#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from arthas_api_common import *
from tree_render import *
#------------------------- parse args begin ------------------------#
def str2bool(v):
if isinstance(v, bool):
return v
if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'):
return True
elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'):
return False
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Trace step by step, find slow method tree.')
parser.add_argument('--host', help='Arthas server host (default:', default="")
parser.add_argument('--times', '-n', help='Max trace times of every round (default: 100)', type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument('--method-path', '-m',
help='Exact method path to trace, ordered, eg: "className1::methodName1[,className2::methodName2]"',
help='Additional methods to trace, unordered, but not in the method path, eg: "className1::methodName1[,className2::methodName2]"')
# parser.add_argument('--condition', '-c', help='condition express', default='')
parser.add_argument('--min-cost', help='min cost in condition: #cost > min_cost', type=int, default=0)
# TODO filter by min cost of specify method
parser.add_argument('--max-depth', help='Max trace depth (default:20)', type=int, default=20)
parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-t', help='request timeout(ms) (default:30000)', type=int, default=30000)
parser.add_argument('--skip-jdk-method', help='skip jdk method trace, (default:True)', type=str2bool, default=True)
parser.add_argument('--switch-path', help='Auto switch trace method path by stats data [totalCost] (default:True)', type=str2bool, default=True)
parser.add_argument('--reset-on-start', help='reset classes once on start (default:True)', type=str2bool, default=True)
parser.add_argument('--reset-on-round', help='reset classes on every round (default:False)', type=str2bool, default=False)
help='If primary call tree matching times was exceeded, assuming no new call tree can be found (default: 10)',
type=int, default=10)
args = parser.parse_args()
# print args
#------------------------- parse args end ------------------------#
as_url = 'http://' + args.host + "/api"
min_cost = args.min_cost
if min_cost > 0:
condition = '"#cost > %s"' % (min_cost)
condition = ''
trace_times = args.times
timeout = args.timeout
stop_match_times = args.stop_match_times
is_skip_jdk_method = args.skip_jdk_method
is_switch_path = args.switch_path
max_depth = args.max_depth
# trace method path, 方法的顺序与调用树一致
# {
# className: xxx,
# methodName: yyy
# }
trace_method_path = []
trace_method_path_code = 0
# Partial matching method paths
# [[{},{}], [path]]
partial_matching_method_paths = []
# additional trace methods, not in trace tree
additional_methods = []
# primary call tree match times
call_tree_match_times = 0
# {
# method_path_code: {
# 'method_path': method_path,
# 'count': 2
# }
# }
method_path_stats = {}
# call stack tree
# {
# className: xxx
# methodName: xxx
# children: [{
# className: class_y
# methodName: method_y
# }]
# }
# call_stack_tree = None
# stat trace data
def stat_trace_tree(root, method_path, method_path_code):
trace_tree = root['children'][0]
key = hex(method_path_code)
stat = method_path_stats.get(key)
if not stat:
stat = {
'method_path': list(method_path),
'method_path_code': method_path_code,
'count': 0,
'totalCost': 0,
'maxCost': 0,
'minCost': 0,
'avgCost': 0,
method_path_stats[key] = stat
stat['count'] += 1
stat['totalCost'] += trace_tree['totalCost']
stat['avgCost'] = stat['totalCost']/stat['count']
if stat['maxCost'] < trace_tree['maxCost']:
stat['maxCost'] = trace_tree['maxCost']
if stat['minCost'] > trace_tree['minCost']:
stat['minCost'] = trace_tree['minCost']
def reset_method_path_stats():
global call_tree_match_times
call_tree_match_times = 0
# reset method path stats
for stat in method_path_stats.values():
stat['count'] = 0
stat['totalCost'] = 0
stat['avgCost'] = 0
stat['maxCost'] = 0
stat['minCost'] = 0
def get_method_path_stat(method_path_code):
key = hex(method_path_code)
return method_path_stats.get(key)
def get_candidate_call_tree():
return_stat = None
total_cost = 0
for key,stat in method_path_stats.items():
if stat['totalCost'] > total_cost:
return_stat = stat
total_cost = stat['totalCost']
return return_stat
