@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
# This is the west.cn api v2.0 wrapper for acme.sh
# Author: riubin@qq.com
# Version: 0.0. 1
# Version: 0.0. 2
# Created: 2022-10-30
# Updated: 2022-1 0-30
# Updated: 2022-1 1-02
# export DWEST_USERNAME="your username"
# export DWEST_PASSWORD="your api password not acount password"
@ -37,38 +37,36 @@ dns_west_add() {
_saveaccountconf_mutable DWEST_USERNAME " $DWEST_USERNAME "
_saveaccountconf_mutable DWEST_PASSWORD " $DWEST_PASSWORD "
_domain = $( expr match " $fulldomain " '.*\.\(.*\..*\)' )
_host = $( expr match " $fulldomain " '\(.*\)\..*\..*' )
_domain = $( expr " $fulldomain " : ".*\.\(.*\..*\)" )
_host = $( expr " $fulldomain " : '\(.*\)\..*\..*' )
_debug _domain " $_domain "
_debug _host " $_host "
_dns_west_records " $_domain " " $_host "
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
if ! _dns_west_records " $_domain " " $_host " ; then
return 1
_debug _host_records " $_host_records "
# if record type is not TXT,delete it
_none_txt_record_id = $( echo " $_host_records " | grep -v $'\t' TXT | cut -f1)
if [ -n " $_none_txt_record_id " ] ; then
_dns_west_post " domain= ${ _domain } &id= ${ _none_txt_record_id } " "/domain/?act=deldnsrecord"
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
_none_txt_record_id = $( echo " $_host_records " | grep -v " $( printf '\tTXT' ) " | cut -f1)
if [ -n " $_none_txt_record_id " ] ; then
if ! _dns_west_post " domain= ${ _domain } &id= ${ _none_txt_record_id } " "/domain/?act=deldnsrecord" ; then
_err "Delete record error."
return 1
# will return ok when the txtvalue exists
_host_id = $( echo " $_host_records " | grep $'\t' " $txtvalue | cut -f1 " )
_host_id = $( echo " $_host_records " | grep " $( printf '\t' ) $txtvalue " | cut -f1 )
_debug _host_id " $_host_id "
if [ -n " $_host_id " ] ; then
if [ -n " $_host_id " ] ; then
_info "Already exists, OK"
return 0
# will add txt record
_dns_west_post " domain= ${ _domain } &host= ${ _host } &type=TXT&value= ${ txtvalue } &ttl=60&level=10 " "/domain/?act=adddnsrecord"
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
# will add txt record
if ! _dns_west_post " domain= ${ _domain } &host= ${ _host } &type=TXT&value= ${ txtvalue } &ttl=60&level=10 " "/domain/?act=adddnsrecord" ; then
_err "Add txt record error."
return 1
@ -86,13 +84,13 @@ dns_west_rm() {
DWEST_USERNAME = " ${ DWEST_USERNAME :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable DWEST_USERNAME) } "
DWEST_PASSWORD = " ${ DWEST_PASSWORD :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable DWEST_PASSWORD) } "
_domain = $( expr match " $fulldomain " '.*\.\(.*\..*\)' )
_host = $( expr match " $fulldomain " '\(.*\)\..*\..*' )
_domain = $( expr " $fulldomain " : ".*\.\(.*\..*\)" )
_host = $( expr " $fulldomain " : "\(.*\)\..*\..*" )
_debug _domain " $_domain "
_debug _host " $_host "
# get domain records if the host already exists will return the host's id and value
_dns_west_records " $_domain " " $_host "
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
if ! _dns_west_records " $_domain " " $_host " ; then
return 1
_debug _host_records " $_host_records "
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ dns_west_rm() {
return 0
_host_id = $( echo " $_host_records " | grep $'\t' " $txtvalue " | cut -f1)
_host_id = $( echo " $_host_records " | grep " $( printf '\t' ) $txtvalue " | cut -f1)
_debug _host_id " $_host_id "
if [ -z " $_host_id " ] ; then
@ -110,8 +108,8 @@ dns_west_rm() {
return 0
_dns_west_post " domain= ${ _domain } &id= ${ _host_id } " "/domain/?act=deldnsrecord"
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
if ! _dns_west_post " domain= ${ _domain } &id= ${ _host_id } " "/domain/?act=deldnsrecord" ; then
_err " Delete record error."
return 1
@ -133,12 +131,11 @@ _dns_west_records() {
_host = $2
_value = $3
_dns_west_post " limit=100&domain= ${ _domain } " "/domain/?act=getdnsrecord"
_error = $( _dns_west_msg $response )
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
_err "error: " $_error
if ! _dns_west_msg " $response " ; then
_err "error: " " $_error "
return 1
_host_records = $( printf "%s" $response | sed 's/{/&\n/g' | grep " $_host " | sed -n 's/.*\"id\"\:\([0-9]*\).*\"value\"\:\"\([^\"]*\)\",\"type\":\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1\t\2\t\3/p' )
_host_records = $( printf "%s" " $response " | sed 's/{/&\n/g' | grep " $_host " | sed -n 's/.*\"id\"\:\([0-9]*\).*\"value\"\:\"\([^\"]*\)\",\"type\":\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1\t\2\t\3/p' )
return 0
@ -148,22 +145,21 @@ _dns_west_records() {
_dns_west_post( ) {
body = $1
ep = $2
_time_in_millisecond = $[ $( date +%s%N) /1000000]
_time_in_millisecond = $(( $( date +%s%N) / 1000000 ))
_token = ` printf "%s" $DWEST_USERNAME $DWEST_PASSWORD $_time_in_millisecond | md5sum| cut -d ' ' -f1`
_debug "create token" $_token
_token = $( printf "%s" " $DWEST_USERNAME $DWEST_PASSWORD $_time_in_millisecond " | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
_debug "create token" " $_token "
_common_params = " username= $DWEST_USERNAME &time= $_time_in_millisecond &token= $_token "
_debug "common params" $_common_params
_debug "common params" " $_common_params "
_debug body " $body "
_debug path " $ep "
# west.cn api use gbk encode,so response must convert gbk to utf-8
# post body didn't convert to gbk because the data content is english at all,so it don't need to convert
response = " $( _post " $_common_params & $body " " $DWEST_API_URL $ep " "" POST "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | iconv -f GBK -t UTF-8) "
_error = $( _dns_west_msg $response )
if [ " $? " != "0" ] ; then
_err " error $ep : " $_error
if ! _dns_west_msg " $response " ; then
_err " error $ep " " $_error "
return 1
_debug2 response " $response "
@ -174,10 +170,9 @@ _dns_west_post() {
# returns:
# msg
_dns_west_msg( ) {
_result = $( expr match " $1 " '.*result\"\:\([0-9]*\)' )
_result = $( expr " $1 " : '.*result\"\:\([0-9]*\)' )
if [ " $_result " != "200" ] ; then
_msg = $( printf "%s" $1 sed -n 's/.*msg\"\:\"\(\[^\"\]*\)\".*/\1/p' )
printf "%s" " $_msg "
_error = $( printf "%s" " $1 " sed -n 's/.*msg\"\:\"\(\[^\"\]*\)\".*/\1/p' )
return 1
return 0