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import matplotlib
2 years ago
from torch.nn import functional as F
import torch
import time
class Timer():
''' Timer for recording training time distribution. '''
def __init__(self):
self.prev_t = time.time()
def set(self):
self.prev_t = time.time()
def cnt(self, mode):
self.time_table[mode] += time.time()-self.prev_t
if mode == 'bw': += 1
def show(self):
total_time = sum(self.time_table.values())
self.time_table['avg'] = total_time/
self.time_table['rd'] = 100*self.time_table['rd']/total_time
self.time_table['fw'] = 100*self.time_table['fw']/total_time
self.time_table['bw'] = 100*self.time_table['bw']/total_time
msg = '{avg:.3f} sec/step (rd {rd:.1f}% | fw {fw:.1f}% | bw {bw:.1f}%)'.format(
return msg
def clear(self):
self.time_table = {'rd': 0, 'fw': 0, 'bw': 0} = 0
# Reference :
def human_format(num):
magnitude = 0
while num >= 1000:
magnitude += 1
num /= 1000.0
# add more suffixes if you need them
return '{:3.1f}{}'.format(num, [' ', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'][magnitude])
# provide easy access of attribute from dict, such abc.key
class AttrDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
2 years ago
def init_weights(m, mean=0.0, std=0.01):
classname = m.__class__.__name__
if classname.find("Conv") != -1:, std)
def get_padding(kernel_size, dilation=1):
return int((kernel_size*dilation - dilation)/2)
def sequence_mask(length, max_length=None):
if max_length is None:
max_length = length.max()
x = torch.arange(max_length, dtype=length.dtype, device=length.device)
return x.unsqueeze(0) < length.unsqueeze(1)
def slice_segments(x, ids_str, segment_size=4):
ret = torch.zeros_like(x[:, :, :segment_size])
for i in range(x.size(0)):
idx_str = ids_str[i]
idx_end = idx_str + segment_size
ret[i] = x[i, :, idx_str:idx_end]
return ret
def rand_slice_segments(x, x_lengths=None, segment_size=4):
b, d, t = x.size()
if x_lengths is None:
x_lengths = t
ids_str_max = x_lengths - segment_size + 1
ids_str = (torch.rand([b]).to(device=x.device) * ids_str_max).to(dtype=torch.long)
ret = slice_segments(x, ids_str, segment_size)
return ret, ids_str
def convert_pad_shape(pad_shape):
l = pad_shape[::-1]
pad_shape = [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
return pad_shape
def generate_path(duration, mask):
duration: [b, 1, t_x]
mask: [b, 1, t_y, t_x]
device = duration.device
b, _, t_y, t_x = mask.shape
cum_duration = torch.cumsum(duration, -1)
cum_duration_flat = cum_duration.view(b * t_x)
path = sequence_mask(cum_duration_flat, t_y).to(mask.dtype)
path = path.view(b, t_x, t_y)
path = path - F.pad(path, convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]))[:, :-1]
path = path.unsqueeze(1).transpose(2,3) * mask
return path
def fused_add_tanh_sigmoid_multiply(input_a, input_b, n_channels):
n_channels_int = n_channels[0]
in_act = input_a + input_b
t_act = torch.tanh(in_act[:, :n_channels_int, :])
s_act = torch.sigmoid(in_act[:, n_channels_int:, :])
acts = t_act * s_act
return acts
def subsequent_mask(length):
mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(length, length)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
return mask
def intersperse(lst, item):
result = [item] * (len(lst) * 2 + 1)
result[1::2] = lst
2 years ago
return result
def clip_grad_value_(parameters, clip_value, norm_type=2):
if isinstance(parameters, torch.Tensor):
parameters = [parameters]
parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters))
norm_type = float(norm_type)
if clip_value is not None:
clip_value = float(clip_value)
total_norm = 0
for p in parameters:
param_norm =
total_norm += param_norm.item() ** norm_type
if clip_value is not None:, max=clip_value)
total_norm = total_norm ** (1. / norm_type)
return total_norm