/* * FreeRTOS+TCP V2.2.2 * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /* * tcp_dump_packets.c * Used in the PC/Win project to dump Ethernet packets, along with some description. * See tools/tcp_dump_packets.md for further description. */ /* Standard includes. */ #include #include #include #include /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include #include "task.h" /* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Stream_Buffer.h" #include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h" #if( ipconfigUSE_DUMP_PACKETS != 0 ) #include "tcp_dump_packets.h" /* The priority of the windows thread. */ #define dumpPROCESS_THREAD_PRIORITY THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL /* There is a stream buffer between the FreeRTOS tasks sending network packets, and the Windows thread that writes these packets to disk. The macro 'dumpITEM_COUNT' determines the number of full-size packets that can be stored in this stream buffer. */ #ifndef dumpITEM_COUNT #define dumpITEM_COUNT 32 #endif /* Packets are written in hex notation, no more than 16 bytes on a row. */ #ifndef dumpBYTES_PER_ROW #define dumpBYTES_PER_ROW 16 #endif /* The TCP port number reserved for a DNS server. */ #define dnsDNS_PORT 0x0035u /* Some const values describing the 'flags' in a TCP packet. */ #define tcpTCP_FLAG_FIN 0x0001u /* No more data from sender */ #define tcpTCP_FLAG_SYN 0x0002u /* Synchronize sequence numbers */ #define tcpTCP_FLAG_RST 0x0004u /* Reset the connection */ #define tcpTCP_FLAG_PSH 0x0008u /* Push function: please push buffered data to the recv application */ #define tcpTCP_FLAG_ACK 0x0010u /* Acknowledgment field is significant */ /* A macro to add a type, both as a numeric value, as well as a string. */ #define ADD_TYPE( FLAGS ) \ vAddType( flag_##FLAGS, #FLAGS ) /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static char pcTypeString[ 255 ]; static uint32_t ulTypeMask; /* The name of the C source file to be written. */ static char pcCodeFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; /* The name of the header file to be written. */ static char pcHeaderFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; /* A stream buffer between the FreeRTOS tasks and the Windows thread. */ static StreamBuffer_t *xPacketBuffer; /* A process handle of the Windows thread. */ static HANDLE pvProcessHandle; static UBaseType_t uxNextPacketNumber; static BaseType_t xFirstPacket = 1; /* Bollean 'xDumpingReady' becomes true once all desired packet have been collected. Further packets will be dropped (ignored). */ static volatile BaseType_t xDumpingReady = pdFALSE; static DumpEntries_t *pxCurrentEntries; static uint16_t usSourcePort; static uint16_t usDestinationPort; typedef struct xBufferheader { size_t uxLength; UBaseType_t bIncoming : 1; } Bufferheader_t; static DumpEntries_t xExampleEntries = { .uxEntryCount = 4, /* No more than 'dumpMAX_DUMP_ENTRIES' elements. */ .xEntries = { { .ulMask = flag_IN | flag_UDP, .uxMax = 2u }, { .ulMask = flag_IN | flag_ARP, .uxMax = 2u }, { .ulMask = flag_IN | flag_TCP, .uxMax = 5u }, { .ulMask = flag_IN | flag_SYN, .uxMax = 1u }, } }; const char pcHeaderCode[] = "/*\n" " * This file was created automatically by 'dump_packets.c'\n" " */\n" "\n" "/* Standard includes. */\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n" "/* FreeRTOS includes. */\n" "#include \n" "#include \n\n" "#include \"%s\"\n\n"; const