/******************************************************************************* * Trace Recorder Library for Tracealyzer v4.3.11 * Percepio AB, www.percepio.com * * trcExtensions.h * * The extension interface of the recorder library, allowing for tracing * function calls to any API without modifications. All that is needed is a * single #include line in the .c files calling the API. * * This can be used to provide more detailed traces, including calls to e.g. * middleware, drivers or important APIs in your application code. This can be * applied selectively to specified functions and may include selected * parameters as well as the return value. * * Unlike the "User Event" concept, an extension is intended for systematic use * and can benefit from all powerful features in Tracealyzer via host-side XML * files that configure how Tracealyzer should interpret each event. * * Extensions are self-contained and easy to integrate, which makes them * convenient for distribution. Software vendors can thus develop such * extensions and provide trace support for their users. * * An extension consists of two files: * * - An extension header file (e.g. "api.tzext.h") - this defines how to * trace the API function calls. * * - An XML file for the Tracealyzer application (e.g. "api-v1.0.0.xml"). * This needs to match the tracing setup in your extension header file. * * * USAGE * * This description assumes you already have the extension files for the APIs you * like to trace. To include them, follow these steps: * * 1. Update trcExtensions.h with respect to: * * 1.1. TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT: The number of extensions to enable (max 4). * * 1.2. The name(s) of the extension header file(s) to include. * * 1.3. The Extension Prefix, i.e., the first part of the definition names * used in each header file. * * 2. Add #include "trcExtensions.h" in all .c files calling the API: * * #include ... * #include "api.h" // The API you like to trace * #include ... * #include "trcExtensions.h" * * We recommend to put this as the LAST #include statement. * * HOWEVER, don't include "trcExtensions.h" in the .c files containing the * functions you intend to trace. The compiler will then complain about * multiple definitions of the trace wrapper function. * * 3. Copy the extension XML file to the "Tracealyzer 4/cfg" folder. * On Windows this is typically * * C:\Program Files\Percepio\Tracealyzer 4\cfg * * * HOW IT WORKS * * By including "trcExtensions.h" in your .c files, the preprocessor will * redefine all calls of the functions specified in the extension header file. * Calls to those functions will now instead call the "trace wrapper functions" * defined in the extension header. The trace wrapper functions then call the * original function as well as the trace recorder library. * * call foo(a) ----> foo__trace(a) -----> foo(a) * -----> trace recorder library * * Note that the trace wrapper function should have the same declaration as the * original function (apart from the name) and also returns any return value * back to the original caller. So functionally this is completely transparent. * * This works also for calls via function pointers, as the assignments of the * function pointers will be affected, so the function pointers will point to * the trace wrapper function. * * It even works when calling binary libraries, since only the calling code * is modified, not the API itself. * * Extensions include a version code (Major.Minor.Patch), which is registered * in the trace and also part of the XML file name. This way, Tracealyzer * automatically finds the matching XML file, even if you open a old trace * recorded using a earlier version of the extension (e.g. if the API has * changed). * * LIMITATIONS * * The main limitation of this automatic approach is that it only allows for * tracing call between different .c files. Moreover, you can't trace multiple * APIs with calls between them. This since the calling file must include * trcExtensions.h, while the called file must NOT include this. * * It is however possible to get around this limitation. You need to add * #undef lines for each affected function to locally disable the redefinition, * and modify each function call to instead call the trace wrapper function. * * #include "trcExtensions.h" * #undef foo * ... * void foo(int a) * { * ... * } * ... * foo__trace(a); // in another function - call foo and trace it * * These changes can remain in your code if you like, as the trace wrappers * works even if the recorder is disabled. * * MAKING YOUR OWN EXTENSIONS * * Examples are found in the extensions directory. We recommend that you start * by looking at aws_secure_sockets files (.h and .xml) that provides a basic * example. The aws_wifi files provides a more advanced example. * The header files include detailed documentation about how to design them, * * The XML files should have the same name as specified in the NAME property * in the header file, followed by the version, i.e. * * -v.