/* FreeRTOS.org V4.0.2 - Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Richard Barry. This file is part of the FreeRTOS.org distribution. FreeRTOS.org is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FreeRTOS.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FreeRTOS.org; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA A special exception to the GPL can be applied should you wish to distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS.org, without being obliged to provide the source code for any proprietary components. See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full details of how and when the exception can be applied. *************************************************************************** See http://www.FreeRTOS.org for documentation, latest information, license and contact details. Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the online documentation. *************************************************************************** */ /* * Creates the demo application tasks, then starts the scheduler. The WEB * documentation provides more details of the demo application tasks. * * Main. c also creates four other tasks: * * 1) vErrorChecks() * This only executes every few seconds but has the highest priority so is * guaranteed to get processor time. Its main function is to check that all * the standard demo application tasks are still operational and have not * experienced any errors. vErrorChecks() will toggle the on board LED * every mainNO_ERROR_FLASH_PERIOD milliseconds if none of the demo application * tasks have reported an error. Should any task report an error at any time * the rate at which the on board LED is toggled is increased to * mainERROR_FLASH_PERIOD - providing visual feedback that something has gone * wrong. * * 2) vRegisterCheck() * This is a very simple task that checks that all the registers are always * in their expected state. The task only makes use of the A register, so * all the other registers should always contain their initial values. * An incorrect value indicates an error in the context switch mechanism. * The task operates at the idle priority so will be preempted regularly. * Any error will cause the toggle rate of the on board LED to increase to * mainERROR_FLASH_PERIOD milliseconds. * * 3 and 4) vFLOPCheck1() and vFLOPCheck2() * These are very basic versions of the standard FLOP tasks. They are good * at detecting errors in the context switch mechanism, and also check that * the floating point libraries are correctly built to be re-enterant. The * stack restrictions of the 8051 prevent the use of the standard FLOP demo * tasks. */ /* Standard includes. */ #include /* Scheduler includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" /* Demo application includes. */ #include "partest.h" #include "flash.h" #include "integer.h" #include "PollQ.h" #include "comtest2.h" #include "semtest.h" /* Demo task priorities. */ #define mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 ) #define mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) #define mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) #define mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 ) #define mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) #define mainINTEGER_PRIORITY tskIDLE_PRIORITY /* Constants required to disable the watchdog. */ #define mainDISABLE_BYTE_1 ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0xde ) #define mainDISABLE_BYTE_2 ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0xad ) /* Constants to setup and use the on board LED. */ #define ucLED_BIT ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x40 ) #define mainPORT_1_BIT_6 ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x40 ) #define mainENABLE_CROSS_BAR ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x40 ) /* Constants to set the clock frequency. */ #define mainSELECT_INTERNAL_OSC ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x80 ) #define mainDIVIDE_CLOCK_BY_1 ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x03 ) #define mainPLL_USES_INTERNAL_OSC ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x04 ) #define mainFLASH_READ_TIMING ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x30 ) #define mainPLL_POWER_ON ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x01 ) #define mainPLL_NO_PREDIVIDE ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x01 ) #define mainPLL_FILTER ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x01 ) #define mainPLL_MULTIPLICATION ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x04 ) #define mainENABLE_PLL ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x02 ) #define mainPLL_LOCKED ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x10 ) #define mainSELECT_PLL_AS_SOURCE ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x02 ) /* Toggle rate for the on board LED - which is dependent on whether or not an error has been detected. */ #define mainNO_ERROR_FLASH_PERIOD ( ( portTickType ) 5000 ) #define mainERROR_FLASH_PERIOD ( ( portTickType ) 250 ) /* Baud rate used by the serial port tasks. */ #define mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE ( ( unsigned portLONG ) 115200 ) /* Pass an invalid LED number to the COM test task as we don't want it to flash an LED. There are only 8 LEDs (excluding the on board LED) wired in and these are all used by the flash tasks. */ #define mainCOM_TEST_LED ( 200 ) /* We want the Cygnal to act as much as possible as a standard 8052. */ #define mainAUTO_SFR_OFF ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0 ) /* Constants required to setup the IO pins for serial comms. */ #define mainENABLE_COMS ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x04 ) #define mainCOMS_LINES_TO_PUSH_PULL ( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0x03 ) /* Pointer passed as a parameter to vRegisterCheck() just so it has some know values to check for in the DPH, DPL and B registers. */ #define mainDUMMY_POINTER ( ( xdata void * ) 0xabcd ) /* Macro that lets vErrorChecks() know that one of the tasks defined in main. c has detected an error. A critical region is used around xLatchError as it is accessed from vErrorChecks(), which has a higher priority. */ #define mainLATCH_ERROR() \ { \ portENTER_CRITICAL(); \ xLatchedError = pdTRUE; \ portEXIT_CRITICAL(); \ } /* * Setup the Cygnal microcontroller for its fastest operation. */ static void prvSetupSystemClock( void ); /* * Setup the peripherals, including the on board LED. */ static void prvSetupHardware( void ); /* * Toggle the state of the on board LED. */ static void prvToggleOnBoardLED( void ); /* * See comments at the top of the file for details. */ static void vErrorChecks( void *pvParameters ); /* * See comments at the top of the file for details. */ static void vRegisterCheck( void *pvParameters ); /* * See comments at the top of the file for details. */ static void vFLOPCheck1( void *pvParameters ); /* * See comments at the top of the file for details. */ static void vFLOPCheck2( void *pvParameters ); /* File scope variable used to communicate the occurrence of an error between tasks. */ static portBASE_TYPE xLatchedError = pdFALSE; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler. */ void main( void ) { /* Initialise the hardware including the system clock and on board LED. */ prvSetupHardware(); /* Initialise the port that controls the external LED's utilized by the flash tasks. */ vParTestInitialise(); /* Start the used standard demo tasks. */ vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY ); vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ); vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_PRIORITY ); vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED ); vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ); /* Start the tasks defined in this file. The first three never block so must not be used with the co-operative scheduler. */ #if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 { xTaskCreate( vRegisterCheck, "RegChck", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainDUMMY_POINTER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL ); xTaskCreate( vFLOPCheck1, "FLOP", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL ); xTaskCreate( vFLOPCheck2, "FLOP", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL ); } #endif xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL ); /* Finally kick off the scheduler. This function should never return. */ vTaskStartScheduler(); /* Should never reach here as the tasks will now be executing under control of the scheduler. */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Setup the hardware prior to using the scheduler. Most of the Cygnal * specific initialisation is performed here leaving standard 8052 setup * only in the driver code. */ static void prvSetupHardware( void ) { unsigned portCHAR ucOriginalSFRPage; /* Remember the SFR page before it is changed so it can get set back before the function exits. */ ucOriginalSFRPage = SFRPAGE; /* Setup the SFR page to access the config SFR's. */ SFRPAGE = CONFIG_PAGE; /* Don't allow the microcontroller to automatically switch SFR page, as the SFR page is not stored as part of the task context. */ SFRPGCN = mainAUTO_SFR_OFF; /* Disable the watchdog. */ WDTCN = mainDISABLE_BYTE_1; WDTCN = mainDISABLE_BYTE_2; /* Set the on board LED to push pull. */ P1MDOUT |= mainPORT_1_BIT_6; /* Setup the cross bar to enable serial comms here as it is not part of the standard 8051 setup and therefore is not in the driver code. */ XBR0 |= mainENABLE_COMS; P0MDOUT |= mainCOMS_LINES_TO_PUSH_PULL; /* Enable the cross bar so our hardware setup takes effect. */ XBR2 = mainENABLE_CROSS_BAR; /* Setup a fast system clock. */ prvSetupSystemClock(); /* Return the SFR page. */ SFRPAGE = ucOriginalSFRPage; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSetupSystemClock( void ) { volatile unsigned portSHORT usWait; const unsigned portSHORT usWaitTime = ( unsigned portSHORT ) 0x2ff; unsigned portCHAR ucOriginalSFRPage; /* Remember the SFR page so we can set it back at the end. */ ucOriginalSFRPage = SFRPAGE; SFRPAGE = CONFIG_PAGE; /* Use the internal oscillator set to its fasted frequency. */ OSCICN = mainSELECT_INTERNAL_OSC | mainDIVIDE_CLOCK_BY_1; /* Ensure the clock is