# Contact Us
### Issues
Questions about how to use Arthas and opinions can be directly raised in issues: [https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues ](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues )
### DingDing Group
- Arthas open source discussion Group: 21965291 , You can join by searching for group number。

- Arthas open source discussion Group 2: 30707824 , You can join by searching for group number。

- Arthas open source discussion Group 3: 17605006847 , You can join by searching for group number。

### Instructions for Installing DingTalk
DingTalk can be downloaded from: [https://www.dingtalk.com/en ](https://page.dingtalk.com/wow/dingtalk/act/en-download )
After installing you can search for group number and join it.

### QQ Group
Arthas open source discussion QQ group: 916328269

Arthas open source discussion QQ group2: 854625984
Arthas open source discussion QQ group 3: 672077388