@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
# Acme.sh DNS API plugin for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
# Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates
# Required environment variables:
# - OCI_TENANCY : OCID of tenancy that contains the target DNS zone
# - OCI_USER : OCID of user with permission to add/remove records from zones
# - OCI_FINGERPRINT: fingerprint of the public key for the user
# - OCI_PRIVATE_KEY: Path to private API signing key file in PEM format
# Required OCI CLI environment variables:
# - OCI_CLI_TENANCY : OCID of tenancy that contains the target DNS zone
# - OCI_CLI_USER : OCID of user with permission to add/remove records from zones
# - OCI_CLI_REGION : Should point to the tenancy home region
# Optional environment variables:
# - OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE: if the private key above s encrypted, the passphrase is required
# - OCI_REGION: Your home region will probably response the fastest
# One of the following two variables is required:
# - OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE: Path to private API signing key file in PEM format; or
# - OCI_CLI_KEY : The private API signing key in PEM format
# NOTE: using an encrypted private key that needs a passphrase is not supported.
dns_oci_add( ) {
@ -20,11 +21,6 @@ dns_oci_add() {
if _oci_config; then
if ! _get_zone " $_fqdn " ; then
_err " Error: DNS Zone not found for $_fqdn . "
return 1
if [ " $_sub_domain " ] && [ " $_domain " ] ; then
_add_record_body = " {\"items\":[{\"domain\":\" ${ _sub_domain } . ${ _domain } \",\"rdata\":\" $_rdata \",\"rtype\":\"TXT\",\"ttl\": 30,\"operation\":\"ADD\"}]} "
response = $( _signed_request "PATCH" " /20180115/zones/ ${ _domain } /records " " $_add_record_body " )
@ -48,11 +44,6 @@ dns_oci_rm() {
if _oci_config; then
if ! _get_zone " $_fqdn " ; then
_err " Error: DNS Zone not found for $_fqdn . "
return 1
if [ " $_sub_domain " ] && [ " $_domain " ] ; then
_remove_record_body = " {\"items\":[{\"domain\":\" ${ _sub_domain } . ${ _domain } \",\"rdata\":\" $_rdata \",\"rtype\":\"TXT\",\"operation\":\"REMOVE\"}]} "
response = $( _signed_request "PATCH" " /20180115/zones/ ${ _domain } /records " " $_remove_record_body " )
@ -73,59 +64,57 @@ dns_oci_rm() {
#################### Private functions below ##################################
_oci_config( ) {
OCI_TENANCY = " ${ OCI_TENANCY :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_TENANCY) } "
OCI_USER = " ${ OCI_USER :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_USER) } "
OCI_FINGERPRINT = " ${ OCI_FINGERPRINT :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_FINGERPRINT) } "
OCI_PRIVATE_KEY = " ${ OCI_PRIVATE_KEY :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_PRIVATE_KEY) } "
OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE = " ${ OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE) } "
OCI_REGION = " ${ OCI_REGION :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_REGION) } "
OCI_CLI_TENANCY = " ${ OCI_CLI_TENANCY :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_TENANCY) } "
OCI_CLI_USER = " ${ OCI_CLI_USER :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_USER) } "
OCI_CLI_KEY = " ${ OCI_CLI_KEY :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_KEY) } "
OCI_CLI_REGION = " ${ OCI_CLI_REGION :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_REGION) } "
_not_set = ""
_ret = 0
if [ -f " $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " ] ; then
OCI_PRIVATE_KEY = " $( openssl enc -a -A <" $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " ) "
if [ -z " $OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE " ] && [ -z " $OCI_CLI_KEY " ] ; then
_err "Fatal: you must provide a value for either OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE or OCI_CLI_KEY."
