import importlib import inspect import re from typing import Any, Callable, Type, Union, get_type_hints from pydantic import BaseModel, parse_raw_as from import parse_obj_as def name_to_title(name: str) -> str: """Converts a camelCase or snake_case name to title case.""" # If camelCase -> convert to snake case name = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name) name = re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", name).lower() # Convert to title case return name.replace("_", " ").strip().title() def is_compatible_type(type: Type) -> bool: """Returns `True` if the type is opyrator-compatible.""" try: if issubclass(type, BaseModel): return True except Exception: pass try: # valid list type if type.__origin__ is list and issubclass(type.__args__[0], BaseModel): return True except Exception: pass return False def get_input_type(func: Callable) -> Type: """Returns the input type of a given function (callable). Args: func: The function for which to get the input type. Raises: ValueError: If the function does not have a valid input type annotation. """ type_hints = get_type_hints(func) if "input" not in type_hints: raise ValueError( "The callable MUST have a parameter with the name `input` with typing annotation. " "For example: `def my_opyrator(input: InputModel) -> OutputModel:`." ) input_type = type_hints["input"] if not is_compatible_type(input_type): raise ValueError( "The `input` parameter MUST be a subclass of the Pydantic BaseModel or a list of Pydantic models." ) # TODO: return warning if more than one input parameters return input_type def get_output_type(func: Callable) -> Type: """Returns the output type of a given function (callable). Args: func: The function for which to get the output type. Raises: ValueError: If the function does not have a valid output type annotation. """ type_hints = get_type_hints(func) if "return" not in type_hints: raise ValueError( "The return type of the callable MUST be annotated with type hints." "For example: `def my_opyrator(input: InputModel) -> OutputModel:`." ) output_type = type_hints["return"] if not is_compatible_type(output_type): raise ValueError( "The return value MUST be a subclass of the Pydantic BaseModel or a list of Pydantic models." ) return output_type def get_callable(import_string: str) -> Callable: """Import a callable from an string.""" callable_seperator = ":" if callable_seperator not in import_string: # Use dot as seperator callable_seperator = "." if callable_seperator not in import_string: raise ValueError("The callable path MUST specify the function. ") mod_name, callable_name = import_string.rsplit(callable_seperator, 1) mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) return getattr(mod, callable_name) class Opyrator: def __init__(self, func: Union[Callable, str]) -> None: if isinstance(func, str): # Try to load the function from a string notion self.function = get_callable(func) else: self.function = func self._name = "Opyrator" self._description = "" self._input_type = None self._output_type = None if not callable(self.function): raise ValueError("The provided function parameters is not a callable.") if inspect.isclass(self.function): raise ValueError( "The provided callable is an uninitialized Class. This is not allowed." ) if inspect.isfunction(self.function): # The provided callable is a function self._input_type = get_input_type(self.function) self._output_type = get_output_type(self.function) try: # Get name self._name = name_to_title(self.function.__name__) except Exception: pass try: # Get description from function doc_string = inspect.getdoc(self.function) if doc_string: self._description = doc_string except Exception: pass elif hasattr(self.function, "__call__"): # The provided callable is a function self._input_type = get_input_type(self.function.__call__) # type: ignore self._output_type = get_output_type(self.function.__call__) # type: ignore try: # Get name self._name = name_to_title(type(self.function).__name__) except Exception: pass try: # Get description from doc_string = inspect.getdoc(self.function.__call__) # type: ignore if doc_string: self._description = doc_string if ( not self._description or self._description == "Call self as a function." ): # Get docstring from class instead of __call__ function doc_string = inspect.getdoc(self.function) if doc_string: self._description = doc_string except Exception: pass else: raise ValueError("Unknown callable type.") @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def description(self) -> str: return self._description @property def input_type(self) -> Any: return self._input_type @property def output_type(self) -> Any: return self._output_type def __call__(self, input: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: input_obj = input if isinstance(input, str): # Allow json input input_obj = parse_raw_as(self.input_type, input) if isinstance(input, dict): # Allow dict input input_obj = parse_obj_as(self.input_type, input) return self.function(input_obj, **kwargs)