@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# DNS API for Timeweb Cloud provider (
# Author:
# Prerequisites:
# Timeweb Cloud API JWT token. Obtain one from the Timeweb Cloud control panel
# ("API and Terraform" section: The JWT token
# must be provided to this script in one of two ways:
# 1. As the "TW_Token" variable, for example: "export TW_Token=eyJhbG...zUxMiIs";
# 2. As a "TW_Token" config entry in account config file
# (usually located at ~/ by default).
################ Public functions ################
# Adds an ACME DNS-01 challenge DNS TXT record via the Timeweb Cloud API.
# Param1: The ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# Param2: The value of the ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record.
# Example: dns_timeweb_add "" "D-52Wm...4uYM"
dns_timeweb_add() {
_debug "$(__green "Timeweb DNS API"): \"dns_timeweb_add\" started."
_timeweb_set_acme_fqdn "$1" || return 1
_timeweb_set_acme_txt "$2" || return 1
_timeweb_check_token || return 1
_timeweb_split_acme_fqdn || return 1
_timeweb_dns_txt_add || return 1
_debug "$(__green "Timeweb DNS API"): \"dns_timeweb_add\" finished."
# Removes a DNS TXT record via the Timeweb Cloud API.
# Param1: The ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# Param2: The value of the ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record.
# Example: dns_timeweb_rm "" "D-52Wm...4uYM"
dns_timeweb_rm() {
_debug "$(__green "Timeweb DNS API"): \"dns_timeweb_rm\" started."
_timeweb_set_acme_fqdn "$1" || return 1
_timeweb_set_acme_txt "$2" || return 1
_timeweb_check_token || return 1
_timeweb_split_acme_fqdn || return 1
_timeweb_get_dns_txt || return 1
_timeweb_dns_txt_remove || return 1
_debug "$(__green "Timeweb DNS API"): \"dns_timeweb_rm\" finished."
################ Private functions ################
# Checks and sets the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# Param1: The ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# Example: _timeweb_set_acme_fqdn ""
# Sets the "Acme_Fqdn" variable (
_timeweb_set_acme_fqdn() {
_debug "Setting ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN \"$Acme_Fqdn\"."
[ -z "$Acme_Fqdn" ] && {
_err "ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN is empty."
return 1
return 0
# Checks and sets the value of the ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record.
# Param1: Value of the ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record.
# Example: _timeweb_set_acme_txt "D-52Wm...4uYM"
# Sets the "Acme_Txt" variable to the provided value (D-52Wm...4uYM)
_timeweb_set_acme_txt() {
_debug "Setting the value of the ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record to \"$Acme_Txt\"."
[ -z "$Acme_Txt" ] && {
_err "ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record value is empty."
return 1
return 0
# Checks if the Timeweb Cloud API JWT token is present (refer to the script description).
# Adds or updates the token in the account configuration.
_timeweb_check_token() {
_debug "Checking for the presence of the Timeweb Cloud API JWT token."
TW_Token="${TW_Token:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable TW_Token)}"
[ -z "$TW_Token" ] && {
_err "Timeweb Cloud API JWT token was not found."
return 1
_saveaccountconf_mutable TW_Token "$TW_Token"
# Divides the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN into its main domain and subdomain components.
_timeweb_split_acme_fqdn() {
_debug "Trying to divide \"$Acme_Fqdn\" into its main domain and subdomain components."
while [ -z "$TW_Domains_Total" ] ||
[ "$((TW_Domains_Total + TW_Page_Limit))" -gt "$((TW_Page_Offset + TW_Page_Limit))" ]; do
_timeweb_list_domains "$TW_Page_Limit" "$TW_Page_Offset" || return 1
# Remove the 'subdomains' subarray to prevent confusion with FQDNs.
echo "$TW_Domains" |
sed 's/"subdomains":\[[^]]*]//g'
[ -z "$TW_Domains" ] && {
_err "Failed to parse the list of domains."
return 1
echo "$TW_Domains" |
sed -n 's/.*{[^{]*"fqdn":"\([^"]*\)"[^}]*}.*/\1/p'
[ -n "$TW_Domain" ] && {
_timeweb_is_main_domain "$TW_Domain" && return 0
echo "$TW_Domains" |
sed 's/{\([^{]*"fqdn":"'"$TW_Domain"'"[^}]*\)}//'
do :; done
TW_Page_Offset=$(_math "$TW_Page_Offset" + "$TW_Page_Limit")
_err "Failed to divide \"$Acme_Fqdn\" into its main domain and subdomain components."
return 1
# Searches for a previously added DNS TXT record.
# Sets the "TW_Dns_Txt_Id" variable.
_timeweb_get_dns_txt() {
_debug "Trying to locate a DNS TXT record with the value \"$Acme_Txt\"."
while [ -z "$TW_Dns_Records_Total" ] ||
[ "$((TW_Dns_Records_Total + TW_Page_Limit))" -gt "$((TW_Page_Offset + TW_Page_Limit))" ]; do
_timeweb_list_dns_records "$TW_Page_Limit" "$TW_Page_Offset" || return 1
echo "$TW_Dns_Records" |
sed -n 's/.*{\([^{]*{[^{]*'"$Acme_Txt"'[^}]*}[^}]*\)}.*/\1/p'
[ -n "$Dns_Record" ] && {
_timeweb_is_added_txt "$Dns_Record" && return 0
echo "$TW_Dns_Records" |
sed 's/{\([^{]*{[^{]*'"$Acme_Txt"'[^}]*}[^}]*\)}//'
do :; done
TW_Page_Offset=$(_math "$TW_Page_Offset" + "$TW_Page_Limit")
_err "DNS TXT record was not found."