def reset_trace_method_path(method_path):
global trace_method_path
trace_method_path = []
for m in method_path:
add_trace_method(m['className'], m['methodName'])
def handle_trace_result(context, result):
type = result['type']
if type == 'trace':
root = result['root']
method_path = match_call_tree(root)
if method_path:
# cancel job for executing other command
# add new method to path
index = len(trace_method_path)
size = len(method_path)
while index < size:
tm = method_path[index]
add_trace_method(tm['className'], tm['methodName'])
index += 1
# print
method_path_code = get_method_path_hash(method_path)
print("New primary call tree [%x]" % method_path_code)
print_method_path(method_path, method_path_code)
# switch primary call tree
if is_switch_path:
candidate_stat = get_candidate_call_tree()
if candidate_stat:
current_stat = get_method_path_stat(trace_method_path_code)
if not current_stat:
current_stat = {
"count": 0,
"method_path": trace_method_path,
"method_path_code": trace_method_path_code
candidate_method_path_code = candidate_stat['method_path_code']
if candidate_method_path_code != trace_method_path_code and candidate_stat['count'] >= current_stat['count'] + 3:
print("switch primary call tree from [%x] to [%x]" % (trace_method_path_code, candidate_method_path_code))
new_method_path = candidate_stat["method_path"]
print_method_path(new_method_path, candidate_method_path_code)
# return false, interrupt pull results
return False
# check call tree match times
if call_tree_match_times >= stop_match_times:
return False
return True
def add_additional_method(class_name, method_name):
m = {'className': class_name, 'methodName': method_name}
if m not in additional_methods:
def add_trace_method(class_name, method_name):
tm = {
'className': class_name,
'methodName': method_name,
global trace_method_path_code
trace_method_path_code = get_method_path_hash(trace_method_path)
# add java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler for java.lang.reflect.Proxy instance
m = {"className": 'java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler', "methodName": 'invoke'}
if m not in additional_methods:
class_detail = get_class_detail(session_id, class_name)
if class_detail and is_derived_from(class_detail, 'java.lang.reflect.Proxy'):
add_additional_method('java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler', 'invoke')
# java.lang.reflect.Method:invoke
# if class_name == 'java.lang.reflect.Method' and method_name == 'invoke':
return tm
def print_trace_method_path():
print("trace method path: ")
for tm in trace_method_path:
print(" %s:%s()" % (tm['className'], tm['methodName']))
print("additional methods: ")
for am in additional_methods:
print(" %s:%s()" % (am['className'], am['methodName']))
# replace regex chars
def replace_regex_chars(str):
#in quote
return str.replace("$", "\\$")
#no quote
#return str.replace("$", "\\\\$")
def start_trace():
# concat trace regex match pattern
# filter duplicated item by set
global is_skip_jdk_method
class_names = []
method_names = []
# append trace_method_path
split_class_method_names(trace_method_path, class_names, method_names)
# append additional methods
split_class_method_names(additional_methods, class_names, method_names)
class_pattern = "|".join(class_names)
method_pattern = "|".join(method_names)
class_pattern = replace_regex_chars(class_pattern)
method_pattern = replace_regex_chars(method_pattern)
command = 'trace -E "{0}" "{1}" {2} -n {3}'.format(class_pattern, method_pattern, condition, trace_times)
if not is_skip_jdk_method:
command += " --skipJDKMethod false"
print("start new trace [%x]:" % trace_method_path_code)
# print("command: %s" % command)
# async exec trace
context = async_exec(session_id, command)
print("job_id: %d" % context['job_id'])
return context
def split_class_method_names(method_path_or_list, class_names, method_names):
for tm in method_path_or_list:
class_name = tm['className']
method_name = tm['methodName']
if class_name not in class_names:
if method_name not in method_names:
def match_node(node, class_name, method_name):
return node['className'] == class_name and node['methodName'] == method_name
# 遍历调用树,生成关键方法路径
def create_method_path_from_tree(root):
method_path = []
node = root
while node:
class_name = node['className']
method_name = node['methodName']