char pcHeaderHeader[] = "/*\n" " * This file was created automatically by 'dump_packets.c'\n" " */\n" "\n" "#ifndef PACKET_LIST_H\n\n" "#define PACKET_LIST_H\n\n" "typedef struct xDumpPacket\n" "{\n" " const uint8_t *pucData;\n" " size_t uxLength;\n" " uint32_t ulType;\n" " uint16_t usSource;\n" " uint16_t usDestination;\n" "} DumpPacket_t;\n\n"; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The Windows thread that actually writes the network packets to a C source and header file. */ static DWORD WINAPI prvWritePackets( LPVOID lpParameter ); static void vAddProtocolTags( uint8_t *pucEthernetBuffer, BaseType_t xIPType ); static void vDetermineMessageType( uint8_t *pucBuffer, BaseType_t xIncoming ); static void vActualDump( uint8_t *pucBuffer, size_t uxLength, BaseType_t xIncoming ); static void vAddType( uint32_t ulFlags, const char *pcFlagName ); static void vWriteHeaderFile( void ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void dump_packet_init( const char *pcFileName, DumpEntries_t *pxEntries ) { size_t uxIndex; snprintf( pcCodeFileName, sizeof pcCodeFileName, "%s.c", pcFileName ); snprintf( pcHeaderFileName, sizeof pcHeaderFileName, "%s.h", pcFileName ); if( pxEntries == NULL ) { pxEntries = &( xExampleEntries ); } configASSERT( pxEntries->uxEntryCount > 0 ); configASSERT( pxEntries->uxEntryCount <= dumpMAX_DUMP_ENTRIES ); for( uxIndex = 0; uxIndex < pxEntries->uxEntryCount; uxIndex++ ) { pxEntries->xEntries[ uxIndex ].uxCount = 0; } pxCurrentEntries = pxEntries; if( xPacketBuffer == NULL ) { size_t uxLength, uxSize; /* Enough space for e.g. 32 buffers and length words. */ uxLength = dumpITEM_COUNT * ( sizeof( void * ) + ipconfigNETWORK_MTU + ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER ); uxSize = ( sizeof( *xPacketBuffer ) + uxLength ) - sizeof( xPacketBuffer->ucArray ); xPacketBuffer = ( StreamBuffer_t * ) pvPortMalloc( uxSize ); configASSERT( xPacketBuffer != NULL ); vStreamBufferClear( xPacketBuffer ); xPacketBuffer->LENGTH = uxLength; } if( pvProcessHandle == NULL ) { pvProcessHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, prvWritePackets, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL ); if( pvProcessHandle != NULL ) { SetThreadPriority( pvProcessHandle, dumpPROCESS_THREAD_PRIORITY ); SetThreadPriorityBoost( pvProcessHandle, TRUE ); SetThreadAffinityMask( pvProcessHandle, 0x0E ); ResumeThread( pvProcessHandle ); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void dump_packet( const uint8_t *pucBuffer, size_t uxLength, BaseType_t xIncoming ) { /* This function shall be called from a normal FreeRTOS task only. */ if( xPacketBuffer != NULL ) { if( xDumpingReady == pdFALSE ) { size_t uxSpace = uxStreamBufferGetSpace( xPacketBuffer ); size_t uxNeeded = uxLength + sizeof( size_t ); if( uxNeeded < uxSpace ) { Bufferheader_t xheader; xheader.uxLength = uxLength; xheader.bIncoming = xIncoming; uxStreamBufferAdd( xPacketBuffer, 0u, ( const uint8_t * ) &( xheader ), sizeof( xheader ) ); uxStreamBufferAdd( xPacketBuffer, 0u, pucBuffer, uxLength ); } else { /* Drop this packet. */ } } else { /* The Windows thread 'prvWritePackets()' had received enough packets. The packet buffer may be freed. */ vPortFree( xPacketBuffer ); xPacketBuffer = NULL; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static DWORD WINAPI prvWritePackets( LPVOID lpParameter ) { /* This is a Windows thread, not a FreeRTOS task. FreeRTOS API's may