@ -340,11 +340,29 @@ _is_solaris() {
_contains "${__OS__:=$(uname -a)}" "solaris" || _contains "${__OS__:=$(uname -a)}" "SunOS"
#_ascii_hex str
#this can only process ascii chars, should only be used when od command is missing as a backup way.
_ascii_hex() {
_debug2 "Using _ascii_hex"
while [ "$_h_i" -le "$_str_len" ]; do
_str_c="$(printf "%s" "$_str" | cut -c "$_h_i")"
printf " %02x" "'$_str_c"
_h_i="$(_math "$_h_i" + 1)"
#stdin output hexstr splited by one space
#output: " 61 62 63"
_hex_dump() {
od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d "\r\t" | tr -s " " | sed "s/ $//" | tr -d "\n"
#in wired some system, the od command is missing.
if ! od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d "\r\t" | tr -s " " | sed "s/ $//" | tr -d "\n" 2>/dev/null; then
_ascii_hex "$str"
#url encode, no-preserved chars