diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 65f2d0db..34b9243a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ You don't have to do anything manually!
 1. CloudFlare.com API
 1. DNSPod.cn API
+1. DNSimple API
 1. CloudXNS.com API
 1. GoDaddy.com API
 1. OVH, kimsufi, soyoustart and runabove API
@@ -315,6 +316,8 @@ You don't have to do anything manually!
 1. ClouDNS.net API
 1. Infoblox NIOS API (https://www.infoblox.com/)
 1. VSCALE (https://vscale.io/)
+1. Dynu API (https://www.dynu.com)
 **More APIs coming soon...**
diff --git a/deploy/README.md b/deploy/README.md
index d8c2f57c..232fdb4a 100644
--- a/deploy/README.md
+++ b/deploy/README.md
@@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ acme.sh --deploy -d example.com --deploy-hook cpanel
 ## 2. Deploy ssl cert on kong proxy engine based on api.
 Before you can deploy your cert, you must [issue the cert first](https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/How-to-issue-a-cert).
+Currently supports Kong-v0.10.x.
+acme.sh --deploy -d ftp.example.com --deploy-hook kong
 ## 3. Deploy the cert to remote server through SSH access.
diff --git a/deploy/kong.sh b/deploy/kong.sh
index e1873f35..d3a6bc47 100755
--- a/deploy/kong.sh
+++ b/deploy/kong.sh
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env sh
-# This deploy hook will deploy ssl cert on kong proxy engine based on api request_host parameter.
-# Note that ssl plugin should be available on Kong instance
-# The hook will match cdomain to request_host, in case of multiple domain it will always take the first
-# one (acme.sh behaviour).
-# If ssl config already exist it will update only cert and key not touching other parameter
-# If ssl config doesn't exist it will only upload cert and key and not set other parameter
-# Not that we deploy full chain
-# See https://getkong.org/plugins/dynamic-ssl/ for other options
+# If certificate already exist it will update only cert and key not touching other parameter
+# If certificate  doesn't exist it will only upload cert and key and not set other parameter
+# Note that we deploy full chain
 # Written by Geoffroi Genot <ggenot@voxbone.com>
 ########  Public functions #####################
@@ -31,14 +25,15 @@ kong_deploy() {
   _debug _cca "$_cca"
   _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain"
-  #Get uuid linked to the domain
-  uuid=$(_get "$KONG_URL/apis?request_host=$_cdomain" | _normalizeJson | _egrep_o '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}')
-  if [ -z "$uuid" ]; then
-    _err "Unable to get Kong uuid for domain $_cdomain"
-    _err "Make sure that KONG_URL is correctly configured"
-    _err "Make sure that a Kong api request_host match the domain"
-    _err "Kong url: $KONG_URL"
-    return 1
+  #Get ssl_uuid linked to the domain
+  ssl_uuid=$(_get "$KONG_URL/certificates/$_cdomain" | _normalizeJson | _egrep_o '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}')
+  if [ -z "$ssl_uuid" ]; then
+    _debug "Unable to get Kong ssl_uuid for domain $_cdomain"
+    _debug "Make sure that KONG_URL is correctly configured"
+    _debug "Make sure that a Kong certificate match the sni"
+    _debug "Kong url: $KONG_URL"
+    _info "No existing certificate, creating..."
