HikariCP Changes Changes between 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 *) Fix another Hibernate-related issue whereby an NPE is encountered when a thread that was not the thread that obtained a Connection tries to interact with that Connection. Changes between 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 *) Fix internal (but suppressed) exception during rollback of connections returned to the pool with auto-commit turned off. *) Fix a reflection issue that causes Hibernate failures due to the CallableStatement interface being incorrectly injected into statement proxies that are PreparedStatement or Statement instances. Changes between 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 *) Perform a rollback() on connections returned to the pool with auto commit disabled. *) Add a constructor for HikariConfig that accepts a Properties object. *) Speed improvements for delegate mode. *) Fix a bug where connection timeouts could not be disabled. *) Permit setting the DataSource logWriter either on the HikariDataSource or via addDataSourceProperty() on the HikariConfig. *) Add transactionIsolation property to allow setting the default transaction isolation level for connections. Changes between 1.1.9 and 1.2.1 *) Clear SQL warnings before returning a connection to the user. *) Added asynchronous connection backfill strategy that triggers when the pool becomes empty as a result of dispatching a connection. *) Changed default acquireIncrement to 1, set minimum timeout of 100ms for acquiring a connection. Changes between 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 *) Added connectionInitSql property to allow setting connection properties when a new connection is created. *) Added setDataSourceProperties() setter to HikariConfig to allow easier configuration though Spring.