from asyncio.windows_events import NULL
from synthesizer.inference import Synthesizer
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from encoder import inference as speacker_encoder
import torch
import os
from pathlib import Path
from enum import Enum
import ppg_extractor as Extractor
import ppg2mel as Convertor
import librosa
from scipy.io.wavfile import write
import re
import numpy as np
from mkgui.base.components.types import FileContent
from vocoder.hifigan import inference as gan_vocoder
from typing import Any
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Constants
AUDIO_SAMPLES_DIR = 'samples\\'
EXT_MODELS_DIRT = "ppg_extractor\\saved_models"
CONV_MODELS_DIRT = "ppg2mel\\saved_models"
VOC_MODELS_DIRT = "vocoder\\saved_models"
TEMP_SOURCE_AUDIO = "wavs/temp_source.wav"
TEMP_TARGET_AUDIO = "wavs/temp_target.wav"
TEMP_RESULT_AUDIO = "wavs/temp_result.wav"
# Load local sample audio as options TODO: load dataset
if os.path.isdir(AUDIO_SAMPLES_DIR):
audio_input_selection = Enum('samples', list((file.name, file) for file in Path(AUDIO_SAMPLES_DIR).glob("*.wav")))
# Pre-Load models
if os.path.isdir(EXT_MODELS_DIRT):
extractors = Enum('extractors', list((file.name, file) for file in Path(EXT_MODELS_DIRT).glob("**/*.pt")))
print("Loaded extractor models: " + str(len(extractors)))
if os.path.isdir(CONV_MODELS_DIRT):
convertors = Enum('convertors', list((file.name, file) for file in Path(CONV_MODELS_DIRT).glob("**/*.pth")))
print("Loaded convertor models: " + str(len(convertors)))
if os.path.isdir(VOC_MODELS_DIRT):
vocoders = Enum('vocoders', list((file.name, file) for file in Path(VOC_MODELS_DIRT).glob("**/*gan*.pt")))
print("Loaded vocoders models: " + str(len(vocoders)))
class Input(BaseModel):
message: str = Field(
..., example="欢迎使用工具箱, 现已支持中文输入!", alias="文本内容"
local_audio_file: audio_input_selection = Field(
..., alias="输入语音(本地wav)",
upload_audio_file: FileContent = Field(default=None, alias="或上传语音",
description="拖拽或点击上传.", mime_type="audio/wav")
local_audio_file_target: audio_input_selection = Field(
..., alias="目标语音(本地wav)",
upload_audio_file_target: FileContent = Field(default=None, alias="或上传目标语音",
description="拖拽或点击上传.", mime_type="audio/wav")
extractor: extractors = Field(
..., alias="编码模型",
convertor: convertors = Field(
..., alias="转换模型",
vocoder: vocoders = Field(
..., alias="语音编码模型",
class AudioEntity(BaseModel):
content: bytes
mel: Any
class Output(BaseModel):
__root__: tuple[AudioEntity, AudioEntity, AudioEntity]
def render_output_ui(self, streamlit_app, input) -> None: # type: ignore
"""Custom output UI.
If this method is implmeneted, it will be used instead of the default Output UI renderer.
src, target, result = self.__root__
streamlit_app.subheader("Synthesized Audio")
streamlit_app.audio(result.content, format="audio/wav")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(src.mel, aspect="equal", interpolation="none")
ax.set_title("mel spectrogram(Source Audio)")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(target.mel, aspect="equal", interpolation="none")
ax.set_title("mel spectrogram(Target Audio)")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(result.mel, aspect="equal", interpolation="none")
ax.set_title("mel spectrogram(Result Audio)")
def main(input: Input) -> Output:
# load models
extractor = Extractor.load_model(Path(input.extractor.value))
convertor = Convertor.load_model(Path(input.convertor.value))
# current_synt = Synthesizer(Path(input.synthesizer.value))
# load file
if input.upload_audio_file != None:
with open(TEMP_SOURCE_AUDIO, "w+b") as f:
src_wav, sample_rate = librosa.load(TEMP_SOURCE_AUDIO)
src_wav, sample_rate = librosa.load(input.local_audio_file.value)
write(TEMP_SOURCE_AUDIO, sample_rate, src_wav) #Make sure we get the correct wav
if input.upload_audio_file_target != None:
with open(TEMP_TARGET_AUDIO, "w+b") as f:
ref_wav, _ = librosa.load(TEMP_TARGET_AUDIO)
ref_wav, _ = librosa.load(input.local_audio_file_target.value)
write(TEMP_TARGET_AUDIO, sample_rate, ref_wav) #Make sure we get the correct wav
ppg = extractor.extract_from_wav(src_wav)
# Import necessary dependency of Voice Conversion
from utils.f0_utils import compute_f0, f02lf0, compute_mean_std, get_converted_lf0uv
ref_lf0_mean, ref_lf0_std = compute_mean_std(f02lf0(compute_f0(ref_wav)))
embed = speacker_encoder.embed_utterance(ref_wav)
lf0_uv = get_converted_lf0uv(src_wav, ref_lf0_mean, ref_lf0_std, convert=True)
min_len = min(ppg.shape[1], len(lf0_uv))
ppg = ppg[:, :min_len]
lf0_uv = lf0_uv[:min_len]
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
_, mel_pred, att_ws = convertor.inference(
mel_pred= mel_pred.transpose(0, 1)
breaks = [mel_pred.shape[1]]
mel_pred= mel_pred.detach().cpu().numpy()
# synthesize and vocode
wav, sample_rate = gan_vocoder.infer_waveform(mel_pred)
# write and output
write(TEMP_RESULT_AUDIO, sample_rate, wav) #Make sure we get the correct wav
with open(TEMP_SOURCE_AUDIO, "rb") as f:
source_file = f.read()
with open(TEMP_TARGET_AUDIO, "rb") as f:
target_file = f.read()
with open(TEMP_RESULT_AUDIO, "rb") as f:
result_file = f.read()
return Output(__root__=(AudioEntity(content=source_file, mel=Synthesizer.make_spectrogram(src_wav)), AudioEntity(content=target_file, mel=Synthesizer.make_spectrogram(ref_wav)), AudioEntity(content=result_file, mel=Synthesizer.make_spectrogram(wav))))