not be called. */ for( ;; ) { Sleep( 100 ); while( ( xPacketBuffer != NULL ) && ( xDumpingReady == pdFALSE ) ) { Bufferheader_t xHeader; size_t uxBytes = uxStreamBufferGetSize( xPacketBuffer ); if( uxBytes <= sizeof( xHeader ) ) break; /* Peek the number of bytes available. */ uxStreamBufferGet( xPacketBuffer, 0u, ( uint8_t * ) &( xHeader ), sizeof( xHeader ), pdTRUE ); if( uxBytes >= sizeof( xHeader ) + xHeader.uxLength ); { size_t xBytesRead; uint8_t pcBuffer[ ipconfigNETWORK_MTU ]; size_t xActualCount; uxStreamBufferGet( xPacketBuffer, 0u, NULL, sizeof( xHeader ), pdFALSE ); xActualCount = uxStreamBufferGet( xPacketBuffer, 0u, pcBuffer, xHeader.uxLength, pdFALSE ); vActualDump( pcBuffer, xActualCount, xHeader.bIncoming ); } } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static int _fprintf( FILE *pxHandle, const char* pcFormat, ... ) { char pcString[ 255 ]; BaseType_t iCount; va_list args; va_start (args, pcFormat); iCount = vsnprintf( pcString, sizeof pcString, pcFormat, args); va_end (args); fwrite( pcString, 1u, iCount, pxHandle ); return iCount; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vWriteHeaderFile( void ) { FILE *outfile; outfile = fopen( pcHeaderFileName, "w" ); if( outfile != NULL ) { fwrite( pcHeaderHeader, 1u, sizeof( pcHeaderHeader ) - 1u, outfile ); _fprintf( outfile, "#define dumpPACKET_COUNT %lu\n\n", ( uxNextPacketNumber < 1u ) ? 1u : uxNextPacketNumber ); _fprintf( outfile, "extern DumpPacket_t *xPacketList[ dumpPACKET_COUNT ];\n\n" ); _fprintf( outfile, "#endif PACKET_LIST_H\n" ); fclose ( outfile ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vAddType( uint32_t ulFlags, const char *pcFlagName ) { size_t uxLength = strlen( pcTypeString ); char pcString[ 64 ]; BaseType_t iCount; ulTypeMask |= ulFlags; if( uxLength == 0 ) { snprintf( pcTypeString, sizeof pcTypeString, "%s", pcFlagName ); } else { snprintf( pcTypeString + uxLength, sizeof pcTypeString - 1, " | %s", pcFlagName ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vAddProtocolTags( uint8_t *pucEthernetBuffer, BaseType_t xIPType ) { ProtocolHeaders_t *pxProtocolHeaders; #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) const IPHeader_IPv6_t * pxIPHeader_IPv6; #endif UBaseType_t uxHeaderLength; uint8_t ucProtocol; IPPacket_t * pxIPPacket; IPHeader_t * pxIPHeader; pxIPPacket = ( IPPacket_t * ) pucEthernetBuffer; pxIPHeader = &( pxIPPacket->xIPHeader ); #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) pxIPHeader_IPv6 = ipPOINTER_CAST( const IPHeader_IPv6_t *, &( pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER ] ) ); if( pxIPPacket->xEthernetHeader.usFrameType == ipIPv6_FRAME_TYPE ) { uxHeaderLength = ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER; ucProtocol = pxIPHeader_IPv6->ucNextHeader; pxProtocolHeaders = ipPOINTER_CAST( ProtocolHeaders_t *, &( pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER ] ) ); } else #endif { size_t uxLength = ( size_t ) pxIPHeader->ucVersionHeaderLength; /* Check if the IP headers are acceptable and if it has our destination. The lowest four bits of 'ucVersionHeaderLength' indicate the IP-header length in multiples of 4. */ uxHeaderLength = ( size_t ) ( ( uxLength & 0x0Fu ) << 2 ); ucProtocol = pxIPPacket->xIPHeader.ucProtocol; pxProtocolHeaders = ipPOINTER_CAST( ProtocolHeaders_t *, &( pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + uxHeaderLength ] ) ); } switch( ucProtocol ) { case