Commit Graph

2574 Commits (aeb533b888e131e4dbb1979b280663ea2f886a65)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brett Wooldridge c48a7b2c37 Temporarily remove cache.
Brett Wooldridge b68a382e6c Update CHANGES
Brett Wooldridge 49fe3be3ca [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Brett Wooldridge 3ee1f9e902 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release HikariCP-2.6.0
Brett Wooldridge 243490773b Move TestFastList, add iterator test.
Brett Wooldridge 37b05c0d7a Updated graph links.
Tomek Wałkuski 1a663a0b20 Add info about JRuby wrapper ()
Brett Wooldridge 72c9d185ee Update
Brett Wooldridge 1c8757c8c2 Update
Brett Wooldridge 55eee77b2b Update
Brett Wooldridge 573fbd2600 Update
Brett Wooldridge dab2a11b0c Update
Brett Wooldridge cab4ee6a24 Update
Brett Wooldridge c7c940f04f Update
Brett Wooldridge f1e113fa53 Update
Brett Wooldridge a40b209d28 Update
Brett Wooldridge 30574c5d1c Documents.
Brett Wooldridge 11fc31f67e Prepare for release
Brett Wooldridge 1587198e6a Change the internal handling of the initializationFailTimeout.
Brett Wooldridge a2717e565b Fix race condition edge case.
Brett Wooldridge d9cc246342 Minor cleanup.
Brett Wooldridge 75b697a25c Cleanup.
Brett Wooldridge b06eb02b6d MetricsTracker refactor.
Brett Wooldridge 8bb6d1e525 DRY.
Brett Wooldridge 907da6a2cc Fixes introduce new methods for scheduled executor service that
takes/returns ScheduledExecutorService interface instances.
Brett Wooldridge b932b67ddb Fixes Fix javadoc and re-signal interrupted flag.
Brett Wooldridge 033855209e ClockSource cleanup (Java 8'ification); makes everything more readable
due to static import ability.
Brett Wooldridge eedaf8c13f Minor cleanup.
Brett Wooldridge ae553ceee4 Remove unneeded check, total connections are now calculated
Brett Wooldridge 72e862d298 Fix race condition regression in ConcurrentBag and various other cleanup.
Brett Wooldridge f0b3c520c9 Great simplification of the ConcurrentBag using a direct handoff queue
(SynchronousQueue) with a huge performance win (1.8x) for contended
pool access and at least 25% for non-contended access.
Brett Wooldridge 9efa2f7098 Add a Tomcat web application ClassLoader/ThreadLocal leak detection test.
Brett Wooldridge 5544a7113f Improved ThreadLocal handling using Java 8 Supplier for initial value.
Hope this does not trigger Tomcat’s ClassLoader leak detection.
Brett Wooldridge a3386d080e Performance tweak, only signal if there are threads waiting.
Brett Wooldridge 4a454a4e9e Fixes Add the connection created during checkFailFast() to the pool
unless minimumIdle=0.
Brett Wooldridge becaae4554 Unit test cleanup (lots of static imports). Also, the pool name will be set to the
method name of the test automatically (where possible).
Brett Wooldridge 61ddcb41eb Additional unit test.
Brett Wooldridge 1cf7457168 Remove unneeded code. This is now handled in PoolBase.newConnection().
Brett Wooldridge ceffabb39f Cleaner pool configuration debug logging.
Brett Wooldridge c3ef9ba062 Close#801 Additional changes, including eliding the submission of a new
PoolEntryCreator to the addConnectionExecutor when there are
already enough queued tasks to cover number of pending waiters.
shendley f75f0e353a re-introduce the check on number of waiters just before connection creation time
shendley f0bc58279d updated thread vs connection test to gather total and maxActive when there is no work to do to verify that we don't add any extra connections
Brett Wooldridge 8f84e1fb12 Fix build break.
Brett Wooldridge 45d33c0345 Build break fix
Brett Wooldridge 657de54b48 Change to bound check instead of exception trap
Brett Wooldridge 393ca0a7e6 Recycle connection if thread is interrupted after acquisition.
Brett Wooldridge a3173c51ca Handle all exception types.
Brett Wooldridge bfcb95ae75 Remove deprecated API usage
Brett Wooldridge c2f1a40a1d Fixes fix interrupted thread handling
Brett Wooldridge 579597aae9 Fixes added additional handling in HikariDataSource.getConnection(),
and added unit test.