Anaylsis of HikariCP v2.6, in comparison to other pools, in relation to a unique "spike demand" load. The customer's environment imposed a high cost of new connection acquisition, and a requirement for a minimum-sized but dynamic pool, but yet a need for responsiveness to request spikes. Read about the spike demand handling [here]( <br/>
#### You're [probably] doing it wrong.
AKA ["What you probably didn't know about connection pool sizing"]( Read on to find out.
AKA *"What you probably didn't know about connection pool sizing"*. Watch a video from the Oracle Real-world Performance group, and learn about why connection pools do not need to be sized as large as they often are. In fact, oversized connection pools have a clear and demonstrable *negative* impact on performance; a 50x difference in the case of the Oracle demonstration. [Read on to find out.](
We'd like to thank the guys over at WIX for the unsolicited and deep write-up about HikariCP on their [engineering blog]( Take a look if you have time.