| unsafe | false | whether to enhance to system-level class. Use it with caution since JVM may hang|
| dump | false | whether to dump enhanced class to the external files. If it's on, enhanced class will be dumped into `/${application dir}/arthas-class-dump/`, the specific output path will be output in the console |
| batch-re-transform | true | whether to re-transform matched classes in batch|
| json-format | false | whether to output in JSON format|
| disable-sub-class | false | whether to enable matching child classes. The default value is `true`. If exact match is desire, turn off this flag|
| support-default-method | true | whether to enable matching default method in interface. The default value is `true`. Refer to [#1105](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues/1105) |
| job-timeout | 1d | default timeout for background jobs. Background job will be terminated once it's timed out (i.e. 1d, 2h, 3m, 25s)| print-parent-fields | true | This option enables print files in parent class, default value true.|