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4 years ago
[![MIT License](](
4 years ago
> English | [中文](
## Features
🌍 **Chinese** supported mandarin and tested with multiple datasets: aidatatang_200zh, magicdata, aishell3, and etc.
🤩 **PyTorch** worked for pytorch, tested in version of 1.9.0(latest in August 2021), with GPU Tesla T4 and GTX 2060
🌍 **Windows + Linux** run in both Windows OS and linux OS (even in M1 MACOS)
🤩 **Easy & Awesome** effect with only newly-trained synthesizer, by reusing the pretrained encoder/vocoder
🌍 **Webserver Ready** to serve your result with remote calling
## Quick Start
### 1. Install Requirements
> Follow the original repo to test if you got all environment ready.
**Python 3.7 or higher ** is needed to run the toolbox.
* Install [PyTorch](
4 years ago
> If you get an `ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.9.0+cu102 (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2 )` This error is probably due to a low version of python, try using 3.9 and it will install successfully
* Install [ffmpeg](
* Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install the remaining necessary packages.
4 years ago
* Install webrtcvad `pip install webrtcvad-wheels`(If you need)
> Note that we are using the pretrained encoder/vocoder but synthesizer, since the original model is incompatible with the Chinese sympols. It means the demo_cli is not working at this moment.
### 2. Prepare your models
You can either train your models or use existing ones:
#### 2.1. Train synthesizer with your dataset
* Download dataset and unzip: make sure you can access all .wav in folder
* Preprocess with the audios and the mel spectrograms:
`python <datasets_root>`
Allowing parameter `--dataset {dataset}` to support aidatatang_200zh, magicdata, aishell3, etc.
* Train the synthesizer:
`python mandarin <datasets_root>/SV2TTS/synthesizer`
4 years ago
* Go to next step when you see attention line show and loss meet your need in training folder *synthesizer/saved_models/*.
#### 2.2 Use pretrained model of synthesizer
> Thanks to the community, some models will be shared:
| author | Download link | Preview Video | Info |
| --- | ----------- | ----- |----- |
4 years ago
| @myself | [Baidu]( ) codei183 | | 200k steps only trained by aidatatang_200zh
|@FawenYo | [Baidu Pan]( Code1024 | [input]( [output]( | 200k steps with local accent of Taiwan
|@miven| code2021 |
#### 2.3 Train vocoder (Optional)
> note: vocoder has little difference in effect, so you may not need to train a new one.
* Preprocess the data:
`python <datasets_root> -m <synthesizer_model_path>`
> `<datasets_root>` replace with your dataset root`<synthesizer_model_path>`replace with directory of your best trained models of sythensizer, e.g. *sythensizer\saved_mode\xxx*
* Train the wavernn vocoder:
`python mandarin <datasets_root>`
* Train the hifigan vocoder
`python mandarin <datasets_root> hifigan`
### 3. Launch
#### 3.1 Using the web server
You can then try to run:`python` and open it in browser, default as `http://localhost:8080`
#### 3.2 Using the Toolbox
You can then try the toolbox:
4 years ago
`python -d <datasets_root>`
## Reference
> This repository is forked from [Real-Time-Voice-Cloning]( which only support English.
| URL | Designation | Title | Implementation source |
| --- | ----------- | ----- | --------------------- |
| [2010.05646]( | HiFi-GAN (vocoder)| Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis | This repo |
|[**1806.04558**]( | **SV2TTS** | **Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis** | This repo |
|[1802.08435]( | WaveRNN (vocoder) | Efficient Neural Audio Synthesis | [fatchord/WaveRNN]( |
|[1703.10135]( | Tacotron (synthesizer) | Tacotron: Towards End-to-End Speech Synthesis | [fatchord/WaveRNN](
|[1710.10467]( | GE2E (encoder)| Generalized End-To-End Loss for Speaker Verification | This repo |
## F Q&A
#### 1.Where can I download the dataset?
> After unzip aidatatang_200zh, you need to unzip all the files under `aidatatang_200zh\corpus\train`
#### 2.What is`<datasets_root>`?
If the dataset path is `D:\data\aidatatang_200zh`,then `<datasets_root>` is`D:\data`
#### 3.Not enough VRAM
Train the synthesizeradjust the batch_size in `synthesizer/`
tts_schedule = [(2, 1e-3, 20_000, 12), # Progressive training schedule
(2, 5e-4, 40_000, 12), # (r, lr, step, batch_size)
(2, 2e-4, 80_000, 12), #
(2, 1e-4, 160_000, 12), # r = reduction factor (# of mel frames
(2, 3e-5, 320_000, 12), # synthesized for each decoder iteration)
(2, 1e-5, 640_000, 12)], # lr = learning rate
tts_schedule = [(2, 1e-3, 20_000, 8), # Progressive training schedule
(2, 5e-4, 40_000, 8), # (r, lr, step, batch_size)
(2, 2e-4, 80_000, 8), #
(2, 1e-4, 160_000, 8), # r = reduction factor (# of mel frames
(2, 3e-5, 320_000, 8), # synthesized for each decoder iteration)
(2, 1e-5, 640_000, 8)], # lr = learning rate
Train Vocoder-Preprocess the dataadjust the batch_size in `synthesizer/`
### Data Preprocessing
max_mel_frames = 900,
rescale = True,
rescaling_max = 0.9,
synthesis_batch_size = 16, # For vocoder preprocessing and inference.
### Data Preprocessing
max_mel_frames = 900,
rescale = True,
rescaling_max = 0.9,
synthesis_batch_size = 8, # For vocoder preprocessing and inference.
Train Vocoder-Train the vocoderadjust the batch_size in `vocoder/wavernn/`
# Training
voc_batch_size = 100
voc_lr = 1e-4
voc_gen_at_checkpoint = 5
voc_pad = 2
# Training
voc_batch_size = 6
voc_lr = 1e-4
voc_gen_at_checkpoint = 5
voc_pad =2
#### 4.If it happens `RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Tacotron: size mismatch for encoder.embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([70, 512]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([75, 512]).`
Please refer to issue [#37](
#### 5. How to improve CPU and GPU occupancy rate?
Adjust the batch_size as appropriate to improve
#### 6. What if it happens `the page file is too small to complete the operation`
Please refer to this [video]( and change the virtual memory to 100G (102400), for example : When the file is placed in the D disk, the virtual memory of the D disk is changed.
#### 7. When should I stop during training?
FYI, my attention came after 18k steps and loss became lower than 0.4 after 50k steps.