASSES)).booleanValue()) {
- c.loadInnerClasses(dcCommonState);
+ @Override
+ public Sink getSink(final SinkType sinkType, SinkClass sinkClass) {
+ return new Sink() {
+ @Override
+ public void write(T sinkable) {
+ // skip message like: Analysing type demo.MathGame
+ if (sinkType == SinkType.PROGRESS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ result.append(sinkable);
+ }
+ };
- if (((Boolean) options.getOption(OptionsImpl.RENAME_DUP_MEMBERS)).booleanValue()) {
- MemberNameResolver.resolveNames(dcCommonState,
- ListFactory.newList(dcCommonState.getClassCache().getLoadedTypes()));
- }
- c.analyseTop(dcCommonState);
- TypeUsageCollector collectingDumper = new TypeUsageCollector(c);
- c.collectTypeUsages(collectingDumper);
- d = new StringDumper(collectingDumper.getTypeUsageInformation(), options, illegalIdentifierDump);
- // d = dumperFactory.getNewTopLevelDumper(c.getClassType(), summaryDumper,
- // collectingDumper.getTypeUsageInformation(), illegalIdentifierDump);
- String methname = (String) options.getOption(OptionsImpl.METHODNAME);
- if (methname == null)
- c.dump(d);
- else {
- try {
- for (Method method : c.getMethodByName(methname))
- method.dump(d, true);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such method '" + methname + "'.");
- }
- }
- d.print("");
- result.append(d.toString());
- } catch (ConfusedCFRException e) {
- result.append(e.toString()).append("\n");
- for (Object x : e.getStackTrace())
- result.append(x).append("\n");
- } catch (CannotLoadClassException e) {
- result.append("Can't load the class specified:").append("\n");
- result.append(e.toString()).append("\n");
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- result.append(e.toString()).append("\n");
- for (Object x : e.getStackTrace())
- result.append(x).append("\n");
- } finally {
- if (d != null)
- d.close();
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- public static class StringDumper extends StreamDumper {
- private StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
- public StringDumper(TypeUsageInformation typeUsageInformation, Options options,
- IllegalIdentifierDump illegalIdentifierDump) {
- super(typeUsageInformation, options, illegalIdentifierDump);
+ };
+ HashMap options = new HashMap();
+ /**
+ * @see org.benf.cfr.reader.util.MiscConstants.Version.getVersion() Currently,
+ * the cfr version is wrong. so disable show cfr version.
+ */
+ options.put("showversion", "false");
+ if (methodName !=null && !methodName.trim().isEmpty()) {
+ options.put("methodname", methodName);
- public void addSummaryError(Method paramMethod, String paramString) {
+ CfrDriver driver = new CfrDriver.Builder().withOptions(options).withOutputSink(mySink).build();
+ driver.analyse(Collections.singletonList(classFilePath));
- }
- public void close() {
- try {
- sw.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void write(String source) {
- sw.write(source);
- }
- public String toString() {
- return sw.toString();
- }
+ return result.toString();