name : "FreeRTOS" version: "202012.00" description: "This is the standard distribution of FreeRTOS." dependencies: - name: "FreeRTOS-Kernel" version: "V10.4.3" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS/Source" - name: "FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP" version: "V2.3.2" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP" - name: "coreJSON" version: "v3.0.0" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/coreJSON" - name: "coreHTTP" version: "v1.0.1" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/Application-Protocols/coreHTTP" - name: "coreMQTT" version: "v1.0.2" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/Application-Protocols/coreMQTT" - name: "corePKCS11" version: "v3.0.0" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/corePKCS11" - name: "device-defender" version: "v1.0.1" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/AWS/device-defender" - name: "device-shadow" version: "v1.0.2" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/AWS/device-shadow" - name: "jobs" version: "v1.0.1" repository: type: "git" url: "" path: "FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/AWS/jobs"