> 🚧 While I no longer actively update this repo, you can find me continuously pushing this tech forward to good side and open-source. Join me at [https://discord.gg/wrAGwSH5](https://discord.gg/FSHgCtEndn) .
> If you get an `ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.9.0+cu102 (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2 )` This error is probably due to a low version of python, try using 3.9 and it will install successfully
> The recommended environment here is `Repo Tag 0.0.1` `Pytorch1.9.0 with Torchvision0.10.0 and cudatoolkit10.2` `requirements.txt` `webrtcvad-wheels` because `requiremants. txt` was exported a few months ago, so it doesn't work with newer versions
will create a virtual environment where necessary dependencies are installed. Switch to the new environment by`conda activate env_name`and enjoy it.
> env.yml only includes the necessary dependencies to run the project,temporarily without monotonic-align. You can check the official website to install the GPU version of pytorch.
> Since the major issue comes with the PyQt5 packages used in `demo_toolbox.py` not compatible with M1 chips, were one to attempt on training models with the M1 chip, either that person can forgo `demo_toolbox.py`, or one can try the `web.py` in the project.
##### 1.2.1 Install `PyQt5`, with [ref](https://stackoverflow.com/a/68038451/20455983) here.
* Create and open a Rosetta Terminal, with [ref](https://dev.to/courier/tips-and-tricks-to-setup-your-apple-m1-for-development-547g) here.
* Use system Python to create a virtual environment for the project
/usr/bin/python3 -m venv /PathToMockingBird/venv
source /PathToMockingBird/venv/bin/activate
* Upgrade pip and install `PyQt5`
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pyqt5
##### 1.2.2 Install `pyworld` and `ctc-segmentation`
> Both packages seem to be unique to this project and are not seen in the original [Real-Time Voice Cloning](https://github.com/CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning) project. When installing with `pip install`, both packages lack wheels so the program tries to directly compile from c code and could not find `Python.h`.
* Install `pyworld`
*`brew install python``Python.h` can come with Python installed by brew
*`export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers` The filepath of brew-installed `Python.h` is unique to M1 MacOS and listed above. One needs to manually add the path to the environment variables.
> Same method does not apply to `ctc-segmentation`, and one needs to compile it from the source code on [github](https://github.com/lumaku/ctc-segmentation).
*`/usr/bin/arch -x86_64 python setup.py build` Build with x86 architecture.
*`/usr/bin/arch -x86_64 python setup.py install --optimize=1 --skip-build`Install with x86 architecture.
##### 1.2.3 Other dependencies
*`/usr/bin/arch -x86_64 pip install torch torchvision torchaudio` Pip installing `PyTorch` as an example, articulate that it's installed with x86 architecture
*`pip install ffmpeg` Install ffmpeg
*`pip install -r requirements.txt` Install other requirements.
> To run the project on x86 architecture. [ref](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-46290/Allow-running-Python-under-Rosetta-2-in-PyCharm-for-Apple-Silicon).
*`vim /PathToMockingBird/venv/bin/pythonM1` Create an executable file `pythonM1` to condition python interpreter at `/PathToMockingBird/venv/bin`.
* Write in the following content:
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
/usr/bin/arch -x86_64 $mydir/python "$@"
*`chmod +x pythonM1` Set the file as executable.
* If using PyCharm IDE, configure project interpreter to `pythonM1`([steps here](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/configuring-python-interpreter.html#add-existing-interpreter)), if using command line python, run `/PathToMockingBird/venv/bin/pythonM1 demo_toolbox.py`
> Note that we are using the pretrained encoder/vocoder but not synthesizer, since the original model is incompatible with the Chinese symbols. It means the demo_cli is not working at this moment, so additional synthesizer models are required.
#### 2.1 Train encoder with your dataset (Optional)
* Preprocess with the audios and the mel spectrograms:
`python encoder_preprocess.py <datasets_root>` Allowing parameter `--dataset {dataset}` to support the datasets you want to preprocess. Only the train set of these datasets will be used. Possible names: librispeech_other, voxceleb1, voxceleb2. Use comma to sperate multiple datasets.
