diff --git a/acme.sh b/acme.sh
index 72bf0700..980dc02f 100755
--- a/acme.sh
+++ b/acme.sh
@@ -2799,6 +2799,11 @@ _setNginx() {
       _debug NGINX_CONF "$NGINX_CONF"
       NGINX_CONF="$(echo "$NGINX_CONF" | cut -d = -f 2)"
       _debug NGINX_CONF "$NGINX_CONF"
+      if [ -z "$NGINX_CONF" ]; then
+        _err "Can not find nginx conf."
+        NGINX_CONF=""
+        return 1
+      fi
       if [ ! -f "$NGINX_CONF" ]; then
         _err "'$NGINX_CONF' doesn't exist."
@@ -6241,8 +6246,8 @@ _checkSudo() {
       #it's root using sudo, no matter it's using sudo or not, just fine
       return 0
-    if [ "$SUDO_COMMAND" = "/bin/su" ]; then
-      #it's a normal user doing "sudo su"
+    if [ "$SUDO_COMMAND" = "/bin/su" ] || [ "$SUDO_COMMAND" = "/bin/bash" ]; then
+      #it's a normal user doing "sudo su", or `sudo -i` or `sudo -s`
       return 0
@@ -6503,6 +6508,10 @@ _process() {
+        if [ "$2" ] && ! _startswith "$2" "-"; then
+          wvalue="$NGINX$2"
+          shift
+        fi
         if [ -z "$_webroot" ]; then
diff --git a/dnsapi/dns_ali.sh b/dnsapi/dns_ali.sh
index 543a0a54..0c2365d7 100755
--- a/dnsapi/dns_ali.sh
+++ b/dnsapi/dns_ali.sh
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ _clean() {
     return 1
-  record_id="$(echo "$response" | tr '{' "\n" | grep "$_sub_domain" | grep "$txtvalue" | tr "," "\n" | grep RecordId | cut -d '"' -f 4)"
+  record_id="$(echo "$response" | tr '{' "\n" | grep "$_sub_domain" | grep -- "$txtvalue" | tr "," "\n" | grep RecordId | cut -d '"' -f 4)"
   _debug2 record_id "$record_id"
   if [ -z "$record_id" ]; then
diff --git a/dnsapi/dns_domeneshop.sh b/dnsapi/dns_domeneshop.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a3791f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnsapi/dns_domeneshop.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+#####################  Public functions #####################
+# Usage: dns_domeneshop_add <full domain> <txt record>
+# Example: dns_domeneshop_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
+dns_domeneshop_add() {
+  fulldomain=$1
+  txtvalue=$2
+  # Get token and secret
+  DOMENESHOP_Token="${DOMENESHOP_Token:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DOMENESHOP_Token)}"
+  DOMENESHOP_Secret="${DOMENESHOP_Secret:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DOMENESHOP_Secret)}"
+  if [ -z "$DOMENESHOP_Token" ] || [ -z "$DOMENESHOP_Secret" ]; then
+    DOMENESHOP_Token=""
+    DOMENESHOP_Secret=""
+    _err "You need to spesify a Domeneshop/Domainnameshop API Token and Secret."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Save the api token and secret.
+  _saveaccountconf_mutable DOMENESHOP_Token "$DOMENESHOP_Token"
+  _saveaccountconf_mutable DOMENESHOP_Secret "$DOMENESHOP_Secret"
+  # Get the domain name id
+  if ! _get_domainid "$fulldomain"; then
+    _err "Did not find domainname"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Create record
+  _domeneshop_rest POST "domains/$_domainid/dns" "{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"host\":\"$_sub_domain\",\"data\":\"$txtvalue\",\"ttl\":120}"
+# Usage: dns_domeneshop_rm <full domain> <txt record>
+# Example: dns_domeneshop_rm _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
+dns_domeneshop_rm() {
+  fulldomain=$1
+  txtvalue=$2
+  # Get token and secret
+  DOMENESHOP_Token="${DOMENESHOP_Token:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DOMENESHOP_Token)}"
+  DOMENESHOP_Secret="${DOMENESHOP_Secret:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DOMENESHOP_Secret)}"
+  if [ -z "$DOMENESHOP_Token" ] || [ -z "$DOMENESHOP_Secret" ]; then
+    DOMENESHOP_Token=""
+    DOMENESHOP_Secret=""
+    _err "You need to spesify a Domeneshop/Domainnameshop API Token and Secret."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Get the domain name id
+  if ! _get_domainid "$fulldomain"; then
+    _err "Did not find domainname"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Find record
+  if ! _get_recordid "$_domainid" "$_sub_domain" "$txtvalue"; then
+    _err "Did not find dns record"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Remove record
+  _domeneshop_rest DELETE "domains/$_domainid/dns/$_recordid"
+#####################  Private functions #####################
+_get_domainid() {
+  domain=$1
+  # Get domains
+  _domeneshop_rest GET "domains"
+  if ! _contains "$response" "\"id\":"; then
+    _err "failed to get domain names"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  i=2
+  p=1
+  while true; do
+    h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f $i-100)
+    _debug "h" "$h"
+    if [ -z "$h" ]; then
+      #not valid
+      return 1
+    fi
+    if _contains "$response" "\"$h\"" >/dev/null; then
+      # We have found the domain name.
