@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# facileManager (https://github.com/WillyXJ/facileManager) hook script for acme.sh
# Author: Gianluca Giacometti
# Git repo and usage: https://github.com/gianlucagiacometti/proxmox-acme-facilemanager
# Values to export:
# export FMDNS_API_ENDPOINT='https://my.fmdnsapi.endpoint'
# export FMDNS_API_TOKEN='xxxxx'
# export FMDNS_API_DOMAIN_ID='xxxxx'
# IMPORTANT NOTE: set the validation delay at a minimum value of 360s, since facileManager usually updates dns zones every 300s
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
dns_fmdns_info='facileManager DNS API
API for self-hosted facileManager DNS.
Domains: github.com/WillyXJ/facileManager
Site: github.com/gianlucagiacometti/proxmox-acme-facilemanager
Docs: github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi2#dns_fmdns
FMDNS_API_ENDPOINT API Endpoint. Web address of the API endpoint.
FMDNS_API_DOMAIN_ID Domain ID. Domain ID in your facileManager database.
Issues: github.com/gianlucagiacometti/proxmox-acme-facilemanager
Author: Gianluca Giacometti <php@gianlucagiacometti.it>
##################### Public functions #####################