HikariCP Changes
Changes between 1.4.0 and 2.0.0
* Split project into Java 6/7 and Java 8 components.
* Fixed issue in JNDI object factory which would not allow JNDI-defined
DataSource properties to pass-thru to the pool.
* Fixed issue where under certain conditions getConnection() could
timeout prematurely.
* Fixed issue where user-defined pool name would be overridden by the
automatically generated name.
* Fixed NPE when one of either username and password is defined, and the
other is null.
* Fixed issue tracking the statements when there are mixed statement
types (Statement, PreparedStatement, etc.) open on the connection and
the number of unclosed statements exceeds 32.
* Fixed issue where housekeeping threads would add idle connections
even when minimumIdle was 0.
* Fixed issue where Wrapper.isWrapperFor() and Wrapper.unwrap() calls
did not recurse as per specification.
* HikariDataSource now implements the Closable interface.
* Integrated change to allow specifying a ThreadGroup for thread
creation is certain restricted environments.
Changes between 1.3.9 and 1.4.0
*) Fix bug that did not allow minIdle property to be set.
Changes between 1.3.8 and 1.3.9
*) Added pool name to housekeeping thread name to make thread dumps
more meaningful in containers with multiple pools.
*) Improved shutdown semantics; make a concerted effort to close
idle connections and abort or close active connections.
*) Performance enhancements.
Changes between 1.3.7 and 1.3.8
*) Fixed incorrect logic when using JDBC4 isValid() test for alive
status of connection.
Changes between 1.3.6 and 1.3.7
*) Added JNDI object factory (com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariJNDIFactory)
for Tomcat and other containers that prefer JNDI-registered DataSource
*) Fix NPE that can occur when connections cannot be created and
callers to getConnection() timeout.
*) Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Changes between 1.3.5 and 1.3.6
*) Include connection failure cause in calls to getConnection() that
timeout (due to connection failure). Removed chatty logging.
*) Java8 Compatability fixes.
*) Include pool name in logging messages. Thanks for the contribution
Changes between 1.3.4 and 1.3.5
*) Fixed a regression in the Javassist code generation.
*) Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Changes between 1.3.3 and 1.3.4
*) Added new property isolateInternalQueries used to control whether
internal pool queries such as connection alive tests are isolated
in their own transaction.
*) Added properties for DriverManager (driverClassName) and JDBC URL-based
(jdbcUrl) configuration. 1999 called and wants its JDBC driver back.
*) Added new username and password properties to allow default authentication
for connections.
*) Added support for the getConnection(username, password) method signature
to HikariDataSource.
*) Added new property readOnly to control the default read-only status
of connections in the pool.
*) Deprecated acquireIncrement property.
*) Deprecated acquireRetries property.
*) Deprecated acquireRetryDelay property.
*) Deprecated minimumPoolSize property.
*) Added new property minimumIdle used to control the minimum number of
idle connections the pool should try to maintain on a running basis.
*) Added evictConnection(Connection) method to HikariDataSource to allow
special cases where users wish to forcibly eject a connection from
the pool. To use used cautiously, read the JavaDoc before using.
*) Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Changes between 1.3.2 and 1.3.3
*) Removed shared state contention that was causing excessive CPU cache-line
flushing. Nearly 4x improvement in Connection acquisition/release
*) Fixed issue with Tomcat carping about ThreadLocal variables held after
web application restart.
*) Fixed issue where the maximum configured connections could be overrun
during large burst requests for connections.
Changes between 1.3.0 and 1.3.2
*) Java 6 compatibility.
*) HikariDataSource now extends HikariConfig, so pool properties can be
set directly on a HikariDataSource without need to create a HikariConfig.
The cost of doing so is a small runtime cost due to the fact that an
"is initialized" check must be performed on every invocation of
getConnection() due to lazy initialization of the pool.
*) Added Sybase-specific disconnect error codes to SQLException snooping.
*) Added HikariConfig.setCatalog() method to set DataSource catalog.
*) Add DataSource.close() method that is synonymous with shutdown().
*) More performance improvements (never ending).
*) Moved benchmarks to https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP-benchmark
Changes between 1.2.9 and 1.3.0
*) Pool is now backed by a custom lock-less ConcurrentBag that
provides superior performance to LinkedBlockingQueue and
LinkedTransferQueue for usage patterns of connection pools.