<..xml * * Documentation for the XML file format is not yet available, but is under * development. * * * Terms of Use * This file is part of the trace recorder library (RECORDER), which is the * intellectual property of Percepio AB (PERCEPIO) and provided under a * license as follows. * The RECORDER may be used free of charge for the purpose of recording data * intended for analysis in PERCEPIO products. It may not be used or modified * for other purposes without explicit permission from PERCEPIO. * You may distribute the RECORDER in its original source code form, assuming * this text (terms of use, disclaimer, copyright notice) is unchanged. You are * allowed to distribute the RECORDER with minor modifications intended for * configuration or porting of the RECORDER, e.g., to allow using it on a * specific processor, processor family or with a specific communication * interface. Any such modifications should be documented directly below * this comment block. * * Disclaimer * The RECORDER is being delivered to you AS IS and PERCEPIO makes no warranty * as to its use or performance. PERCEPIO does not and cannot warrant the * performance or results you may obtain by using the RECORDER or documentation. * PERCEPIO make no warranties, express or implied, as to noninfringement of * third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. * In no event will PERCEPIO, its technology partners, or distributors be liable * to you for any consequential, incidental or special damages, including any * lost profits or lost savings, even if a representative of PERCEPIO has been * advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any third * party. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * incidental, consequential or special damages, or the exclusion of implied * warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the * above limitations may not apply to you. * * Tabs are used for indent in this file (1 tab = 4 spaces) * * Copyright Percepio AB, 2018. * www.percepio.com ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef TRCEXTENSIONS_H_ #define TRCEXTENSIONS_H_ #include "trcRecorder.h" /****************************************************************************** * TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT * * Defines the number of extensions included in the trace. Maximum 4 extensions * can be included. * * Default value is 0 (extension support disabled). * *****************************************************************************/ #define TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT 0 /****************************************************************************** * TRC_CFG_EXT_MAX_NAME_LEN * * Defines the maximum length of extension name(s), i.e. the _NAME * macro(s) in trcExtensions.h. * * This value should will by rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4, and must * not be zero. To disable extension support, see TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT. * * It is important that this setting is large enough so extension names are * not truncated, otherwise the host-side Tracealyzer application won't be able * to find the corresponding XML file. * * You may adjust this to reduce memory usage, or increase it to allow for * longer extension names. * * Default value is 20. *****************************************************************************/ #define TRC_CFG_EXT_MAX_NAME_LEN 20 /****************************************************************************** * TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE * * The first event code used for the Extension system. This will be the first * event code of the first extension, and other event codes are relative to * this. This can be modified but this is normally not required. *****************************************************************************/ #define TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE 256 /*** Included Extensions ****************************************************** * * Below you specify what extensions to include. For each * extension you must define: * * - HEADER: The header file that defines the trace extension. * * - EXTENSION_PREFIX: The first part of the HEADER definition names. * *****************************************************************************/ #define TRC_EXT1_HEADER "aws_secure_sockets.tzext.h" #define TRC_EXT1_PREFIX TRC_EXT_SOCKETS #define TRC_EXT2_HEADER "aws_wifi.tzext.h" #define TRC_EXT2_PREFIX TRC_EXT_WIFI #define TRC_EXT3_HEADER "Here you specify the header file for Extensions 3." #define TRC_EXT3_PREFIX NOT_DEFINED #define TRC_EXT4_HEADER "Here you specify the header file for Extensions 4." #define TRC_EXT4_PREFIX NOT_DEFINED /*** Don't modify below ******************************************************/ #define ROUNDUP4(n) (4*((n+3)/4)) typedef struct{ uint16_t firstEventCode; uint16_t lastEventCode; uint16_t patchVersion; uint8_t minorVersion; uint8_t majorVersion; char name[ROUNDUP4(TRC_CFG_EXT_MAX_NAME_LEN)]; } PSFExtensionEntryType; typedef struct{ uint16_t extensionEntryCount; uint16_t baseEventCode; #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT > 0) uint8_t extensionEntryNameMaxLength; uint8_t extensionEntrySize; PSFExtensionEntryType extension[TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT]; #endif } PSFExtensionInfoType; extern PSFExtensionInfoType PSFExtensionInfo; #define CAT(a, ...) PRIMITIVE_CAT(a, __VA_ARGS__) #define PRIMITIVE_CAT(a, ...) a ## __VA_ARGS__ #define TRC_EXT_BASECODE (PSFExtensionInfo.extension[TRC_EXT_NUMBER-1].firstEventCode) #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT >= 1) #ifdef TRC_EXT1_HEADER #define TRC_EXT_NUMBER 1 #include TRC_EXT1_HEADER #undef TRC_EXT_NUMBER #endif #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT >= 2) #ifdef TRC_EXT2_HEADER #define TRC_EXT_NUMBER 2 #include TRC_EXT2_HEADER #undef TRC_EXT_NUMBER #endif #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT >= 3) #ifdef TRC_EXT3_HEADER #define TRC_EXT_NUMBER 3 #include TRC_EXT3_HEADER #undef TRC_EXT_NUMBER #endif #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT == 4) #ifdef TRC_EXT3_HEADER #define TRC_EXT_NUMBER 4 #include TRC_EXT4_HEADER #undef TRC_EXT_NUMBER #endif #endif #define TRC_EXT1_COUNT CAT(TRC_EXT1_PREFIX, _COUNT) #define TRC_EXT2_COUNT CAT(TRC_EXT2_PREFIX, _COUNT) #define TRC_EXT3_COUNT CAT(TRC_EXT3_PREFIX, _COUNT) #define TRC_EXT4_COUNT CAT(TRC_EXT4_PREFIX, _COUNT) #define TRC_EXT1_NAME CAT(TRC_EXT1_PREFIX, _NAME) #define TRC_EXT2_NAME CAT(TRC_EXT2_PREFIX, _NAME) #define TRC_EXT3_NAME CAT(TRC_EXT3_PREFIX, _NAME) #define TRC_EXT4_NAME CAT(TRC_EXT4_PREFIX, _NAME) #define TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MAJOR CAT(TRC_EXT1_PREFIX, _VERSION_MAJOR) #define TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MAJOR CAT(TRC_EXT2_PREFIX, _VERSION_MAJOR) #define TRC_EXT3_VERSION_MAJOR CAT(TRC_EXT3_PREFIX, _VERSION_MAJOR) #define TRC_EXT4_VERSION_MAJOR CAT(TRC_EXT4_PREFIX, _VERSION_MAJOR) #define TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MINOR CAT(TRC_EXT1_PREFIX, _VERSION_MINOR) #define TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MINOR CAT(TRC_EXT2_PREFIX, _VERSION_MINOR) #define TRC_EXT3_VERSION_MINOR CAT(TRC_EXT3_PREFIX, _VERSION_MINOR) #define TRC_EXT4_VERSION_MINOR CAT(TRC_EXT4_PREFIX, _VERSION_MINOR) #define TRC_EXT1_VERSION_PATCH CAT(TRC_EXT1_PREFIX, _VERSION_PATCH) #define TRC_EXT2_VERSION_PATCH CAT(TRC_EXT2_PREFIX, _VERSION_PATCH) #define TRC_EXT3_VERSION_PATCH CAT(TRC_EXT3_PREFIX, _VERSION_PATCH) #define TRC_EXT4_VERSION_PATCH CAT(TRC_EXT4_PREFIX, _VERSION_PATCH) #if ((TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT > 4) || (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT < 0)) #error "TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT must be in range [0..4]" #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT == 0) #define TRC_EXTENSIONS_DATA #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT == 1) #define TRC_EXTENSIONS_DATA \ { \ { TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT1_NAME } \ } #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT == 2) #define TRC_EXTENSIONS_DATA \ { \ { TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT1_NAME } \ ,{ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT2_NAME } \ } #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT == 3) #define TRC_EXTENSIONS_DATA \ { \ { TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT1_NAME } \ ,{ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT2_NAME } \ ,{ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT + TRC_EXT3_COUNT - 1, \ TRC_EXT3_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT3_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT3_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT3_NAME } \ } #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT == 4) #define TRC_EXTENSIONS_DATA \ { \ { TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT1_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT1_NAME } \ ,{ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT-1, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT2_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT2_NAME } \ ,{ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT + TRC_EXT3_COUNT - 1, \ TRC_EXT3_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT3_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT3_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT3_NAME } \ ,{ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT + TRC_EXT3_COUNT, \ TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE + TRC_EXT1_COUNT + TRC_EXT2_COUNT + TRC_EXT3_COUNT + TRC_EXT4_COUNT- 1, \ TRC_EXT4_VERSION_PATCH, \ TRC_EXT4_VERSION_MINOR, \ TRC_EXT4_VERSION_MAJOR, \ TRC_EXT4_NAME } \ } #endif #if (TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT > 0) #define TRC_EXTENSION_INFO {TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT, TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE, ROUNDUP4(TRC_CFG_EXT_MAX_NAME_LEN), sizeof(PSFExtensionEntryType), TRC_EXTENSIONS_DATA} #else #define TRC_EXTENSION_INFO {TRC_CFG_EXTENSION_COUNT, TRC_EXTENSION_EVENTCODE_BASE} #endif #endif /* TRCEXTENSIONS_H_ */