ipPROTOCOL_ICMP : ADD_TYPE( ICMP4 ); break; #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) case ipPROTOCOL_ICMP_IPv6: ADD_TYPE( ICMP6 ); break; #endif case ipPROTOCOL_UDP : { ADD_TYPE( UDP ); usSourcePort = pxProtocolHeaders->xUDPHeader.usSourcePort; usDestinationPort = pxProtocolHeaders->xUDPHeader.usDestinationPort; if( usSourcePort == FreeRTOS_htons( dnsDNS_PORT) ) { ADD_TYPE( DNS ); ADD_TYPE( REPLY ); } else if( usDestinationPort == FreeRTOS_htons( dnsDNS_PORT) ) { ADD_TYPE( DNS ); ADD_TYPE( REQUEST ); } } break; #if ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 case ipPROTOCOL_TCP : { ADD_TYPE( TCP ); usSourcePort = pxProtocolHeaders->xTCPHeader.usSourcePort; usDestinationPort = pxProtocolHeaders->xTCPHeader.usDestinationPort; if( ( pxProtocolHeaders->xTCPHeader.ucTCPFlags & tcpTCP_FLAG_SYN ) != 0u ) { ADD_TYPE( SYN ); } if( ( pxProtocolHeaders->xTCPHeader.ucTCPFlags & tcpTCP_FLAG_FIN ) != 0u ) { ADD_TYPE( FIN ); } if( ( pxProtocolHeaders->xTCPHeader.ucTCPFlags & tcpTCP_FLAG_RST ) != 0u ) { ADD_TYPE( RST ); } if( ( pxProtocolHeaders->xTCPHeader.ucTCPFlags & tcpTCP_FLAG_ACK ) != 0u ) { ADD_TYPE( ACK ); } } break; #endif } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vDetermineMessageType( uint8_t *pucBuffer, BaseType_t xIncoming ) { EthernetHeader_t *pxEthernetHeader; if( xIncoming != 0 ) { ADD_TYPE( IN ); } else { ADD_TYPE( OUT ); } pxEthernetHeader = ( EthernetHeader_t * ) pucBuffer; /* Interpret the received Ethernet packet. */ switch( pxEthernetHeader->usFrameType ) { case ipARP_FRAME_TYPE : { ARPPacket_t * pxARPFrame; ARPHeader_t *pxARPHeader; /* The Ethernet frame contains an ARP packet. */ ADD_TYPE( FRAME_ARP ); pxARPFrame = ( ARPPacket_t * ) pucBuffer; pxARPHeader = &( pxARPFrame->xARPHeader ); ADD_TYPE( ARP ); switch( pxARPHeader->usOperation ) { case ipARP_REQUEST: ADD_TYPE( REQUEST ); break; case ipARP_REPLY: ADD_TYPE( REPLY ); break; default: ADD_TYPE( UNKNOWN ); break; } } break; case ipIPv4_FRAME_TYPE : { ADD_TYPE( FRAME_4 ); vAddProtocolTags( pucBuffer, 4 ); } break; #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) case ipIPv6_FRAME_TYPE : { ADD_TYPE( FRAME_6 ); vAddProtocolTags( pucBuffer, 6 ); } break; #endif default : /* No other packet types are handled. Nothing to do. */ ADD_TYPE( Unknown_FRAME ); break; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vActualDump( uint8_t *pucBuffer, size_t uxLength, BaseType_t xIncoming ) { char pcString[ 513 ]; size_t uxOffset; size_t uxIndex; size_t uxCompleteCount = 0; BaseType_t xUseIt = pdFALSE; usSourcePort = 0u; usDestinationPort = 0u; pcTypeString[ 0 ] = 0; ulTypeMask = 0uL; if( pxCurrentEntries == NULL ) { return; } vDetermineMessageType( pucBuffer, xIncoming ); for( uxIndex = 0; uxIndex < pxCurrentEntries->uxEntryCount; uxIndex++ ) { if( pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ uxIndex ].uxCount < pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ uxIndex ].uxMax ) { uint32_t ulMask = pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ uxIndex ].ulMask; if( ( ulMask & ulTypeMask ) == ulMask ) { pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ uxIndex ].uxCount++; xUseIt = pdTRUE; } } else { uxCompleteCount++; } } FreeRTOS_printf( ( "prvWritePackets: done %d/%d : (%d,%d) (%d,%d) (%d,%d) (%d,%d)\n", uxCompleteCount, pxCurrentEntries->uxEntryCount, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 0 ].uxCount, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 