stable. */ for( usWait = 0; usWait < usWaitTime; usWait++ ); /* Setup the clock source for the PLL. */ PLL0CN &= ~mainPLL_USES_INTERNAL_OSC; /* Change the read timing for the flash ready for the fast clock. */ SFRPAGE = LEGACY_PAGE; FLSCL |= mainFLASH_READ_TIMING; /* Turn on the PLL power. */ SFRPAGE = CONFIG_PAGE; PLL0CN |= mainPLL_POWER_ON; /* Don't predivide the clock. */ PLL0DIV = mainPLL_NO_PREDIVIDE; /* Set filter for fastest clock. */ PLL0FLT = mainPLL_FILTER; PLL0MUL = mainPLL_MULTIPLICATION; /* Ensure the clock is stable. */ for( usWait = 0; usWait < usWaitTime; usWait++ ); /* Enable the PLL and wait for it to lock. */ PLL0CN |= mainENABLE_PLL; for( usWait = 0; usWait < usWaitTime; usWait++ ) { if( PLL0CN & mainPLL_LOCKED ) { break; } } /* Select the PLL as the clock source. */ CLKSEL |= mainSELECT_PLL_AS_SOURCE; /* Return the SFR back to its original value. */ SFRPAGE = ucOriginalSFRPage; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvToggleOnBoardLED( void ) { /* If the on board LED is on, turn it off and visa versa. */ if( P1 & ucLED_BIT ) { P1 &= ~ucLED_BIT; } else { P1 |= ucLED_BIT; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * See the documentation at the top of this file. */ static void vErrorChecks( void *pvParameters ) { portBASE_TYPE xErrorHasOccurred = pdFALSE; /* Just to prevent compiler warnings. */ ( void ) pvParameters; /* Cycle for ever, delaying then checking all the other tasks are still operating without error. The delay period depends on whether an error has ever been detected. */ for( ;; ) { if( xLatchedError == pdFALSE ) { /* No errors have been detected so delay for a longer period. The on board LED will get toggled every mainNO_ERROR_FLASH_PERIOD ms. */ vTaskDelay( mainNO_ERROR_FLASH_PERIOD ); } else { /* We have at some time recognised an error in one of the demo application tasks, delay for a shorter period. The on board LED will get toggled every mainERROR_FLASH_PERIOD ms. */ vTaskDelay( mainERROR_FLASH_PERIOD ); } /* Check the demo application tasks for errors. */ if( xAreIntegerMathsTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorHasOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xArePollingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorHasOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xAreComTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorHasOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xAreSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorHasOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* If an error has occurred, latch it to cause the LED flash rate to increase. */ if( xErrorHasOccurred == pdTRUE ) { xLatchedError = pdTRUE; } /* Toggle the LED to indicate the completion of a check cycle. The frequency of check cycles is dependent on whether or not we have latched an error. */ prvToggleOnBoardLED(); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * See the documentation at the top of this file. Also see the standard FLOP * demo task documentation for the rationale of these tasks. */ static void vFLOPCheck1( void *pvParameters ) { volatile portFLOAT fVal1, fVal2, fResult; ( void ) pvParameters; for( ;; ) { fVal1 = ( portFLOAT ) -1234.5678; fVal2 = ( portFLOAT ) 2345.6789; fResult = fVal1 + fVal2; if( ( fResult > ( portFLOAT ) 1111.15 ) || ( fResult < ( portFLOAT ) 1111.05 ) ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } fResult = fVal1 / fVal2; if( ( fResult > ( portFLOAT ) -0.51 ) || ( fResult < ( portFLOAT ) -0.53 ) ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * See the documentation at the top of this file. */ static void vFLOPCheck2( void *pvParameters ) { volatile portFLOAT fVal1, fVal2, fResult; ( void ) pvParameters; for( ;; ) { fVal1 = ( portFLOAT ) -12340.5678; fVal2 = ( portFLOAT ) 23450.6789; fResult = fVal1 + fVal2; if( ( fResult > ( portFLOAT ) 11110.15 ) || ( fResult < ( portFLOAT ) 11110.05 ) ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } fResult = fVal1 / -fVal2; if( ( fResult > ( portFLOAT ) 0.53 ) || ( fResult < ( portFLOAT ) 0.51 ) ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * See the documentation at the top of this file. */ static void vRegisterCheck( void *pvParameters ) { ( void ) pvParameters; for( ;; ) { if( SP != configSTACK_START ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar0 _endasm; if( ACC != 0 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar1 _endasm; if( ACC != 1 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar2 _endasm; if( ACC != 2 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar3 _endasm; if( ACC != 3 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar4 _endasm; if( ACC != 4 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar5 _endasm; if( ACC != 5 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar6 _endasm; if( ACC != 6 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } _asm MOV ACC, ar7 _endasm; if( ACC != 7 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } if( DPL != 0xcd ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } if( DPH != 0xab ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } if( B != 0x01 ) { mainLATCH_ERROR(); } } }