#ifndef _AE_H_
#define _AE_H_
ae.h headers for AM188ES 6-20-99 7-16-98
/* Data structure for Serial operation */
typedef struct {
unsigned char ready; /* TRUE when ready */
unsigned char baud;
unsigned int mode;
unsigned char iflag; /* interrupt status */
unsigned char* in_buf; /* Input buffer */
unsigned int in_tail; /* Input buffer TAIL ptr */
unsigned int in_head; /* Input buffer HEAD ptr */
unsigned int in_size; /* Input buffer size */
unsigned int in_crcnt; /* Input <CR> count */
unsigned char in_mt; /* Input buffer FLAG */
unsigned char in_full; /* input buffer full */
unsigned char* out_buf; /* Output buffer */
unsigned int out_tail; /* Output buffer TAIL ptr */
unsigned int out_head; /* Output buffer HEAD ptr */
unsigned int out_size; /* Output buffer size */
unsigned char out_full; /* Output buffer FLAG */
unsigned char out_mt; /* Output buffer MT */
unsigned char tmso; // transmit macro service operation
unsigned char rts;
unsigned char dtr;
unsigned char en485;
unsigned char err;
unsigned char node;
unsigned char cr; /* scc CR register */
unsigned char slave;
unsigned int in_segm; /* input buffer segment */
unsigned int in_offs; /* input buffer offset */
unsigned int out_segm; /* output buffer segment */
unsigned int out_offs; /* output buffer offset */
unsigned char byte_delay; /* V25 macro service byte delay */
} COM;
typedef struct{
unsigned char sec1;
unsigned char sec10;
unsigned char min1;
unsigned char min10;
unsigned char hour1;
unsigned char hour10;
unsigned char day1;
unsigned char day10;
unsigned char mon1;
unsigned char mon10;
unsigned char year1;
unsigned char year10;
unsigned char wk;
} TIM;
void ae_init(void);
void ae_reset(void);
void led(int i); //P12 used for led
void delay_ms(int m);
void delay0(unsigned int t);
void HLPRsetvect(
unsigned int wVec, /* Interrupt vector number */
void far *ih /* Interrupt handler to install */
void clka_en(int i);
void clkb_en(int i);
void pwr_save_en(int i);
void hitwd(void);
// reset ee to remain enabled for reads
// where s = segment register value pointing to ee starting addr.
// for example = 0x8000
void amd_ee_read_reset(unsigned int s);
// sec=0x00-0x07 for AM29F010, 16K/sector
// sec=0 0x00000-0x03fff
// sec=1 0x04000-0x07fff
// sec=2 0x08000-0x0bfff
// sec=3 0x0c000-0x0ffff
// sec=4 0x10000-0x13fff
// sec=5 0x14000-0x17fff
// sec=6 0x18000-0x1bfff
// sec=7 0x1c000-0x1ffff
// sec=0x10-0x17 for AM29F040
// sec=10 0x00000-0x0ffff
// sec=11 0x10000-0x1ffff
// sec=12 0x20000-0x2ffff
// sec=13 0x30000-0x3ffff
// sec=14 0x40000-0x4ffff
// sec=15 0x50000-0x5ffff
// sec=16 0x60000-0x6ffff
// sec=17 0x70000-0x7ffff
// segm=segment register value pointing to ee address 0
// returns: if pass, return(0);
// if fail, return(1);
int amd_ee_sec_erase(unsigned int segm, unsigned char sec );
// write one byte dat to AM29F040, at address of s:o
// Approximately 70 us for 0 wait, 80us for 1 wait.
// where s=segment register, it is fixed to 0x8000
// o=offset register
// returns: if pass, return(0);
// if fail, return(1);
// Be aware of that a data bit "0" can not be programmed back to a "1" !!!
// Attempting to do so will hang up the system !!!
// you can program the "1"s to "0"s.
// Only erase operation can convert "0"s to "1"s
int amd_ee_byte_pro_512(unsigned int s, unsigned int o, unsigned char dat);
// write one byte dat to AM29F010, at address of s:o, 80us per byte approx.
// where s=segment register, you may use s=0x8000-0xe000
// o=offset register
// returns: if pass, return(0);
// if fail, return(1);
// Be aware of that a data bit "0" can not be programmed back to a "1" !!!
// Attempting to do so will hang up the system !!!
// you can program the "1"s to "0"s.
