#!/usr/bin/env sh
#This is a working API script to add a TXT record to the DNS Exit-managed DNS service.
# dns_myapi_add()
#Which will be called by acme.sh to add the txt record to th DNS Exit DNS service as part
#of the SSL certificate provisioning request.
#returns 0 means success, otherwise error.
#Author: John Berlet
#Date: 31/01/2022
#Report Bugs here: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/3925
######## Public functions #####################
dns_japi_add( ) {
fulldomain = $1
txtvalue = $2
JAPIendpoint = "https://api.dnsexit.com/dns/"
JAPIdomain = " ${ _domain } "
#_debug "Domain being used with custom script is: $domain"
fullchallengedomain = " ${ JAPI_domain :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable JAPI_domain) } "
_debug " Full Challenge Domain is: $fullchallengedomain "
JAPI_apikey = " ${ JAPI_apikey :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable JAPI_apikey) } "
#Set H1,H2 headers with DNS Exit API key
export _H1 = "Content-Type: application/json"
export _H2 = " apikey: $JAPI_apikey "
_debug " Defined apikey $JAPI_apikey "
if [ -z " $JAPI_apikey " ] || [ -z " $fullchallengedomain " ] ; then
JAPI_apikey = ""
_info "You didn't specify the api key or the full zone domain name"
_info "Please define --> 'export xxx' your api key and fully qualified zone and domain name"
_info "Example: 'export JAPI_apikey=<your DNS Exit api key>'"
_info "Cont: 'export JAPI_domain=<_acme-challenge.your domain name>'"
return 1
#Save DNS Exit account API/domain challenge zone/domain name in account.conf for future renewals
_saveaccountconf_mutable JAPI_apikey " $JAPI_apikey "
_saveaccountconf_mutable JAPI_domain " $JAPI_domain "
_debug "First detect the root zone"
_debug "Calling DNS Exit DNS API..."
_info "Using JAPI"
_debug " Passed domain to function: $fulldomain "
_debug " Full Challenge domain: $fullchallengedomain "
_debug txtvalue " $txtvalue "
#_debug _domain_id "$_domain_id"
#_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain"
#_debug _domain "$_domain"
#_err "Not implemented!"
response = " $( _post " {\"domain\":\" $JAPIdomain \",\"update\": {\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\" $fullchallengedomain \",\"content\":\" $txtvalue \",\"ttl\":0}} " $JAPIendpoint "" POST "application/json" ) "
if ! printf "%s" " $response " | grep \" code\" :0>/dev/null; then
_err "There was an error updating the TXT record..."
_err " DNS Exit API response: $response "
_err "Please refer to this site for additional information related to this error code - https://dnsexit.com/dns/dns-api/"
return 1
return 0
#Usage: fulldomain txtvalue
#Remove the txt record after validation.
dns_japi_rm( ) {
fulldomain = $1
txtvalue = $2
JAPIendpoint = "https://api.dnsexit.com/dns/"
JAPIdomain = " ${ _domain } "
#_debug "Domain being used with custom script is: $domain"
fullchallengedomain = " ${ JAPI_domain :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable JAPI_domain) } "
_debug " Full Challenge Domain is: $fullchallengedomain "
JAPI_apikey = " ${ JAPI_apikey :- $( _readaccountconf_mutable JAPI_apikey) } "
#Set H1,H2 headers with DNS Exit API key
export _H1 = "Content-Type: application/json"
export _H2 = " apikey: $JAPI_apikey "
_debug " Defined apikey $JAPI_apikey "
if [ -z " $JAPI_apikey " ] || [ -z " $fullchallengedomain " ] ; then
JAPI_apikey = ""
_info "You didn't specify the api key or the full zone domain name for the TXT record removal"
_info "Please define --> 'export xxx' your api key and fully qualified zone and domain name"
_info "Example: 'export JAPI_apikey=<your DNS Exit api key>'"
_info "Cont: 'export JAPI_domain=<_acme-challenge.your domain name>'"
return 1
_debug "First detect the root zone"
_debug "Calling DNS Exit DNS API..."
_info "Using JAPI"
_debug " Passed domain to function: $fulldomain "
_debug " Full Challenge domain: $fullchallengedomain "
_debug txtvalue " $txtvalue "
#_debug _domain_id "$_domain_id"
#_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain"
#_debug _domain "$_domain"
#_err "Not implemented!"
response = " $( _post " {\"domain\":\" $JAPIdomain \",\"delete\": {\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\" $fullchallengedomain \",\"content\":\" $txtvalue \",\"ttl\":0}} " $JAPIendpoint "" POST "application/json" ) "
if ! printf "%s" " $response " | grep \" code\" :0>/dev/null; then
_err "There was an error deleting the TXT record..."
_err " DNS Exit API response: $response "
_err "Please refer to this site for additional information related to this error code - https://dnsexit.com/dns/dns-api/"
return 1
return 0
_debug fulldomain " $fulldomain "
_debug txtvalue " $txtvalue "