+    #return 1
   #Save kong url if it's succesful (First run case)
   _saveaccountconf KONG_URL "$KONG_URL"
@@ -48,12 +43,14 @@ kong_deploy() {
   #Set Header
   _H1="Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$delim"
   #Generate data for request (Multipart/form-data with mixed content)
-  #set name to ssl
-  content="--$delim${nl}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name\"${nl}${nl}ssl"
+  if [ -z "$ssl_uuid" ]; then
+    #set sni to domain
+    content="--$delim${nl}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"snis\"${nl}${nl}$_cdomain"
+  fi
   #add key
-  content="$content${nl}--$delim${nl}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"config.key\"; filename=\"$(basename "$_ckey")\"${nl}Content-Type: application/octet-stream${nl}${nl}$(cat "$_ckey")"
+  content="$content${nl}--$delim${nl}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"key\"; filename=\"$(basename "$_ckey")\"${nl}Content-Type: application/octet-stream${nl}${nl}$(cat "$_ckey")"
   #Add cert
-  content="$content${nl}--$delim${nl}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"config.cert\"; filename=\"$(basename "$_cfullchain")\"${nl}Content-Type: application/octet-stream${nl}${nl}$(cat "$_cfullchain")"
+  content="$content${nl}--$delim${nl}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"cert\"; filename=\"$(basename "$_cfullchain")\"${nl}Content-Type: application/octet-stream${nl}${nl}$(cat "$_cfullchain")"
   #Close multipart
   #Convert CRLF
@@ -61,17 +58,16 @@ kong_deploy() {
   _debug header "$_H1"
   _debug content "$content"
-  #Check if ssl plugins is aready enabled (if not => POST else => PATCH)
-  ssl_uuid=$(_get "$KONG_URL/apis/$uuid/plugins" | _egrep_o '"id":"[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}"[a-zA-Z0-9\-\,\"_\:]*"name":"ssl"' | _egrep_o '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}')
-  _debug ssl_uuid "$ssl_uuid"
+  #Check if sslcreated (if not => POST else => PATCH)
   if [ -z "$ssl_uuid" ]; then
     #Post certificate to Kong
-    response=$(_post "$content" "$KONG_URL/apis/$uuid/plugins" "" "POST")
+    response=$(_post "$content" "$KONG_URL/certificates" "" "POST")
-    response=$(_post "$content" "$KONG_URL/apis/$uuid/plugins/$ssl_uuid" "" "PATCH")
+    response=$(_post "$content" "$KONG_URL/certificates/$ssl_uuid" "" "PATCH")
-  if ! [ "$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o "ssl")" = "ssl" ]; then
+  if ! [ "$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o "created_at")" = "created_at" ]; then
     _err "An error occurred with cert upload. Check response:"
     _err "$response"
     return 1
diff --git a/dnsapi/README.md b/dnsapi/README.md
index 12d76bef..f53d8ad4 100644
--- a/dnsapi/README.md
+++ b/dnsapi/README.md
@@ -422,31 +422,31 @@ acme.sh --issue --dns dns_cloudns -d example.com -d www.example.com
 ## 22. Use Infoblox API
 First you need to create/obtain API credentials on your Infoblox appliance.
 export Infoblox_Creds="username:password"
 export Infoblox_Server="ip or fqdn of infoblox appliance"
 Ok, let's issue a cert now:
 acme.sh --issue --dns dns_infoblox -d example.com -d www.example.com
 Note: This script will automatically create and delete the ephemeral txt record.
 The `Infoblox_Creds` and `Infoblox_Server` will be saved in `~/.acme.sh/account.conf` and will be reused when needed.
 ## 23. Use VSCALE API
 First you need to create/obtain API tokens on your [settings panel](https://vscale.io/panel/settings/tokens/).
 Ok, let's issue a cert now:
 acme.sh --issue --dns dns_vscale -d example.com -d www.example.com
@@ -468,6 +468,31 @@ acme.sh --issue --dns dns_dynu -d example.com -d www.example.com
 The `Dynu_ClientId` and `Dynu_Secret` will be saved in `~/.acme.sh/account.conf` and will be reused when needed.
+## 25. Use DNSimple API
+First you need to login to your DNSimple account and generate a new oauth token.
+https://dnsimple.com/a/{your account id}/account/access_tokens
+Note that this is an _account_ token and not a user token. The account token is
+needed to infer the `account_id` used in requests. A user token will not be able
+to determine the correct account to use.
+export DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje"
+To issue the cert just specify the `dns_dnsimple` API.
+acme.sh --issue --dns dns_dnsimple -d example.com
+The `DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN` will be saved in `~/.acme.sh/account.conf` and will
+be reused when needed.
+If you have any issues with this integration please report them to
 # Use custom API
diff --git a/dnsapi/dns_dnsimple.sh b/dnsapi/dns_dnsimple.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bfe2b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnsapi/dns_dnsimple.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# DNSimple domain api
+# https://github.com/pho3nixf1re/acme.sh/issues
+# This is your oauth token which can be acquired on the account page. Please
+# note that this must be an _account_ token and not a _user_ token.
+# https://dnsimple.com/a/<your account id>/account/access_tokens
+# DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje"
+########  Public functions #####################
+# Usage: add  _acme-challenge.www.domain.com   "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
+dns_dnsimple_add() {
+  fulldomain=$1
+  txtvalue=$2
+  if [ -z "$DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN" ]; then
+    DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN=""
+    _err "You have not set the dnsimple oauth token yet."
