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6 months ago
import{_ as t,o as e,c as s,d as o}from"./app.4d248835.js";const n={},i=o('<h1 id="quit" tabindex="-1"><a class="header-anchor" href="#quit" aria-hidden="true">#</a> quit</h1><p>exit the current Arthas client without affecting other clients. equals <strong>exit</strong>\u3001<strong>logout</strong>\u3001<strong>q</strong> command.</p><div class="custom-container tip"><p class="custom-container-title">TIP</p><p>just exit Arthas client,it means Arthas server is not closed,so the changes you do will not be reseted.</p></div>',3),r=[i];function c(a,l){return e(),s("div",null,r)}const h=t(n,[["render",c],["__file","quit.html.vue"]]);export{h as default};