Commit Graph

922 Commits (3ce3201dfb8ff2c8ff8d44437f3b3b3fb3e98d41)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brett Wooldridge 395035b5f5 Conditionally reset the transaction isolation level based on whether the user has altered it or not. Turns out it is expensive for some databases.
Brett Wooldridge c6b8d488a4 Conditionally reset the transaction isolation level based on whether the user has altered it or not. Turns out it is expensive for some databases.
brettwooldridge 197e0876e5 Update
Brett Wooldridge 04aa65a6d8 Replace ConnectionProxy’s ArrayList<Statement> with a custom class (FastStatementList), replace the singleton generated JavassistProxyFactory with a class that has static methods (so we get invokestatic rather than invokeinterface) in bytecode.
Brett Wooldridge 4a6eb29043 Use our own list implementation which does not do bounds checking, among other optimizations.
Brett Wooldridge a754c87c8a Micro optimization, avoids unnecessary assignment.
Brett Wooldridge 355688d50f Fix benchmark script for new version.
Brett Wooldridge 7f39c2c853 Fix grammatical error.
brettwooldridge 0f53cd5bdf Update
Brett Wooldridge 379f47e33f [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Brett Wooldridge 4ef0d2a7b0 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release HikariCP-1.2.6
Brett Wooldridge 006ea9c5b2 updated changes log
Brett Wooldridge 813af8aed6 Update benchmarks script.
Brett Wooldridge 93fd7d7330 Fixed set the isClosed flag earlier in the close() method, it was meant to short-circuit the unregisterStatement() call, but was moved later, which broke that behavior.
Brett Wooldridge 7235091496 Comment added additional warning if both dataSource and dataSourceClassName are specified.
Brett Wooldridge f79af53fb6 Fixed change Hibernate dependency to ‘provided’ now that HikariCP uses it for more than just testing.
Brett Wooldridge ec0c88a88e [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Brett Wooldridge 244dd8a2bf [maven-release-plugin] prepare release HikariCP-1.2.5
Brett Wooldridge d197e37aed Add sonatype parent for maven repository publication.
Brett Wooldridge 3861c17b40 Increate timing window to avoid time-sensitive failures in unit tests on slow machines (travis-ci)
Brett Wooldridge a0ceab1428 Change log updates.
Brett Wooldridge 1ed2153ab1 Increate timing window to avoid time-sensitive failures in unit tests on slow machines.
Brett Wooldridge ccc2989c72 Remove unused import.
Brett Wooldridge 970e3a5092 Increate timing window to avoid time-sensitive failures in unit tests on slow machines.
Brett Wooldridge e35c939ed2 Allow setting the dataSource directly on the HikariConfig.
Brett Wooldridge 137c76e589 Restructured pom after removal of instrumentation.
Brett Wooldridge 509db370d7 More minor speed improvements.
Brett Wooldridge a3edf8c5be Minor logging cleanup.
Brett Wooldridge de746f139e Fixed Merge commit '519c9c859f397054c77461ca325e8d0dc82306cd' into dev
* commit '519c9c859f397054c77461ca325e8d0dc82306cd':
  osgi unit tests : switch to fax-exam-container-native (faster)
  osgi unit tests  : merge core-osgi and core
  osgi unit tests 
  unit tests ( 
  osgi: unit tests (initial work) 
   osgi: unit tests (initial work)
Brett Wooldridge 279f520640 Remove log.
Brett Wooldridge 5811ed149b Change how autoCommit and transaction isolation are reset
Brett Wooldridge 847b03cf3e Change how autoCommit and transaction isolation are reset
Brett Wooldridge 0ece2ec18a Restore rollback(), change ThreadLocal<Boolean> isClosed back to volatile boolean.
Brett Wooldridge dc5edc22ab Remove automatic rollback
Brett Wooldridge dcdc5058c7 Remove set transaction isolation, add release connection log.
Brett Wooldridge 29db4359f4 Add bounds check
Brett Wooldridge 561d6f05fd Added debug level pool statistics logging
Brett Wooldridge 1e5291720c Added debug level pool statistics logging
Brett Wooldridge f0fa59e7a3 Added debug level pool statistics logging
Brett Wooldridge 7852524e66 Cleaner handling of resetting autoCommit and setTransactionIsolation.
Brett Wooldridge b6237b6b51 Commit the “test” query if a transaction was started due to auto-commit being false.
lburgazzoli 519c9c859f osgi unit tests : switch to fax-exam-container-native (faster)
Brett Wooldridge 41df5a6f7e Fix checks that disallow 0 for idleTimeout and maxLifeTime.
lburgazzoli 2b059515d3 osgi unit tests : merge core-osgi and core
lburgazzoli 9c76145041 osgi unit tests
lburgazzoli bb95d84e3b unit tests (
lburgazzoli edcb034900 osgi: unit tests (initial work)
lburgazzoli dde89bd6f2 osgi: unit tests (initial work)
Brett Wooldridge 944a7c54ec Rename fields
Brett Wooldridge 0df4142a05 Make the things we can private and final.