You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
3.3 KiB

"""Collection of utilities for FastAPI apps."""
import inspect
from typing import Any, Type
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form
from pydantic import BaseModel
def as_form(cls: Type[BaseModel]) -> Any:
"""Adds an as_form class method to decorated models.
The as_form class method can be used with FastAPI endpoints
new_params = [
default=(Form(field.default) if not field.required else Form(...)),
for field in cls.__fields__.values()
async def _as_form(**data): # type: ignore
return cls(**data)
sig = inspect.signature(_as_form)
sig = sig.replace(parameters=new_params)
_as_form.__signature__ = sig # type: ignore
setattr(cls, "as_form", _as_form)
return cls
def patch_fastapi(app: FastAPI) -> None:
"""Patch function to allow relative url resolution.
This patch is required to make fastapi fully functional with a relative url path.
This code snippet can be copy-pasted to any Fastapi application.
from import get_redoc_html, get_swagger_ui_html
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse
async def redoc_ui_html(req: Request) -> HTMLResponse:
assert app.openapi_url is not None
redoc_ui = get_redoc_html(
openapi_url="./" + app.openapi_url.lstrip("/"),
title=app.title + " - Redoc UI",
return HTMLResponse(redoc_ui.body.decode("utf-8"))
async def swagger_ui_html(req: Request) -> HTMLResponse:
assert app.openapi_url is not None
swagger_ui = get_swagger_ui_html(
openapi_url="./" + app.openapi_url.lstrip("/"),
title=app.title + " - Swagger UI",
# insert request interceptor to have all request run on relativ path
request_interceptor = (
"requestInterceptor: (e) => {"
"\n\t\t\tvar url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname"
'\n\t\t\turl = url.substring( 0, url.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1);'
"\n\t\t\turl = e.url.replace(/http(s)?:\/\/[^/]*\//i, url);" # noqa: W605
"\n\t\t\te.contextUrl = url"
"\n\t\t\te.url = url"
"\n\t\t\treturn e;}"
return HTMLResponse(
"dom_id: '#swagger-ui',",
"dom_id: '#swagger-ui',\n\t\t" + request_interceptor + ",",
# remove old docs route and add our patched route
routes_new = []
for app_route in app.routes:
if app_route.path == "/docs": # type: ignore
if app_route.path == "/redoc": # type: ignore
app.router.routes = routes_new
assert app.docs_url is not None
app.add_route(app.docs_url, swagger_ui_html, include_in_schema=False)
assert app.redoc_url is not None
app.add_route(app.redoc_url, redoc_ui_html, include_in_schema=False)
# Make graphql realtive
from starlette import graphql
graphql.GRAPHIQL = graphql.GRAPHIQL.replace(
"({{REQUEST_PATH}}", '("." + {{REQUEST_PATH}}'