method_path.append({'className': class_name, 'methodName': method_name})
node = replace_duplicated_node(node, class_name, method_name)
node = get_max_cost_node(node)
return method_path
def get_method_path_hash(method_path):
return hash(str(method_path))
def print_method_path(method_path, method_path_code=None):
if not method_path_code:
method_path_code = get_method_path_hash(method_path )
print("slow method path [%x]: " % method_path_code)
for m in method_path:
print(" %s:%s()" % (m["className"], m["methodName"]))
def get_match_size(method_path1, method_path2):
for index in range(len(method_path1)):
if method_path1[index] != method_path2[index]:
return index
return len(method_path1)
# compare trace method path
# return:
# method_path: new call tree found
# None: match none / exact match / partial matching
def match_call_tree(root):
trace_tree = root['children'][0]
# compare trace method path
global call_tree_match_times
method_path = create_method_path_from_tree(trace_tree)
method_path_code = get_method_path_hash(method_path)
match_size = get_match_size(trace_method_path, method_path)
if match_size == len(trace_method_path):
if match_size == len(method_path):
# exact match
stat_trace_tree(root, method_path, method_path_code)
print("Exact matching primary call tree [%x] times: %d" % (trace_method_path_code, call_tree_match_times))
return None
elif len(method_path) > match_size:
# new call tree
stat_trace_tree(root, method_path, method_path_code)
return method_path
# error, len(method_path) < match_size
raise Exception("Matching call tree error")
elif match_size > 0:
# 本次结果与之前的不完全匹配,如果方法时间比之前的大,应该进行修正
stat_trace_tree(root, method_path, method_path_code)
# print partial match on first meet
print("Partial matching call tree [%x]" % method_path_code)
if method_path not in partial_matching_method_paths:
print_method_path(method_path, method_path_code)
return None
# match none
# TODO match interface and it's impl class
return None
def get_max_cost_node(node):
children = node.get('children')
if not children:
return None
next_node = None
for child in children:
if next_node:
if next_node['maxCost'] < child['maxCost']:
next_node = child
next_node = child
return next_node
def replace_duplicated_node(node, class_name, method_name):
# ignore non-invoking node (fix Arthas duplicate enhance problem: https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues/599 )
children = node.get('children')
if children and len(children) == 1:
sub_node = children[0]
if match_node(sub_node, class_name, method_name) and not sub_node.get('invoking'):
node = sub_node
return node
def reset_classes():
exec_command(session_id, 'reset')
def replace_shell_chars(str):
return str.replace("$", "\\$")
def print_method_path_as_arg(method_path):
full_names = []
for m in method_path:
fullname = "%s:%s" % (m['className'], m['methodName'])
print("As argument: "+replace_shell_chars(",".join(full_names)))
def print_all_method_paths():
for mp in partial_matching_method_paths:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# init session
(session_id, consumer_id) = init_session(as_url)
print("session_id: {0}, consumer_id: {1}".format(session_id, consumer_id))
# parse method path
methods = args.method_path.split(',')
for m in methods:
strs = m.split(':')
class_name = strs[0].strip()
method_name = strs[1].replace('()','').strip()
# add trace method
add_trace_method(class_name, method_name)
# parse addit-method
if args.addit_method:
methods = args.addit_method.split(',')
for m in methods:
strs = m.split(':')
class_name = strs[0].strip()
method_name = strs[1].replace('()','').strip()
# additional method
add_additional_method(class_name, method_name)
if args.reset_on_start:
# trace loop
last_trace_method_path_code = 0
while last_trace_method_path_code != trace_method_path_code:
# async trace
context = start_trace()
last_trace_method_path_code = trace_method_path_code
# pull results
pull_results(context, consumer_id, ['trace'], handle_trace_result)
# check max trace depth
if len(trace_method_path) > max_depth:
print("Exceed max trace depth: %d" % len(trace_method_path))
# reset on round
if args.reset_on_round:
# print("")
# print("")
# print_all_method_paths()
print("Job is finished.")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# print("")
# print_all_method_paths()
print("Job is canceled.")