return 1
# Lists domains via the Timeweb Cloud API.
# Param 1: Limit for listed domains.
# Param 2: Offset for domains list.
# Sets the "TW_Domains" variable.
# Sets the "TW_Domains_Total" variable.
_timeweb_list_domains() {
_debug "Listing domains via Timeweb Cloud API. Limit: $1, offset: $2."
export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $TW_Token"
if ! TW_Domains=$(_get "$TW_Api/domains?limit=$1&offset=$2"); then
_err "The request to the Timeweb Cloud API failed."
return 1
[ -z "$TW_Domains" ] && {
_err "Empty response from the Timeweb Cloud API."
return 1
echo "$TW_Domains" |
sed 's/.*"meta":{"total":\([0-9]*\)[^0-9].*/\1/'
[ -z "$TW_Domains_Total" ] && {
_err "Failed to extract the total count of domains."
return 1
[ "$TW_Domains_Total" -eq "0" ] && {
_err "Domains are missing."
return 1
_debug "Total count of domains in the Timeweb Cloud account: $TW_Domains_Total."
# Lists domain DNS records via the Timeweb Cloud API.
# Param 1: Limit for listed DNS records.
# Param 2: Offset for DNS records list.
# Sets the "TW_Dns_Records" variable.
# Sets the "TW_Dns_Records_Total" variable.
_timeweb_list_dns_records() {
_debug "Listing domain DNS records via the Timeweb Cloud API. Limit: $1, offset: $2."
export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $TW_Token"
if ! TW_Dns_Records=$(_get "$TW_Api/domains/$TW_Main_Domain/dns-records?limit=$1&offset=$2"); then
_err "The request to the Timeweb Cloud API failed."
return 1
[ -z "$TW_Dns_Records" ] && {
_err "Empty response from the Timeweb Cloud API."
return 1
echo "$TW_Dns_Records" |
sed 's/.*"meta":{"total":\([0-9]*\)[^0-9].*/\1/'
[ -z "$TW_Dns_Records_Total" ] && {
_err "Failed to extract the total count of DNS records."
return 1
[ "$TW_Dns_Records_Total" -eq "0" ] && {
_err "DNS records are missing."
return 1
_debug "Total count of DNS records: $TW_Dns_Records_Total."
# Verifies whether the domain is the primary domain for the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# The requirement is that the provided domain is the top-level domain
# for the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# Param 1: Domain object returned by Timeweb Cloud API.
# Sets the "TW_Main_Domain" variable (e.g. "" → "").
# Sets the "TW_Subdomains" variable (e.g. "" → "_acme-challenge.s1").
_timeweb_is_main_domain() {
_debug "Checking if \"$1\" is the main domain of the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN."
[ -z "$1" ] && {
_debug "Failed to extract FQDN. Skipping domain."
return 1
! echo ".$Acme_Fqdn" | grep -qi "\.$1$" && {
_debug "Domain does not match the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN. Skipping domain."
return 1
echo "$Acme_Fqdn" |
sed "s/\.*.\{${#1}\}$//"
_debug "Matched domain. ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN split as [$TW_Subdomains].[$TW_Main_Domain]."
return 0
# Verifies whether a DNS record was previously added based on the following criteria:
# - The value matches the ACME DNS-01 challenge TXT record value;
# - The record type is TXT;
# - The subdomain matches the ACME DNS-01 challenge FQDN.
# Param 1: DNS record object returned by Timeweb Cloud API.
# Sets the "TW_Dns_Txt_Id" variable.
_timeweb_is_added_txt() {
_debug "Checking if \"$1\" is a previously added DNS TXT record."
echo "$1" | grep -qv '"type":"TXT"' && {
_debug "Not a TXT record. Skipping the record."
return 1
if [ -n "$TW_Subdomains" ]; then
echo "$1" | grep -qvi "\"subdomain\":\"$TW_Subdomains\"" && {
_debug "Subdomains do not match. Skipping the record."
return 1
echo "$1" | grep -q '"subdomain\":"..*"' && {
_debug "Subdomains do not match. Skipping the record."
return 1
echo "$1" |
sed 's/.*"id":\([0-9]*\)[^0-9].*/\1/'
[ -z "$TW_Dns_Txt_Id" ] && {
_debug "Failed to extract the DNS record ID. Skipping the record."
return 1
_debug "Matching DNS TXT record ID is \"$TW_Dns_Txt_Id\"."
return 0
# Adds a DNS TXT record via the Timeweb Cloud API.
_timeweb_dns_txt_add() {
_debug "Adding a new DNS TXT record via the Timeweb Cloud API."
export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $TW_Token"
export _H2="Content-Type: application/json"
if ! TW_Response=$(
_post "{
}" \
); then
_err "The request to the Timeweb Cloud API failed."
return 1
[ -z "$TW_Response" ] && {
_err "An unexpected empty response was received from the Timeweb Cloud API."
return 1
echo "$TW_Response" |
sed 's/.*"id":\([0-9]*\)[^0-9].*/\1/'
[ -z "$TW_Dns_Txt_Id" ] && {
_err "Failed to extract the DNS TXT Record ID."
return 1
_debug "DNS TXT record has been added. ID: \"$TW_Dns_Txt_Id\"."
# Removes a DNS record via the Timeweb Cloud API.
_timeweb_dns_txt_remove() {
_debug "Removing DNS record via the Timeweb Cloud API."
export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $TW_Token"
if ! TW_Response=$(
_post \
"" \
"$TW_Api/domains/$TW_Main_Domain/dns-records/$TW_Dns_Txt_Id" \
"" \
); then
_err "The request to the Timeweb Cloud API failed."
return 1
[ -n "$TW_Response" ] && {
_err "Received an unexpected response body from the Timeweb Cloud API."
return 1
_debug "DNS TXT record with ID \"$TW_Dns_Txt_Id\" has been removed."
Reference in New Issue