/* FreeRTOS MCF5235 port - Copyright (C) 2006 Christian Walter. This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FreeRTOS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA A special exception to the GPL can be applied should you wish to distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS, without being obliged to provide the source code for any proprietary components. See the licensing section of http://www.FreeRTOS.org for full details of how and when the exception can be applied. *************************************************************************** See http://www.FreeRTOS.org for documentation, latest information, license and contact details. Please ensure to read the configuration and relevant port sections of the online documentation. Also see http://www.SafeRTOS.com for an IEC 61508 compliant version along with commercial development and support options. *************************************************************************** */ #include "mcf5xxx.h" #include "mcf523x.h" /* Function prototypes */ void init_main( void ); static void disable_interrupts( void ); static void disable_watchdog_timer( void ); static void disable_cache( void ); static void init_ipsbar( void ); static void init_basics( void ); static void init_clock_config( void ); static void init_chip_selects( void ); static void init_bus_config( void ); static void init_cache( void ); static void init_eport( void ); static void init_flexcan( void ); static void init_power_management( void ); static void init_dma_timers( void ); static void init_interrupt_timers( void ); static void init_watchdog_timers( void ); static void init_pin_assignments( void ); static void init_sdram_controller( void ); static void init_interrupt_controller( void ); /********************************************************************* * init_main - Main entry point for initialisation code * **********************************************************************/ void init_main( void ) { /* Initialise base address of peripherals, VBR, etc */ init_ipsbar( ); init_basics( ); init_clock_config( ); /* Disable interrupts, watchdog timer, cache */ disable_interrupts( ); disable_watchdog_timer( ); disable_cache( ); /* Initialise individual modules */ init_chip_selects( ); init_bus_config( ); init_cache( ); init_eport( ); init_flexcan( ); init_power_management( ); init_dma_timers( ); init_interrupt_timers( ); init_watchdog_timers( ); init_pin_assignments( ); init_sdram_controller( ); /* Initialise interrupt controller */ init_interrupt_controller( ); } /********************************************************************* * disable_interrupts - Disable all interrupt sources * **********************************************************************/ static void disable_interrupts( void ) { vuint8 *p; int i; /* Set ICR008-ICR063 to 0x0 */ p = ( vuint8 * ) & MCF_INTC0_ICR8; for( i = 8; i <= 63; i++ ) *p++ = 0x0; /* Set ICR108-ICR163 to 0x0 */ p = ( vuint8 * ) & MCF_INTC1_ICR8; for( i = 108; i <= 163; i++ ) *p++ = 0x0; } /********************************************************************* * disable_watchdog_timer - Disable system watchdog timer * **********************************************************************/ static void disable_watchdog_timer( void ) { /* Disable Core Watchdog Timer */ MCF_SCM_CWCR = 0; } /********************************************************************* * disable_cache - Disable and invalidate cache * **********************************************************************/ static void disable_cache( void ) { asm ( "move.l #0x01000000, %d0" ); asm ( "movec %d0, %CACR" ); } /********************************************************************* * init_basics - Configuration Information & VBR * **********************************************************************/ static void init_basics( void ) { int i; extern uint32 __RAMVEC[]; extern uint32 __ROMVEC[]; /* Transfer size not driven on SIZ[1:0] pins during external cycles Processor Status (PST) and Debug Data (DDATA) functions disabled Bus monitor disabled Output pads configured for full strength */ MCF_CCM_CCR = ( 0x1 << 15 ) | MCF_CCM_CCR_BME; /* Set up RAM vectors */ for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { __RAMVEC[i] = __ROMVEC[i]; } asm( "move.l %0,%%d0": :"i"( __RAMVEC ) ); asm( "movec %d0,%vbr" ); } /********************************************************************* * init_clock_config - Clock Module * **********************************************************************/ static void init_clock_config( void ) { /* Clock module uses normal PLL mode with 25.0000 MHz external reference (Fref) MFD = 0, RFD = 1 Bus clock frequency = 25.00 MHz Processor clock frequency = 2 x bus clock = 50.00 MHz Frequency Modulation disabled Loss of clock detection disabled Reset/Interrupt on loss of lock disabled */ MCF_FMPLL_SYNCR = 0x00100000; /* Set RFD=RFD+1 to avoid frequency overshoot */ while( ( MCF_FMPLL_SYNSR & 0x08 ) == 0 ) /* Wait for PLL to lock */ ; MCF_FMPLL_SYNCR = 0x00080000; /* Set desired RFD */ while( ( MCF_FMPLL_SYNSR & 0x08 ) == 0 ) /* Wait for PLL to lock */ ; } /********************************************************************* * init_ipsbar - Internal Peripheral System Base Address (IPSBAR) * **********************************************************************/ static void init_ipsbar( void ) { extern int __SRAM; /* Base address of internal peripherals (IPSBAR) = 0x40000000 Note: Processor powers up with IPS base address = 0x40000000 Write to IPS base + 0x00000000 to set new value */ *( vuint32 * ) 0x40000000 = ( vuint32 ) __IPSBAR + 1; /* Configure RAMBAR in SCM module and allow dual-ported access. */ MCF_SCM_RAMBAR = ( uint32 ) &__SRAM | MCF_SCM_RAMBAR_BDE; } /********************************************************************* * init_chip_selects - Chip Select Module * **********************************************************************/ static void init_chip_selects( void ) { extern void __FLASH; uint32 FLASH_ADDR = (uint32)&__FLASH; /* Chip Select 0 - External Flash */ MCF_CS_CSAR0 = MCF_CS_CSAR_BA( FLASH_ADDR ); MCF_CS_CSCR0 = ( 0 | MCF_CS_CSCR_IWS( 6 ) | MCF_CS_CSCR_AA | MCF_CS_CSCR_PS_16 ); MCF_CS_CSMR0 = MCF_CS_CSMR_BAM_2M | MCF_CS_CSMR_V; /* Chip Select 1 disabled (CSMR1[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR1 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR1 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR1 = 0; /* Chip Select 2 disabled (CSMR2[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR2 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR2 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR2 = 0; /* Chip Select 3 disabled (CSMR3[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR3 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR3 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR3 = 0; /* Chip Select 4 disabled (CSMR4[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR4 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR4 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR4 = 0; /* Chip Select 5 disabled (CSMR5[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR5 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR5 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR5 = 0; /* Chip Select 6 disabled (CSMR6[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR6 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR6 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR6 = 0; /* Chip Select 7 disabled (CSMR7[V] = 0) */ MCF_CS_CSAR7 = 0; MCF_CS_CSMR7 = 0; MCF_CS_CSCR7 = 0; } /********************************************************************* * init_bus_config - Internal Bus Arbitration * **********************************************************************/ static void init_bus_config( void ) { /* Use round robin arbitration scheme Assigned priorities (highest first): Ethernet DMA Controller ColdFire Core DMA bandwidth control disabled Park on last active bus master */ MCF_SCM_MPARK = MCF_SCM_MPARK_M3_PRTY( 0x3 ) | MCF_SCM_MPARK_M2_PRTY( 0x2 ) | MCF_SCM_MPARK_M1_PRTY( 0x1 ); } /********************************************************************* * init_cache - Instruction/Data Cache * **********************************************************************/ static void init_cache( void ) { /* Configured as split cache: 4 KByte instruction cache and 4 Kbyte data cache ACR0: Don't cache accesses to 16 MB memory region at address $20000000 ACR1: Don't cache accesses to 1 GB memory region at address $40000000 CACR: Cache accesses to the rest of memory */ asm("move.l #0x80000000,%d0"); asm("movec %d0,%CACR"); asm("move.l #0x2000c040,%d0"); asm("movec %d0,%ACR0"); asm("move.l #0x403fc040,%d0"); asm("movec %d0,%ACR1"); /* Instruction/Data cache disabled. */ //asm( "move.l #0x00000000, %d0" ); //asm( "movec %d0,%cacr" ); } /********************************************************************* * init_eport - Edge Port Module (EPORT) * **********************************************************************/ static void init_eport( void ) { /* Pins 1-7 configured as GPIO inputs */ MCF_EPORT_EPPAR = 0; MCF_EPORT_EPDDR = 0; MCF_EPORT_EPIER = 0; } /********************************************************************* * init_flexcan - FlexCAN Module * **********************************************************************/ static void init_flexcan( void ) { /* FlexCAN controller 0 disabled (CANMCR0[MDIS]=1) */ MCF_CAN_IMASK0 = 0; MCF_CAN_RXGMASK0 = MCF_CAN_RXGMASK_MI( 0x1fffffff ); MCF_CAN_RX14MASK0 = MCF_CAN_RX14MASK_MI( 0x1fffffff ); MCF_CAN_RX15MASK0 = MCF_CAN_RX15MASK_MI( 0x1fffffff ); MCF_CAN_CANCTRL0 = 0; MCF_CAN_CANMCR0 = MCF_CAN_CANMCR_MDIS | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_FRZ | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_HALT | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_SUPV | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_MAXMB( 0xf ); /* FlexCAN controller 1 disabled (CANMCR1[MDIS]=1) */ MCF_CAN_IMASK1 = 0; MCF_CAN_RXGMASK1 = MCF_CAN_RXGMASK_MI( 0x1fffffff ); MCF_CAN_RX14MASK1 = MCF_CAN_RX14MASK_MI( 0x1fffffff ); MCF_CAN_RX15MASK1 = MCF_CAN_RX15MASK_MI( 0x1fffffff ); MCF_CAN_CANCTRL1 = 0; MCF_CAN_CANMCR1 = MCF_CAN_CANMCR_MDIS | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_FRZ | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_HALT | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_SUPV | MCF_CAN_CANMCR_MAXMB( 0xf ); } /********************************************************************* * init_power_management - Power Management * **********************************************************************/ static void init_power_management( void ) { /* On executing STOP instruction, processor enters RUN mode Mode is exited when an interrupt of level 1 or higher is received */ MCF_SCM_LPICR = MCF_SCM_LPICR_ENBSTOP; MCF_CCM_LPCR = 0; } /********************************************************************* * init_sdram_controller - SDRAM Controller * **********************************************************************/ static void init_sdram_controller( void ) { extern void __SDRAM; uint32 SDRAM_ADDR = (uint32)&__SDRAM; int i; /* * Check to see if the SDRAM has already been initialized * by a run control tool */ if( !( MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0 & MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_RE ) ) { /* Initialize DRAM Control Register: DCR */ MCF_SDRAMC_DCR = ( MCF_SDRAMC_DCR_RTIM( 1 ) | MCF_SDRAMC_DCR_RC( ( 15 * FSYS_2 ) >> 4 ) ); /* Initialize DACR0 */ MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0 = ( MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_BA( SDRAM_ADDR >> 18UL ) | MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_CASL( 1 ) | MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_CBM( 3 ) | MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_PS( 0 ) ); /* Initialize DMR0 */ MCF_SDRAMC_DMR0 = ( MCF_SDRAMC_DMR_BAM_16M | MCF_SDRAMC_DMR0_V ); /* Set IP (bit 3) in DACR */ MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0 |= MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_IP; /* Wait 30ns to allow banks to precharge */ for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { asm volatile ( " nop" ); } /* Write to this block to initiate precharge */ *( uint32 * ) ( SDRAM_ADDR ) = 0xA5A59696; /* Set RE (bit 15) in DACR */ MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0 |= MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_RE; /* Wait for at least 8 auto refresh cycles to occur */ for( i = 0; i < 2000; i++ ) { asm volatile ( "nop" ); } /* Finish the configuration by issuing the IMRS. */ MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0 |= MCF_SDRAMC_DACR0_MRS; /* Write to the SDRAM Mode Register */ *( uint32 * ) ( SDRAM_ADDR + 0x400 ) = 0xA5A59696; } } /********************************************************************* * init_dma_timers - DMA Timer Modules * **********************************************************************/ static void init_dma_timers( void ) { /* DMA Timer 0 disabled (DTMR0[RST] = 0) */ MCF_TIMER_DTMR0 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTXMR0 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTRR0 = 0xffffffff; /* DMA Timer 1 disabled (DTMR1[RST] = 0) */ MCF_TIMER_DTMR1 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTXMR1 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTRR1 = 0xffffffff; /* DMA Timer 2 disabled (DTMR2[RST] = 0) */ MCF_TIMER_DTMR2 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTXMR2 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTRR2 = 0xffffffff; /* DMA Timer 3 disabled (DTMR3[RST] = 0) */ MCF_TIMER_DTMR3 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTXMR3 = 0; MCF_TIMER_DTRR3 = 0xffffffff; } /********************************************************************** * init_interrupt_timers - Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) Modules * ***********************************************************************/ static void init_interrupt_timers( void ) { /* PIT0 disabled (PCSR0[EN]=0) */ MCF_PIT_PCSR0 = 0; /* PIT1 disabled (PCSR1[EN]=0) */ MCF_PIT_PCSR1 = 0; /* PIT2 disabled (PCSR2[EN]=0) */ MCF_PIT_PCSR2 = 0; /* PIT3 disabled (PCSR3[EN]=0) */ MCF_PIT_PCSR3 = 0; } /********************************************************************* * init_watchdog_timers - Watchdog Timer Modules * **********************************************************************/ static void init_watchdog_timers( void ) { /* Watchdog Timer disabled (WCR[EN]=0) NOTE: WCR and WMR cannot be written again until after the processor is reset. */ MCF_WTM_WCR = MCF_WTM_WCR_WAIT | MCF_WTM_WCR_DOZE | MCF_WTM_WCR_HALTED; MCF_WTM_WMR = 0xffff; /* Core Watchdog Timer disabled (CWCR[CWE]=0) */ MCF_SCM_CWCR = 0; } /********************************************************************* * init_interrupt_controller - Interrupt Controller * **********************************************************************/ static void init_interrupt_controller( void ) { /* Configured interrupt sources in order of priority... Level 7: External interrupt /IRQ7, (initially masked) Level 6: External interrupt /IRQ6, (initially masked) Level 5: External interrupt /IRQ5, (initially masked) Level 4: External interrupt /IRQ4, (initially masked) Level 3: External interrupt /IRQ3, (initially masked) Level 2: External interrupt /IRQ2, (initially masked) Level 1: External interrupt /IRQ1, (initially masked) */ MCF_INTC0_ICR1 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR2 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR3 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR4 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR5 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR6 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR7 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR8 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR9 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR10 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR11 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR12 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR13 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR14 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR15 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR17 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR18 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR19 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR20 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR21 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR22 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR23 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR24 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR25 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR26 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR27 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR28 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR29 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR30 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR31 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR32 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR33 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR34 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR35 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR36 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR37 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR38 