@ -27,11 +27,16 @@ import java.util.Properties;
import javax.sql.DataSource ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;
public final class DriverDataSource implements DataSource
private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory . getLogger ( DriverDataSource . class ) ;
private final String jdbcUrl ;
private final Properties driverProperties ;
private final Driver driver ;
private Driver driver ;
public DriverDataSource ( String jdbcUrl , String driverClassName , Properties properties , String username , String password )
@ -50,29 +55,33 @@ public final class DriverDataSource implements DataSource
if ( driverClassName ! = null ) {
Driver matched = null ;
Enumeration < Driver > drivers = DriverManager . getDrivers ( ) ;
while ( drivers . hasMoreElements ( ) ) {
Driver d = drivers . nextElement ( ) ;
if ( d . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) . equals ( driverClassName ) ) {
matched = d ;
this . driver = d ;
break ;
if ( matched ! = null ) {
driver = matched ;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Driver with class name " + driverClassName + " was not found among registered drivers" ) ;
if ( driver = = null ) {
LOGGER . warn ( "Registered driver with driverClassName={} was not found, trying direct instantiation." , driverClassName ) ;
try {
Class < ? > driverClass = this . getClass ( ) . getClassLoader ( ) . loadClass ( driverClassName ) ;
this . driver = ( Driver ) driverClass . newInstance ( ) ;
catch ( Exception e ) {
LOGGER . warn ( "Could not instantiate instance of driver class {}, trying JDBC URL resolution" , driverClassName , e ) ;
else {
if ( driver = = null ) {
try {
driver = DriverManager . getDriver ( jdbcUrl ) ;
catch ( SQLException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "Unable to get driver for JDBC URL " + jdbcUrl , e ) ;
throw new RuntimeException ( "Unable to get driver instance for jdbcUrl= " + jdbcUrl , e ) ;