// Only erase operation can convert "0"s to "1"s
int amd_ee_byte_pro_128(unsigned int s, unsigned int o, unsigned char dat);
// unsigned char rtc_rds(char* time_string);
// put a time string into time_string, based on the reading of RTC.
// At least 15 bytes of buffer must be available for the time_string
// returns 0, if RTC OK, or returns 1, if problem
unsigned char rtc_rds(char* time_string);
int rtc_rd(TIM *r);
void rtc_init(unsigned char*);
unsigned char r_rd(void);
int r_out(unsigned char v);
void t2_init(unsigned int tm,unsigned int ta,void interrupt far(*t2_isr)());
void t1_init(unsigned int tm,unsigned int ta,unsigned int tb,void interrupt far(*t1_isr)());
void t0_init(unsigned int tm,unsigned int ta,unsigned int tb,void interrupt far(*t0_isr)());
unsigned int t2_rd(void);
unsigned int t1_rd(void);
unsigned int t0_rd(void);
// Analog to Digital conversion using TLC2543 on the A-Engine-88/86
// Input:
// unsigned char c = input channel
// c = 0, input ch = AD0
// c = 1, input ch = AD1
// c = 2, input ch = AD2
// c = 3, input ch = AD3
// c = 4, input ch = AD4
// c = 5, input ch = AD5
// c = 6, input ch = AD6
// c = 7, input ch = AD7
// c = 8, input ch = AD8
// c = 9, input ch = AD9
// c = a, input ch = AD10
// In order to operate ADC, P11 must be input.
// P11 is shared by RTC, EE. It must be high while power on/reset
// For AE88, using PPI for ADC, I20,I21,I22 must be output
// For AE86, using PAL for ADC, T0=CLK, T1=DIN, T2=ADCS
// Enter the ae_ad12(unsigned char c); EE is stopped first.
// Enter the ae86_ad12(unsigned char c); EE is stopped first.
// Output: 12 bit AD data of the previous channel !
// Unipolar:
// (Vref+ - Vref-)=0x7ff
// Vref- = 0x000
// Vref+ = 0xfff
int ae_ad12(unsigned char c);
// outportb(0x120,1); // T0=0, CLK
// outportb(0x128,1); // T1=0, DIN
// outportb(0x130,1); // T2=0, ADCS
int ae86_ad12(unsigned char c);
void nmi_init(void interrupt far (* nmi_isr)());
void int0_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int0_isr)());
void int1_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int1_isr)());
void int2_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int2_isr)());
void int3_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int3_isr)());
void int4_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int4_isr)());
void int5_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int5_isr)());
void int6_init(unsigned char i, void interrupt far (*int6_isr)());
// void pio_init(char bit, char mode)
// where bit=0-31
// mode=0, Normal operation
// mode=1, Input with pullup/down
// mode=2, Output
// mode=3, input without pull
void pio_init(char bit, char mode);
// void pio_wr(char bit, char dat)
// where bit=0-31
// dat=0/1
void pio_wr(char bit, char dat);
// unsigned int pio_rd(char port)
// return P15-P0, if port=0
// return P31-P16, if port=1
unsigned int pio_rd(char port);
// setup I/O wait states for I/O instructions
// where wait = 0-7
// wait=0, wait states = 0, I/O enable for 100 ns
// wait=1, wait states = 1, I/O enable for 100+25 ns
// wait=2, wait states = 2, I/O enable for 100+50 ns
// wait=3, wait states = 3, I/O enable for 100+75 ns
// wait=4, wait states = 5, I/O enable for 100+125 ns
// wait=5, wait states = 7, I/O enable for 100+175 ns
// wait=6, wait states = 9, I/O enable for 100+225 ns
// wait=7, wait states = 15, I/O enable for 100+375 ns
void io_wait(char wait);
unsigned int crc16(unsigned char *wptr, unsigned int count);
void ae_da(int dat1, int dat2)
output dat to U11 DAC of AE88
Requires P12=CLK, P26=DI, P29=LD/CS as output pins !
where dat1 for channel A, dat2 for channel B; dat1/2 = 0-4095
void ae_da(int dat1, int dat2);
void ae86_da(int dat1, int dat2)
output dat to U15 DAC of AE86
Requires T0=CLK=0x120, T1=DI=0x128, T3=LD/CS=0x138
where dat1 for channel A, dat2 for channel B; dat1/2 = 0-4095
Output 0-2.5V at VA=J4.16, VB=J4.18
void ae86_da(int dat1, int dat2);
void interrupt reset_io_trap();