return 1
if [ -z " $OCI_TENANCY " ] ; then
_not_set = "OCI_TENANCY "
if [ " $OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE " ] && [ -z " $OCI_CLI_KEY " ] ; then
if [ -f " $OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE " ] ; then
OCI_CLI_KEY = $( _base64 <" $OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE " )
_err " Fatal: unable to read $OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE . "
return 1
if [ -z " $OCI_USER " ] ; then
_not_set = " ${ _not_set } OCI_USER "
if [ -z " $OCI_ CLI_TENANCY " ] ; then
_not_set = " ${ _not_set } OCI_ CLI_TENANCY "
if [ -z " $OCI_ FINGERPRINT " ] ; then
_not_set = " ${ _not_set } OCI_ FINGERPRINT "
if [ -z " $OCI_ CLI_USER " ] ; then
_not_set = " ${ _not_set } OCI_ CLI_USER "
if [ -z " $OCI_ PRIVATE_KEY " ] ; then
_not_set = " ${ _not_set } OCI_ PRIVATE_KEY "
if [ -z " $OCI_ CLI_REGION " ] ; then
_not_set = " ${ _not_set } OCI_ CLI_REGION "
if [ " $_not_set " ] ; then
_err " Fatal: environment variable(s): ${ _not_set } not set. "
_err " Fatal: required environment variable(s): ${ _not_set } not set. "
_ret = 1
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_TENANCY " $OCI_TENANCY "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_USER " $OCI_USER "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_FINGERPRINT " $OCI_FINGERPRINT "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY "
if [ " $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " ] && [ " $( printf "%s\n" " $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " | wc -l) " -eq 1 ] ; then
OCI_PRIVATE_KEY = " $( echo " $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " | openssl enc -d -a -A) "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_TENANCY " $OCI_CLI_TENANCY "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_USER " $OCI_CLI_USER "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_KEY " $OCI_CLI_KEY "
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_CLI_REGION " $OCI_CLI_REGION "
if [ " $OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE " ] ; then
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE " $OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE "
if ! _contains "PRIVATE KEY" " $OCI_CLI_KEY " ; then
OCI_CLI_KEY = $( printf "%s" " $OCI_CLI_KEY " | _dbase64 multiline)
if [ " $OCI_REGION " ] ; then
_saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_REGION " $OCI_REGION "
OCI_REGION = "us-ashburn-1"
if ! _get_zone " $_fqdn " ; then
_err " Error: DNS Zone not found for $_fqdn . "
_ret = 1
return $_ret
@ -168,6 +157,19 @@ _get_zone() {
#Usage: privatekey
#Output MD5 fingerprint
_fingerprint( ) {
pkey = " $1 "
if [ -z " $pkey " ] ; then
_usage "Usage: _fingerprint privkey"
return 1
printf "%s" " $pkey " | ${ ACME_OPENSSL_BIN :- openssl } rsa -pubout -outform DER 2>/dev/null | ${ ACME_OPENSSL_BIN :- openssl } md5 -c | cut -d = -f 2 | tr -d ' '
_signed_request( ) {
_sig_method = " $1 "
@ -175,17 +177,13 @@ _signed_request() {
_sig_body = " $3 "
_return_field = " $4 "
_sig_host = " dns. $OCI_REGION .oraclecloud.com "
_key_fingerprint = $( _fingerprint " $OCI_CLI_KEY " )
_sig_host = " dns. $OCI_CLI_REGION .oraclecloud.com "
_sig_keyId = " $OCI_CLI_TENANCY / $OCI_CLI_USER / $_key_fingerprint "
_sig_alg = "rsa-sha256"
_sig_version = "1"
_sig_now = " $( LC_ALL = C \d ate -u "+%a, %d %h %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" ) "
if [ " $OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE " ] ; then
_sig_passinArg = "-passin env:OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE"
_request_method = $( printf %s " $_sig_method " | _lower_case)
_curl_method = $( printf %s " $_sig_method " | _upper_case)
@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ _signed_request() {
if [ " $_sig_body " ] ; then
_secure_debug3 _sig_body " $_sig_body "
_sig_body_sha256 = " x-content-sha256: $( printf %s " $_sig_body " | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 | openssl enc -e -base64 ) "
_sig_body_sha256 = " x-content-sha256: $( printf %s " $_sig_body " | _digest sha256 ) "
_sig_body_type = "content-type: application/json"
_sig_body_length = " content-length: ${# _sig_body } "
_string_to_sign = " $_string_to_sign \n $_sig_body_sha256 \n $_sig_body_type \n $_sig_body_length "
@ -207,10 +205,8 @@ _signed_request() {
_tmp_file = $( _mktemp)
if [ -f " $_tmp_file " ] ; then
printf '%s' " $OCI_PRIVATE_KEY " >" $_tmp_file "
# Double quoting the file and passphrase breaks openssl
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
_signature = $( printf '%b' " $_string_to_sign " | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign $_tmp_file $_sig_passinArg | openssl enc -e -base64 | tr -d '\r\n' )
printf '%s' " $OCI_CLI_KEY " >" $_tmp_file "
_signature = $( printf '%b' " $_string_to_sign " | _sign " $_tmp_file " sha256 | tr -d '\r\n' )
rm -f " $_tmp_file "