+      _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-$p)
+      _domain=$h
+      _domainid=$(printf "%s" "$response" | _egrep_o "[^{]*\"domain\":\"$_domain\"[^}]*" | _egrep_o "\"id\":[0-9]+" | cut -d : -f 2)
+      return 0
+    fi
+    p=$i
+    i=$(_math "$i" + 1)
+  done
+  return 1
+_get_recordid() {
+  domainid=$1
+  subdomain=$2
+  txtvalue=$3
+  # Get all dns records for the domainname
+  _domeneshop_rest GET "domains/$domainid/dns"
+  if ! _contains "$response" "\"id\":"; then
+    _debug "No records in dns"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if ! _contains "$response" "\"host\":\"$subdomain\""; then
+    _debug "Record does not exist"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # Get the id of the record in question
+  _recordid=$(printf "%s" "$response" | _egrep_o "[^{]*\"host\":\"$subdomain\"[^}]*" | _egrep_o "[^{]*\"data\":\"$txtvalue\"[^}]*" | _egrep_o "\"id\":[0-9]+" | cut -d : -f 2)
+  if [ -z "$_recordid" ]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+_domeneshop_rest() {
+  method=$1
+  endpoint=$2
+  data=$3
+  credentials=$(printf "%b" "$DOMENESHOP_Token:$DOMENESHOP_Secret" | _base64)
+  export _H1="Authorization: Basic $credentials"
+  export _H2="Content-Type: application/json"
+  if [ "$method" != "GET" ]; then
+    response="$(_post "$data" "$DOMENESHOP_Api_Endpoint/$endpoint" "" "$method")"
+  else
+    response="$(_get "$DOMENESHOP_Api_Endpoint/$endpoint")"
+  fi
+  if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+    _err "error $endpoint"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
diff --git a/dnsapi/dns_linode_v4.sh b/dnsapi/dns_linode_v4.sh
index c9a83c77..ee7ee892 100755
--- a/dnsapi/dns_linode_v4.sh
+++ b/dnsapi/dns_linode_v4.sh
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ dns_linode_v4_add() {
               \"type\": \"TXT\",
               \"name\": \"$_sub_domain\",
-              \"target\": \"$txtvalue\"
+              \"target\": \"$txtvalue\",
+              \"ttl_sec\": 300
   if _rest POST "/$_domain_id/records" "$_payload" && [ -n "$response" ]; then
diff --git a/dnsapi/dns_namesilo.sh b/dnsapi/dns_namesilo.sh
index ed6d0e08..0b87b7f7 100755
--- a/dnsapi/dns_namesilo.sh
+++ b/dnsapi/dns_namesilo.sh
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ _get_root() {
       return 1
-    if _contains "$response" "$host"; then
+    if _contains "$response" "<domain>$host"; then
       _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-$p)
       return 0
diff --git a/notify/xmpp.sh b/notify/xmpp.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..580f471e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notify/xmpp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+#Support xmpp via sendxmpp
+#XMPP_BIN_ARGS="-n -t --tls-ca-path=/etc/ssl/certs"
+xmpp_send() {
+  _subject="$1"
+  _content="$2"
+  _statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped
+  _debug "_subject" "$_subject"
+  _debug "_content" "$_content"
+  _debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode"
+  XMPP_BIN="${XMPP_BIN:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable XMPP_BIN)}"
+  if [ -n "$XMPP_BIN" ] && ! _exists "$XMPP_BIN"; then
+    _err "It seems that the command $XMPP_BIN is not in path."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _XMPP_BIN=$(_xmpp_bin)
+  if [ -n "$XMPP_BIN" ]; then
+    _saveaccountconf_mutable XMPP_BIN "$XMPP_BIN"
+  else
+    _clearaccountconf "XMPP_BIN"
+  fi
+  XMPP_BIN_ARGS="${XMPP_BIN_ARGS:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable XMPP_BIN_ARGS)}"
+  if [ -n "$XMPP_BIN_ARGS" ]; then
+    _saveaccountconf_mutable XMPP_BIN_ARGS "$XMPP_BIN_ARGS"
+  else
+    _clearaccountconf "XMPP_BIN_ARGS"
+  fi
+  XMPP_TO="${XMPP_TO:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable XMPP_TO)}"
+  if [ -n "$XMPP_TO" ]; then
+    if ! _xmpp_valid "$XMPP_TO"; then
+      _err "It seems that the XMPP_TO=$XMPP_TO is not a valid xmpp address."
+      return 1
+    fi
+    _saveaccountconf_mutable XMPP_TO "$XMPP_TO"
+  fi
+  result=$({ _xmpp_message | eval "$(_xmpp_cmnd)"; } 2>&1)
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2181
+  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    _debug "xmpp send error."
+    _err "$result"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _debug "xmpp send success."
+  return 0
+_xmpp_bin() {
+  if [ -n "$XMPP_BIN" ]; then
+  elif _exists "sendxmpp"; then
+    _XMPP_BIN="sendxmpp"
+  else
+    _err "Please install sendxmpp first."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  echo "$_XMPP_BIN"
+_xmpp_cmnd() {
+  case $(basename "$_XMPP_BIN") in
+    sendxmpp)
+      echo "'$_XMPP_BIN' '$XMPP_TO' $XMPP_BIN_ARGS"
+      ;;
+    *)
+      _err "Command $XMPP_BIN is not supported, use sendxmpp."
+      return 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+_xmpp_message() {
+  echo "$_subject"
+_xmpp_valid() {
+  _contains "$1" "@"