0 ].uxMax, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 1 ].uxCount, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 1 ].uxMax, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 2 ].uxCount, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 2 ].uxMax, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 3 ].uxCount, pxCurrentEntries->xEntries[ 3 ].uxMax ) ); if( uxCompleteCount >= pxCurrentEntries->uxEntryCount ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "prvWritePackets: all %lu packets have been collected\n", pxCurrentEntries->uxEntryCount ) ); if( pxCurrentEntries != NULL ) { FILE *outfile = fopen( pcCodeFileName, ( xFirstPacket != 0 ) ? "w" : "a+" ); if ( outfile == NULL ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Can not create '%s'\n", pcCodeFileName ) ); } else { /* Create a list with pointers to each network packet. DumpPacket_t *xPacketList[ dumpPACKET_COUNT ] = { &xPacket_0000, &xPacket_0001, &xPacket_0002, &xPacket_0003, } */ _fprintf( outfile, "\nDumpPacket_t *xPacketList[ dumpPACKET_COUNT ] =\n{\n" ); for( uxIndex = 0; uxIndex < uxNextPacketNumber; uxIndex++ ) { _fprintf( outfile, "\t&xPacket_%04lu,\n", uxIndex ); } _fprintf( outfile, "};\n" ); fclose( outfile ); vWriteHeaderFile(); } pxCurrentEntries = NULL; /* Tell the thread and the function dump_packet() that packet dumping is ready. */ xDumpingReady = pdTRUE; } return; } if( xUseIt == pdFALSE ) { return; } printf("prvWritePackets: Read %lu bytes, type %s\n", uxLength, pcTypeString ); FILE *outfile = fopen( pcCodeFileName, ( xFirstPacket != 0 ) ? "w" : "a+" ); if ( outfile == NULL ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Can not create '%s'\n", pcCodeFileName ) ); return; } if( xFirstPacket != 0 ) { char *pcPtr; size_t xLength; vWriteHeaderFile( pcHeaderFileName ); xLength = snprintf( pcString, sizeof pcString, pcHeaderCode, pcHeaderFileName ); fwrite( pcString, 1u, xLength, outfile ); xFirstPacket = pdFALSE; } _fprintf( outfile, "\n/* Packet_%04d */\n", uxNextPacketNumber ); _fprintf( outfile, "uint8_t ucPacket_%04lx[ %lu ] =\n{\n", uxNextPacketNumber, uxLength ); for( uxOffset = 0u; uxOffset < uxLength; ) { size_t uxCurLength = 0u; size_t uxLast = uxOffset + dumpBYTES_PER_ROW; BaseType_t xFirst = pdTRUE; if( uxLast > uxLength ) { uxLast = uxLength; } while( uxOffset < uxLast ) { uxCurLength += snprintf( pcString + uxCurLength, sizeof pcString - uxCurLength, "%s0x%02x", ( uxCurLength == 0 ) ? "\t" : ", ", pucBuffer[ uxOffset ] ); uxOffset++; } if( uxCurLength != 0u ) { uxCurLength += snprintf( pcString + uxCurLength, sizeof pcString - uxCurLength, "%s\n", ( uxOffset == uxLength ) ? "\n};" : "," ); fwrite( pcString, 1u, uxCurLength, outfile ); } } _fprintf( outfile, "\n"); _fprintf( outfile, "DumpPacket_t xPacket_%04lx =\n{\n" "\t.pucData = ucPacket_%04lx,\n" "\t.uxLength = %lu,\n" "\t.ulType = 0x%lX, /* %s */\n", uxNextPacketNumber, uxNextPacketNumber, uxLength, ulTypeMask, pcTypeString ); if( usSourcePort != 0u ) { _fprintf( outfile, "\t.usSource = %u,\n", FreeRTOS_ntohs( usSourcePort ) ); } if( usSourcePort != 0u ) { _fprintf( outfile, "\t.usDestination = %u,\n", FreeRTOS_ntohs( usDestinationPort ) ); } _fprintf( outfile, "};\n" "/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n" ); fclose( outfile ); uxNextPacketNumber++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #endif /* ( ipconfigUSE_DUMP_PACKETS != 0 ) */