* commit '1f0b022bc38616317d3aa10d18160b7cfbcf8e95':
Correcting username strings in example
Updated release version
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release HikariCP-1.2.8
Update README.md
Update maven info for release 1.2.7
* dev: (26 commits)
Add short-circuit to aliveness check if connection was used within the last second.
Make slf4j-api scope ‘compile’ and slf4j-simple scope ‘compile’ + optional
More testy stuff.
Fixed iteration direction bug, forgot we were iterating backwards.
Change javassist back from provided to compile so that maven-war-plugin can bundle it by default into the war.
updated changes log
Use execute() instead of executeQuery() for initSql.
Fix isolation level dirty detection logic.
Correct property name.
Add the ability for the user to customize Connections before they are added to the pool.
Implement proper connection unwrapping.
No need to wrap methods that do not throw SQLException with our own try…catch checkException() logic.
Remove tools.jar dependency now that instrumentation is gone. Fix other scopes.
Added query timeout to test query.
updated changes log
Remove unnecessary casts in the generated proxies.
Replace bound check with try..catch it is faster in the nominal case.
Track current transaction isolation level so that we can reset it only when necessary (as it often requires a round trip to the server).
Demote error log to warn.
Conditionally reset the transaction isolation level based on whether the user has altered it or not. Turns out it is expensive for some databases.