+    _err "Please visit https://dnsimple.com/user to generate it."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # save the oauth token for later
+  _saveaccountconf DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN "$DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN"
+  if ! _get_account_id; then
+    _err "failed to retrive account id"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then
+    _err "invalid domain"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _get_records "$_account_id" "$_domain" "$_sub_domain"
+  if [ "$_records_count" = "0" ]; then
+    _info "Adding record"
+    if _dnsimple_rest POST "$_account_id/zones/$_domain/records" "{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\"$_sub_domain\",\"content\":\"$txtvalue\",\"ttl\":120}"; then
+      if printf -- "%s" "$response" | grep "\"name\":\"$_sub_domain\"" >/dev/null; then
+        _info "Added"
+        return 0
+      else
+        _err "Unexpected response while adding text record."
+        return 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    _err "Add txt record error."
+  else
+    _info "Updating record"
+    _extract_record_id "$_records" "$_sub_domain"
+    if _dnsimple_rest \
+      PATCH \
+      "$_account_id/zones/$_domain/records/$_record_id" \
+      "{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\"$_sub_domain\",\"content\":\"$txtvalue\",\"ttl\":120}"; then
+      _info "Updated!"
+      return 0
+    fi
+    _err "Update error"
+    return 1
+  fi
+# fulldomain
+dns_dnsimple_rm() {
+  fulldomain=$1
+  if ! _get_account_id; then
+    _err "failed to retrive account id"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then
+    _err "invalid domain"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _get_records "$_account_id" "$_domain" "$_sub_domain"
+  _extract_record_id "$_records" "$_sub_domain"
+  if [ "$_record_id" ]; then
+    if _dnsimple_rest DELETE "$_account_id/zones/$_domain/records/$_record_id"; then
+      _info "removed record" "$_record_id"
+      return 0
+    fi
+  fi
+  _err "failed to remove record" "$_record_id"
+  return 1
+####################  Private functions bellow ##################################
+# _acme-challenge.www.domain.com
+# returns
+#   _sub_domain=_acme-challenge.www
+#   _domain=domain.com
+_get_root() {
+  domain=$1
+  i=2
+  previous=1
+  while true; do
+    h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f $i-100)
+    if [ -z "$h" ]; then
+      # not valid
+      return 1
+    fi
+    if ! _dnsimple_rest GET "$_account_id/zones/$h"; then
+      return 1
+    fi
+    if _contains "$response" 'not found'; then
+      _debug "$h not found"
+    else
+      _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-$previous)
+      _domain="$h"
+      _debug _domain "$_domain"
+      _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain"
+      return 0
+    fi
+    previous="$i"
+    i=$(_math "$i" + 1)
+  done
+  return 1
+# returns _account_id
+_get_account_id() {
+  _debug "retrive account id"
+  if ! _dnsimple_rest GET "whoami"; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if _contains "$response" "\"account\":null"; then
+    _err "no account associated with this token"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  if _contains "$response" "timeout"; then
+    _err "timeout retrieving account id"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _account_id=$(printf "%s" "$response" | _egrep_o "\"id\":[^,]*,\"email\":" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1)
+  _debug _account_id "$_account_id"
+  return 0
+# returns
+#   _records
+#   _records_count
+_get_records() {
+  account_id=$1
+  domain=$2
+  sub_domain=$3
+  _debug "fetching txt records"
+  _dnsimple_rest GET "$account_id/zones/$domain/records?per_page=100"
+  if ! _contains "$response" "\"id\":"; then
+    _err "failed to retrieve records"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _records_count=$(printf "%s" "$response" | _egrep_o "\"name\":\"$sub_domain\"" | wc -l | _egrep_o "[0-9]+")
+  _records=$response
+  _debug _records_count "$_records_count"
+# returns _record_id
+_extract_record_id() {
+  _record_id=$(printf "%s" "$_records" | _egrep_o "\"id\":[^,]*,\"zone_id\":\"[^,]*\",\"parent_id\":null,\"name\":\"$_sub_domain\"" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d, -f1)
+  _debug "_record_id" "$_record_id"
+# returns response
+_dnsimple_rest() {
+  method=$1
+  path="$2"
+  data="$3"
+  request_url="$DNSimple_API/$path"
+  _debug "$path"
+  export _H1="Accept: application/json"
+  export _H2="Authorization: Bearer $DNSimple_OAUTH_TOKEN"
+  if [ "$data" ] || [ "$method" = "DELETE" ]; then
+    _H1="Content-Type: application/json"
+    _debug data "$data"
+    response="$(_post "$data" "$request_url" "" "$method")"
+  else
+    response="$(_get "$request_url" "" "" "$method")"
+  fi
+  if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+    _err "error $request_url"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  _debug2 response "$response"
+  return 0