/******************************************************************************* * Tracealyzer v2.6.0 Recorder Library * Percepio AB, www.percepio.com * * trcKernelPort.c * * Kernel-specific functionality for FreeRTOS, used by the recorder library. * * Terms of Use * This software is copyright Percepio AB. The recorder library is free for * use together with Percepio products. You may distribute the recorder library * in its original form, including modifications in trcHardwarePort.c/.h * given that these modification are clearly marked as your own modifications * and documented in the initial comment section of these source files. * This software is the intellectual property of Percepio AB and may not be * sold or in other ways commercially redistributed without explicit written * permission by Percepio AB. * * Disclaimer * The trace tool and recorder library is being delivered to you AS IS and * Percepio AB makes no warranty as to its use or performance. Percepio AB does * not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the * software or documentation. Percepio AB make no warranties, express or * implied, as to noninfringement of third party rights, merchantability, or * fitness for any particular purpose. In no event will Percepio AB, its * technology partners, or distributors be liable to you for any consequential, * incidental or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, * even if a representative of Percepio AB has been advised of the possibility * of such damages, or for any claim by any third party. Some jurisdictions do * not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or special * damages, or the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an * implied warranty may last, so the above limitations may not apply to you. * * Copyright Percepio AB, 2013. * www.percepio.com ******************************************************************************/ #include "trcKernelPort.h" #if (USE_TRACEALYZER_RECORDER == 1) #include <stdint.h> #include "task.h" /* For classes implemented as FreeRTOS Queues: This translates queue.type to the corresponding trace object class. */ traceObjectClass TraceObjectClassTable[5] = { TRACE_CLASS_QUEUE, TRACE_CLASS_MUTEX, TRACE_CLASS_SEMAPHORE, TRACE_CLASS_SEMAPHORE, TRACE_CLASS_MUTEX }; int uiInEventGroupSetBitsFromISR = 0; extern unsigned char ucQueueGetQueueType(void*); extern BaseType_t uxQueueGetQueueNumber(void*); objectHandleType prvTraceGetObjectNumber(void* handle) { return ( objectHandleType ) uxQueueGetQueueNumber(handle); } unsigned char prvTraceGetObjectType(void* handle) { return ucQueueGetQueueType(handle); } objectHandleType prvTraceGetTaskNumber(void* handle) { return (objectHandleType)uxTaskGetTaskNumber(handle); } unsigned char prvTraceIsSchedulerActive() { return xTaskGetSchedulerState() == taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING; } unsigned char prvTraceIsSchedulerSuspended() { return xTaskGetSchedulerState() == taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED; } unsigned char prvTraceIsSchedulerStarted() { return xTaskGetSchedulerState() != taskSCHEDULER_NOT_STARTED; } void* prvTraceGetCurrentTaskHandle() { return xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); } /* Initialization of the object property table */ void vTraceInitObjectPropertyTable() { RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectClasses = TRACE_NCLASSES; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[0] = NQueue; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[1] = NSemaphore; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[2] = NMutex; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[3] = NTask; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[4] = NISR; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[5] = NTimer; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[6] = NEventGroup; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[0] = NameLenQueue; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[1] = NameLenSemaphore; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[2] = NameLenMutex; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[3] = NameLenTask; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[4] = NameLenISR; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[5] = NameLenTimer; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NameLengthPerClass[6] = NameLenEventGroup; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[0] = PropertyTableSizeQueue; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[1] = PropertyTableSizeSemaphore; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[2] = PropertyTableSizeMutex; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[3] = PropertyTableSizeTask; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[4] = PropertyTableSizeISR; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[5] = PropertyTableSizeTimer; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.TotalPropertyBytesPerClass[6] = PropertyTableSizeEventGroup; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[0] = StartIndexQueue; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[1] = StartIndexSemaphore; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[2] = StartIndexMutex; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[3] = StartIndexTask; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[4] = StartIndexISR; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[5] = StartIndexTimer; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.StartIndexOfClass[6] = StartIndexEventGroup; RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.ObjectPropertyTableSizeInBytes = TRACE_OBJECT_TABLE_SIZE; } /* Initialization of the handle mechanism, see e.g, xTraceGetObjectHandle */ void vTraceInitObjectHandleStack() { objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[0] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[0] = 0; objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[1] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[1] = NQueue; objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[2] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[2] = NQueue + NSemaphore; objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[3] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[3] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex; objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[4] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[4] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask; objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[5] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[5] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask + NISR; objectHandleStacks.indexOfNextAvailableHandle[6] = objectHandleStacks.lowestIndexOfClass[6] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask + NISR + NTimer; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[0] = NQueue - 1; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[1] = NQueue + NSemaphore - 1; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[2] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex - 1; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[3] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask - 1; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[4] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask + NISR - 1; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[5] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask + NISR + NTimer - 1; objectHandleStacks.highestIndexOfClass[6] = NQueue + NSemaphore + NMutex + NTask + NISR + NTimer + NEventGroup - 1; } /* Returns the "Not enough handles" error message for this object class */ const char* pszTraceGetErrorNotEnoughHandles(traceObjectClass objectclass) { switch(objectclass) { case TRACE_CLASS_TASK: return "Not enough TASK handles - increase NTask in trcConfig.h"; case TRACE_CLASS_ISR: return "Not enough ISR handles - increase NISR in trcConfig.h"; case TRACE_CLASS_SEMAPHORE: return "Not enough SEMAPHORE handles - increase NSemaphore in trcConfig.h"; case TRACE_CLASS_MUTEX: return "Not enough MUTEX handles - increase NMutex in trcConfig.h"; case TRACE_CLASS_QUEUE: return "Not enough QUEUE handles - increase NQueue in trcConfig.h"; case TRACE_CLASS_TIMER: return "Not enough TIMER handles - increase NTimer in trcConfig.h"; case TRACE_CLASS_EVENTGROUP: return "Not enough EVENTGROUP handles - increase NEventGroup in trcConfig.h"; default: return "pszTraceGetErrorHandles: Invalid objectclass!"; } } /* Returns the exclude state of the object */ uint8_t uiTraceIsObjectExcluded(traceObjectClass objectclass, objectHandleType handle) { TRACE_ASSERT(objectclass < TRACE_NCLASSES, "prvTraceIsObjectExcluded: objectclass >= TRACE_NCLASSES", 1); TRACE_ASSERT(handle <= RecorderDataPtr->ObjectPropertyTable.NumberOfObjectsPerClass[objectclass], "uiTraceIsObjectExcluded: Invalid value for handle", 1); switch(objectclass) { case TRACE_CLASS_TASK: return TRACE_GET_TASK_FLAG_ISEXCLUDED(handle); case TRACE_CLASS_SEMAPHORE: return TRACE_GET_SEMAPHORE_FLAG_ISEXCLUDED(handle); case TRACE_CLASS_MUTEX: return TRACE_GET_MUTEX_FLAG_ISEXCLUDED(handle); case TRACE_CLASS_QUEUE: return TRACE_GET_QUEUE_FLAG_ISEXCLUDED(handle); case TRACE_CLASS_TIMER: return TRACE_GET_TIMER_FLAG_ISEXCLUDED(handle); case TRACE_CLASS_EVENTGROUP: return TRACE_GET_EVENTGROUP_FLAG_ISEXCLUDED(handle); } vTraceError("Invalid object class ID in uiTraceIsObjectExcluded!"); /* Must never reach */ return 1; } #endif