* Reordering: bumping cloning instruction up.
* Rewording readme.md to be clear kernel code is a submodule of this repository.
* Reverting relative URL, since user cannot click through on GitHub page.
(With URL, user could still download the correct version of the code. Reverting simply due to UI issue.)
This commit updates the project for LPC55S69 so that it works with the
latest version of MCUXpresso and SDK.
Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <aggarg@amazon.com>
* Removing FreeRTOS/Source in readiness for submoduling.
* Submoduling kernel.
* README.md update due to submoduling.
When releasing, please follow these steps:
1. in local directory, clean directory and check "git status" shows "nothing to commit, working tree clean" for ALL subdirectories.
2. copy source code and instructions only to an empty folder. Git related should not be in this folder -- this covers .git, .gitignore, .github, .gitmodules, gitmessages, ......
3. zip the folder from step 2. (create both .zip and .7z)
4. attach .zip and .7z to the release. (e.g. attach these two in new release -- https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS/releases/new)
5. PLEASE download both, unzip, diff with your local git repo. (should not see any difference other than git related.) And, sanity check a couple of projects.
Make clock setup functions weak symbols in ARMv8-M ports.
Update Cortex-M33 ports to use an interrupt mask in place of globally disabling interrupts, as per the other Cortex-M ports.
Projects under FreeRTOS-Labs directory are in beta, developers updating projects please make sure you are using the correct version of -CLI -TCP -Trace. If you must edit -CLI -TCP and -Trace, please ensure the copies are synced.
- header has version 2.2.0.
- This sync did not bring in ./test directory, though we should.
- New NetworkInterfaces are introduced by this merge.
- Keil compiler support.
- FreeRTOS_IP.h new API xApplicationGetRandomNumber().
- FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h new eIPEvent_t eNetworkTxEvent.
- FreeRTOS_Stream_Buffer.h removing static xStreamBufferIsEmpty() and xStreamBufferIsFull().
- FreeRTOSConfigDefaults.h provides default ipconfigDNS_RECEIVE_BLOCK_TIME_TICKS.
- other type changes.
For projects depending on either of these two ports, please update your projects according to below:
Wiced_CY -- Use GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC instead.
nrf52840-dk -- Use GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1 instead. Please note that, kernel port shall only take dependency on MCU core, not MCU peripherals. (Please take out RTC related from kernel port.) For low power feature (tickless) in FreeRTOS, please follow this page https://www.freertos.org/low-power-ARM-cortex-rtos.html. In case ARM_CM7/rop1 is missing any feature, reach out to us.
- System calls are now only allowed from kernel code. This change can be turned on
- MPU is disabled before reprogramming it and enabled afterwards to be compliant
with ARM recommendations.
Added tests for xTaskAbortDelayFromISR() into Demo/Common/Minimal/AbortDelay.c.
Added tests for ulTaskNotifyValueClear() into Demo/Common/Minimal/TaskNotify.c.