*) Fixed bugs reported against the 1.2.9 release.
*) Added more detailed logging for broken connections and failures
during new connection creation.
Changes between 1.2.8 and 1.2.9
*) Added a fail-fast option for pool initialization. If enabled, a
RuntimeException will be thrown if there are errors during pool
*) Made the registration of the HikariCP MBeans optional. They now
default to not being registered. Registering them causes a minor
performance hit due to additional pool data collection in
*) Added the SQLException message to the log entry when an exception
occurs during physical connection acquisition.
*) Implemented an orderly shutdown of the pool via the shutdown() method
on HikariDataSource.
*) Listened to "Adele - Live At The Royal Albert Hall" on endless loop.
Changes between 1.2.7 and 1.2.8
*) Fixed a critical bug introduced in 1.2.7 occurring when the number of
concurrently open statements exceeds sixteen.
Changes between 1.2.6 and 1.2.7
*) Finally achieved performance parity between the generated delegates
and the former method of instrumenting driver classes directly.
*) Improved generated delegate code. Removed unnecessary casts, moved
to a static proxy factory rather than a singleton (performance win).
*) Improved performance of FastStatementList (primary source of speed-up
to reach parity with former instrumentation code).
*) Removed aliveness check on connection creation.
*) Track connection isolation level and only reset if the state has
become "dirty". Avoids unnecessary round trip to the DB during the
aliveness check.
*) Added interface IConnectionCustomizer and related HikariConfig
property 'connectionCustomizerClassName' to allow users to specify
a connection customization implementation.
Changes between 1.2.5 and 1.2.6
*) Fixed regression that caused IndexOutOfBounds when multiple unclosed
Statements existed at the time of Connection.close().
*) Fixed incorrect pom.xml dependency on Hibernate.
Changes between 1.2.4 and 1.2.5
*) Instrumentation mode (agent) removed due to narrowing gap between
delegation mode and instrumentation (and to simplify the code base).
*) Added setDataSource() to HikariConfig to allow a DataSource instance
to be explicitly wrapped by the pool. Only available when creating
HikariConfig programmatically or constructing HikariConfig from a
java.util.Properties instance.
*) Fixed Hibernate threading issue (certain usage patterns) introduced
in 1.2.2.
*) Fixed issue observed with PostgreSQL whereby the query that tests the
connection for "aliveness" also starts a transaction (when auto-commit
is false), thereby causing a later failure when we tried to set the
transaction isolation level.
*) Fixed issue where idleTimeout could not be set to 0, thereby disabling
it. Incorrect value validation caused 0 to be rejected as a valid value.
Changes between 1.2.3 and 1.2.4
*) Fix another Hibernate-related issue whereby an NPE is encountered when
a thread that was not the thread that obtained a Connection tries to
interact with that Connection.
Changes between 1.2.2 and 1.2.3
*) Fix internal (but suppressed) exception during rollback of connections
returned to the pool with auto-commit turned off.
*) Fix a reflection issue that causes Hibernate failures due to the
CallableStatement interface being incorrectly injected into statement
proxies that are PreparedStatement or Statement instances.
Changes between 1.2.1 and 1.2.2
*) Perform a rollback() on connections returned to the pool with
auto commit disabled.
*) Add a constructor for HikariConfig that accepts a Properties
*) Speed improvements for delegate mode.
*) Fix a bug where connection timeouts could not be disabled.
*) Permit setting the DataSource logWriter either on the HikariDataSource
or via addDataSourceProperty() on the HikariConfig.
*) Add transactionIsolation property to allow setting the default
transaction isolation level for connections.
Changes between 1.1.9 and 1.2.1
*) Clear SQL warnings before returning a connection to the user.
*) Added asynchronous connection backfill strategy that triggers
when the pool becomes empty as a result of dispatching a
*) Changed default acquireIncrement to 1, set minimum timeout of
100ms for acquiring a connection.
Changes between 1.1.8 and 1.1.9
*) Added connectionInitSql property to allow setting connection
properties when a new connection is created.
*) Added setDataSourceProperties() setter to HikariConfig to
allow easier configuration though Spring.