@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
# Report Bugs here: https://github.com/Marvo2011/acme.sh/issues/1
# Last Edit: 17.02.2022
dns_selfhost_add() {
@ -33,16 +31,12 @@ dns_selfhost_add() {
# cut DNS_CHALLENGE_PREFIX_ESCAPED from fulldomain if present at the beginning of the string
lookupdomain=$(echo "$fulldomain" | sed "s/^$DNS_CHALLENGE_PREFIX_ESCAPED//")
_debug lookupdomain "$lookupdomain"
# get the RID for lookupdomain or fulldomain from SELFHOSTDNS_MAP
# get the RID for fulldomain from SELFHOSTDNS_MAP
# only match full domains (at the beginning of the string or with a leading whitespace),
# e.g. don't match mytest.example.com or sub.test.example.com for test.example.com
# replace the whole string with the RID (matching group 3) for assignment
# if the domain is defined multiple times only the last occurance will be matched
rid=$(echo "$SELFHOSTDNS_MAP" | sed -E "s/(^|^.*[[:space:]])($lookupdomain:|$fulldomain:)([0-9][0-9]*)(.*)/\3/")
rid=$(echo "$SELFHOSTDNS_MAP" | sed -E "s/(^|^.*[[:space:]])($fulldomain:)([0-9][0-9]*)(.*)/\3/")
if test -z "$rid"; then
if [ $SELFHOSTDNS_LAST_SLOT = "2" ]; then