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR39 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR40 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR41 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR42 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR43 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR44 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR45 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR46 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR47 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR48 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR49 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR50 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR51 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR52 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR53 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR54 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR55 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR56 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR57 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR58 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR59 = 0; MCF_INTC0_ICR60 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR8 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR9 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR10 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR11 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR12 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR13 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR14 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR15 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR16 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR17 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR18 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR19 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR20 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR21 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR22 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR23 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR24 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR25 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR27 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR28 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR29 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR30 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR31 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR32 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR33 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR34 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR35 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR36 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR37 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR38 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR39 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR40 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR41 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR42 = 0; MCF_INTC1_ICR59 = 0; MCF_INTC0_IMRH = 0xffffffff; MCF_INTC0_IMRL = MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK31 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK30 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK29 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK28 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK27 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK26 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK25 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK24 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK23 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK22 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK21 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK20 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK19 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK18 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK17 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK16 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK15 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK14 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK13 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK12 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK11 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK10 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK9 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK8 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK7 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK6 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK5 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK4 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK3 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK2 | MCF_INTC0_IMRL_INT_MASK1; MCF_INTC1_IMRH = 0xffffffff; MCF_INTC1_IMRL = MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK31 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK30 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK29 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK28 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK27 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK26 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK25 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK24 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK23 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK22 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK21 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK20 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK19 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK18 