################ Do not modify after this line ##############
# Note: this script was executed in subshell. It means all env would be cleanup, and EXIT event would be called between different domain names. The only way to persist state is a temporary file.
_err "freemyip API don't allow you to set multiple TXT record for the same subdomain! "
_err "You must apply certificate for only one domain at a time! "
_err "===="
_err "For example, aaa.yourdomain.freemyip.com and bbb.yourdomain.freemyip.com and yourdomain.freemyip.com ALWAYS share the same TXT record. They will overwrite each other if you apply multiple domain at the same time. "
_err "(You are trying to set TXT record for $fulldomain, but it will overwrite $(cat "$freemyip_prevdomain_tmpfile"))"
_debug "If you are testing this workflow in github pipeline or acmetest, please set TEST_DNS_NO_SUBDOMAIN=1 and TEST_DNS_NO_WILDCARD=1"
rm -f "$freemyip_prevdomain_tmpfile"
# txtvalue must be url-encoded. But it's not necessary for acme txt value.