/* ----> DO NOT REMOVE THE FOLLOWING NOTICE <---- * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Datalight, Inc. * All Rights Reserved Worldwide. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; use version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but "AS-IS," WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* Businesses and individuals that for commercial or other reasons cannot * comply with the terms of the GPLv2 license may obtain a commercial license * before incorporating Reliance Edge into proprietary software for * distribution in any form. Visit http://www.datalight.com/reliance-edge for * more information. */ /** @file * @brief Reliance Edge utilities only needed for tests. */ #ifndef REDTESTUTILS_H #define REDTESTUTILS_H #define ISDIGIT( c ) ( ( ( c ) >= '0' ) && ( ( c ) <= '9' ) ) void RedRandSeed( uint64_t ullSeed ); uint64_t RedRand64( uint64_t * pullSeed ); uint32_t RedRand32( uint32_t * pulSeed ); char * RedRatio( char * pBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferLen, uint64_t ullDividend, uint64_t ullDivisor, uint32_t ulDecPlaces ); uint64_t RedMulDiv64( uint64_t ullBase, uint32_t ulMultiplier, uint64_t ullDivisor ); uint64_t RedUint64DivMod32( uint64_t ullDividend, uint32_t ulDivisor, uint32_t * pulRemainder ); uint64_t RedUint64DivMod64( uint64_t ullDividend, uint64_t ullDivisor, uint64_t * pullRemainder ); char * RedScaleBytes( uint32_t ulByteValue, char * pszBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferSize ); char * RedScaleKB( uint32_t ulKBValue, char * pszBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferSize ); uint32_t RedGetKBPerSecond( uint64_t ullKB, uint32_t ulMS ); uint32_t RedGetKBPerSecondSectors( uint32_t ulBytesPerSector, uint64_t ullSectors, uint64_t ullUS ); int32_t RedAtoI( const char * pszNum ); const char * RedHtoUL( const char * pszNum, uint32_t * pulNum ); const char * RedHtoULL( const char * pszNum, uint64_t * pullNum ); const char * RedNtoUL( const char * pszNum, uint32_t * pulNum ); const char * RedNtoULL( const char * pszNum, uint64_t * pullNum ); const char * RedSizeToUL( const char * pszNum, uint32_t * pulResult ); int32_t RedStrICmp( const char * pszStr1, const char * pszStr2 ); int32_t RedStrNICmp( const char * pszStr1, const char * pszStr2, uint32_t ulLen ); char RedToLower( char c ); #include #if REDCONF_OUTPUT == 1 void RedPrintf( const char * pszFormat, ... ); void RedVPrintf( const char * pszFormat, va_list arglist ); #endif int32_t RedSNPrintf( char * pcBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferLen, const char * pszFormat, ... ); int32_t RedVSNPrintf( char * pcBuffer, uint32_t ulBufferLen, const char * pszFormat, va_list arglist ); #endif /* ifndef REDTESTUTILS_H */