* Train the encoder: `python encoder_train.py my_run <datasets_root>/SV2TTS/encoder`
> For training, the encoder uses visdom. You can disable it with `--no_visdom`, but it's nice to have. Run "visdom" in a separate CLI/process to start your visdom server.
Allowing parameter `--dataset {dataset}` to support aidatatang_200zh, magicdata, aishell3, data_aishell, etc.If this parameter is not passed, the default dataset will be aidatatang_200zh.
| @author | https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fMh9IlgKJlL2PIiRTYDUvw [Baidu](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fMh9IlgKJlL2PIiRTYDUvw) code:om7f | | 25k steps trained by multiple datasets, only works under version 0.0.1
|@FawenYo | https://yisiou-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/lawrence_cheng_fawenyo_onmicrosoft_com/EWFWDHzee-NNg9TWdKckCc4BC7bK2j9cCbOWn0-_tK0nOg?e=n0gGgC | [input](https://github.com/babysor/MockingBird/wiki/audio/self_test.mp3) [output](https://github.com/babysor/MockingBird/wiki/audio/export.wav) | 200k steps with local accent of Taiwan, only works under version 0.0.1
|@miven| https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PI-hM3sn5wbeChRryX-RCQ code: 2021 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/AwPsbo8mcSP code: z2m0 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uh411B7AD/ | only works under version 0.0.1
> `<datasets_root>` replace with your dataset root,`<synthesizer_model_path>`replace with directory of your best trained models of sythensizer, e.g. *sythensizer\saved_mode\xxx*
| [1803.09017](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09017) | GlobalStyleToken (synthesizer)| Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis | This repo |
| [2010.05646](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.05646) | HiFi-GAN (vocoder)| Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis | This repo |
(2, 1e-4, 160_000, 12), # r = reduction factor (# of mel frames
(2, 3e-5, 320_000, 12), # synthesized for each decoder iteration)
(2, 1e-5, 640_000, 12)], # lr = learning rate
tts_schedule = [(2, 1e-3, 20_000, 8), # Progressive training schedule
(2, 5e-4, 40_000, 8), # (r, lr, step, batch_size)
(2, 2e-4, 80_000, 8), #
(2, 1e-4, 160_000, 8), # r = reduction factor (# of mel frames
(2, 3e-5, 320_000, 8), # synthesized for each decoder iteration)
(2, 1e-5, 640_000, 8)], # lr = learning rate
Train Vocoder-Preprocess the data:adjust the batch_size in `synthesizer/hparams.py`
### Data Preprocessing
max_mel_frames = 900,
rescale = True,
rescaling_max = 0.9,
synthesis_batch_size = 16, # For vocoder preprocessing and inference.
### Data Preprocessing
max_mel_frames = 900,
rescale = True,
rescaling_max = 0.9,
synthesis_batch_size = 8, # For vocoder preprocessing and inference.
Train Vocoder-Train the vocoder:adjust the batch_size in `vocoder/wavernn/hparams.py`
# Training
voc_batch_size = 100
voc_lr = 1e-4
voc_gen_at_checkpoint = 5
voc_pad = 2
# Training
voc_batch_size = 6
voc_lr = 1e-4
voc_gen_at_checkpoint = 5
voc_pad =2
#### 4.If it happens `RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Tacotron: size mismatch for encoder.embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([70, 512]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([75, 512]).`
Please refer to issue [#37](https://github.com/babysor/MockingBird/issues/37)
#### 5. How to improve CPU and GPU occupancy rate?
#### 6. What if it happens `the page file is too small to complete the operation`
Please refer to this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh6dga-Oy10&ab_channel=CodeProf) and change the virtual memory to 100G (102400), for example : When the file is placed in the D disk, the virtual memory of the D disk is changed.
#### 7. When should I stop during training?
FYI, my attention came after 18k steps and loss became lower than 0.4 after 50k steps.