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field: random
@Random< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span >
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > serialVersionUID< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Long< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 3905348978240129619< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > seed< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @AtomicLong< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 120955813885284< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > multiplier< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Long< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 25214903917< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > addend< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Long< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 11< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > mask< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Long< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 281474976710655< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > DOUBLE_UNIT< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Double< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 1< / span > .1102230246251565E-16< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > BadBound< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @String< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > bound must be positive< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > BadRange< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @String< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > bound must be greater than origin< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > BadSize< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @String< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > size must be non-negative< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > seedUniquifier< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @AtomicLong< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > -3282039941672302964< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > nextNextGaussian< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Double< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 0.0< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > haveNextNextGaussian< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Boolean< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > false< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > serialPersistentFields< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @ObjectStreamField< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > isEmpty< span class = "token operator" > =< / span > false< span class = "token punctuation" > ;< / span > < span class = "token assign-left variable" > size< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > < span class = "token number" > 3< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > unsafe< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Unsafe< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > sun.misc.Unsafe@2eaa1027< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token assign-left variable" > seedOffset< / span > < span class = "token operator" > =< / span > @Long< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > < span class = "token number" > 24< / span > < span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < div class = "line-numbers" aria-hidden = "true" > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < / div > < / div > < ul > < li > Specify classLoader< / li > < / ul > < p > Note that the hashcode changes, you need to check the current ClassLoader information first, and extract the hashcode corresponding to the ClassLoader using < code > sc -d < ClassName> < / code > .< / p > < p > if you use< code > -c< / code > , you have to manually type hashcode by < code > -c < hashcode> < / code > .< / p > < div class = "language-bash ext-sh line-numbers-mode" > < pre class = "language-bash" > < code > $ getstatic < span class = "token parameter variable" > -c< / span > 3d4eac69 demo.MathGame random
< / code > < / pre > < div class = "line-numbers" aria-hidden = "true" > < div class = "line-number" > < / div > < / div > < / div > < p > For classloader with only one instance, it can be specified by < code > --classLoaderClass< / code > using class name, which is more convenient to use.< / p > < p > < code > getstatic --classLoaderClass demo.MathGame random< / code > < / p > < ul > < li > PS: Here the classLoaderClass in java 8 is sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader, while in java 11 it' s jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader. Currently killercoda using java 11.< / li > < / ul > < p > The value of < code > --classloaderclass< / code > is the class name of classloader. It can only work when it matches a unique classloader instance. The purpose is to facilitate the input of general commands. However, < code > -c < hashcode> < / code > is dynamic.< / p > < p > Tip: if the static field is a complex class, you can even use < a href = "https://commons.apache.org/dormant/commons-ognl/language-guide.html" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > < code > OGNL< / code > < span > < svg class = "external-link-icon" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden = "true" focusable = "false" x = "0px" y = "0px" viewbox = "0 0 100 100" width = "15" height = "15" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M18.8,85.1h56l0,0c2.2,0,4-1.8,4-4v-32h-8v28h-48v-48h28v-8h-32l0,0c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v56C14.8,83.3,16.6,85.1,18.8,85.1z" > < / path > < polygon fill = "currentColor" points = "45.7,48.7 51.3,54.3 77.2,28.5 77.2,37.2 85.2,37.2 85.2,14.9 62.8,14.9 62.8,22.9 71.5,22.9" > < / polygon > < / svg > < span class = "external-link-icon-sr-only" > open in new window< / span > < / span > < / a > to traverse, filter and access the inner properties of this class.< / p > < ul > < li > < a href = "https://commons.apache.org/dormant/commons-ognl/language-guide.html" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > OGNL official guide< span > < svg class = "external-link-icon" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden = "true" focusable = "false" x = "0px" y = "0px" viewbox = "0 0 100 100" width = "15" height = "15" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M18.8,85.1h56l0,0c2.2,0,4-1.8,4-4v-32h-8v28h-48v-48h28v-8h-32l0,0c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v56C14.8,83.3,16.6,85.1,18.8,85.1z" > < / path > < polygon fill = "currentColor" points = "45.7,48.7 51.3,54.3 77.2,28.5 77.2,37.2 85.2,37.2 85.2,14.9 62.8,14.9 62.8,22.9 71.5,22.9" > < / polygon > < / svg > < span class = "external-link-icon-sr-only" > open in new window< / span > < / span > < / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues/71" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > Special usages< span > < svg class = "external-link-icon" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden = "true" focusable = "false" x = "0px" y = "0px" viewbox = "0 0 100 100" width = "15" height = "15" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M18.8,85.1h56l0,0c2.2,0,4-1.8,4-4v-32h-8v28h-48v-48h28v-8h-32l0,0c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v56C14.8,83.3,16.6,85.1,18.8,85.1z" > < / path > < polygon fill = "currentColor" points = "45.7,48.7 51.3,54.3 77.2,28.5 77.2,37.2 85.2,37.2 85.2,14.9 62.8,14.9 62.8,22.9 71.5,22.9" > < / polygon > < / svg > < span class = "external-link-icon-sr-only" > open in new window< / span > < / span > < / a > < / li > < / ul > < p > E.g. suppose < code > n< / code > is a < code > Map< / code > and its key is a < code > Enum< / code > , then you can achieve this if you want to pick the key with a specific < code > Enum< / code > value:< / p > < div class = "language-bash ext-sh line-numbers-mode" > < pre class = "language-bash" > < code > $ getstatic com.alibaba.arthas.Test n < span class = "token string" > ' entrySet().iterator.{? #this.key.name()==" STOP" }' < / span >
field: n
@ArrayList< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span >
@Node< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > STOP< span class = "token operator" > =< / span > bbb< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span >
Affect< span class = "token punctuation" > (< / span > row-cnt:1< span class = "token punctuation" > )< / span > cost < span class = "token keyword" > in< / span > < span class = "token number" > 68< / span > ms.
$ getstatic com.alibaba.arthas.Test m < span class = "token string" > ' entrySet().iterator.{? #this.key==" a" }' < / span >
field: m
@ArrayList< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span >
@Node< span class = "token punctuation" > [< / span > a< span class = "token operator" > =< / span > aaa< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span > ,
< span class = "token punctuation" > ]< / span >
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