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK17 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK16 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK15 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK14 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK13 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK12 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK11 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK10 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK9 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK8 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK7 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK6 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK5 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK4 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK3 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK2 | MCF_INTC1_IMRL_INT_MASK1; } /********************************************************************* * init_pin_assignments - Pin Assignment and General Purpose I/O * **********************************************************************/ static void init_pin_assignments( void ) { /* Pin assignments for port ADDR Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_APDDR = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_AD = MCF_GPIO_PAR_AD_PAR_ADDR23 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_AD_PAR_ADDR22 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_AD_PAR_ADDR21 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_AD_PAR_DATAL; /* Pin assignments for ports DATAH and DATAL Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_DATAH = 0; MCF_GPIO_PDDR_DATAL = 0; /* Pin assignments for port BUSCTL Pin /OE : External bus output enable, /OE Pin /TA : External bus transfer acknowledge, /TA Pin /TEA : External bus transfer error acknowledge, /TEA Pin R/W : External bus read/write indication, R/W Pin TSIZ1 : External bus transfer size TSIZ1 or DMA acknowledge /DACK1 Pin TSIZ0 : External bus transfer size TSIZ0 or DMA acknowledge /DACK0 Pin /TS : External bus transfer start, /TS Pin /TIP : External bus transfer in progess, /TIP */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BUSCTL = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL = MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_OE | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TA | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TEA( 0x3 ) | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_RWB | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TSIZ1 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TSIZ0 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TS( 0x3 ) | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BUSCTL_PAR_TIP( 0x3 ); /* Pin assignments for port BS Pin /BS3 : External byte strobe /BS3 Pin /BS2 : External byte strobe /BS2 Pin /BS1 : External byte strobe /BS1 Pin /BS0 : External byte strobe /BS0 */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_BS = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_BS = MCF_GPIO_PAR_BS_PAR_BS3 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BS_PAR_BS2 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BS_PAR_BS1 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_BS_PAR_BS0; /* Pin assignments for port CS Pin /CS7 : Chip select /CS7 Pin /CS6 : Chip select /CS6 Pin /CS5 : Chip select /CS5 Pin /CS4 : Chip select /CS4 Pin /CS3 : Chip select /CS3 Pin /CS2 : Chip select /CS2 Pin /CS1 : Chip select /CS1 */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_CS = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS = MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS7 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS6 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS5 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS4 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS3 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS2 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_CS_PAR_CS1; /* Pin assignments for port SDRAM Pin /SD_WE : SDRAM controller /SD_WE Pin /SD_SCAS : SDRAM controller /SD_SCAS Pin /SD_SRAS : SDRAM controller /SD_SRAS Pin /SD_SCKE : SDRAM controller /SD_SCKE Pin /SD_CS1 : SDRAM controller /SD_CS1 Pin /SD_CS0 : SDRAM controller /SD_CS0 */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_SDRAM = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM = MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM_PAR_SDWE | MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM_PAR_SCAS | MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM_PAR_SRAS | MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM_PAR_SCKE | MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM_PAR_SDCS1 | MCF_GPIO_PAR_SDRAM_PAR_SDCS0; /* Pin assignments for port FECI2C Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_FECI2C = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C = MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C_PAR_EMDC_FEC | MCF_GPIO_PAR_FECI2C_PAR_EMDIO_FEC; /* Pin assignments for port UARTL Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_UARTL = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_UART = 0; /* Pin assignments for port UARTH Pin U2TXD : GPIO input Pin U2RXD : GPIO input Pin /IRQ2 : Interrupt request /IRQ2 or GPIO */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_UARTH = 0; /* Pin assignments for port QSPI Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_QSPI = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_QSPI = 0; /* Pin assignments for port TIMER Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_TIMER = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_TIMER = 0; /* Pin assignments for port ETPU Pins are all GPIO inputs */ MCF_GPIO_PDDR_ETPU = 0; MCF_GPIO_PAR_ETPU = 0; }