Richard Barry
Previously the MPSoC Cortex-A53 demo was updated to the latest Xilinx SDK tools to the point where it was building, but not tested. This check in modifies the project files slightly following testing.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update Zynq, MPSoc Cortex-A53 and MPSoc Cortex-R5 demo projects to build with the 18.1 version of the Xilinx SDK - building BUT NOT YET TESTED.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
xTaskGenericNotify() now sets xYieldPending to pdTRUE even when the 'higher priority task woken' parameter is provided - making its behaviour consistent with event objects.
Ensure tasks that are blocked indefinitely on a direct to task notification return their state as eBlocked, previously was returned as eSuspended - making its behaviour consistent with event objects.
Fix typo in stream_buffer.c where "size_t xBytesAvailable ); PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION" had the semicolon in the wrong place.
Add testing of Stream Buffers to the AbortDelay.c tests.
Guard inclusion of C code when FreeRTOSConfig.h is included from an assembly file in the ARM7_LPC2129_IAR demo.
Fix minor typos in the Windows demo comment blocks.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix regressions introduced by introduction of configMESSAGE_BUFFER_LENGTH_TYPE constant - specifically enabling big endian support and updates to xStreamBufferNextMessageLengthBytes.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce sbBYTES_TO_STORE_MESSAGE_LENGTH to allow the number of bytes used to hold a message length in a message buffer to be reduced if 4 bytes is always too many (save a little RAM).
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Import the code coverage test additions from the (unpublished) Visual Studio project to the (published) MingW/Eclipse project.
Update the MingW/Eclipse project to add a code coverage build configuration in addition to the existing Debug build configuration.
Update StreamBufferDemo.c so functions are called directly, rather than via configASSERT(), so their code coverage can be measured when configASSERT() is not defined.
In the Win32 port, replace the call to TerminateProcess() in vPortEndScheduler() with exit( 0 ) - which triggers the writing of the code coverage data to the disk.
Fix bug in ucStreamBufferGetStreamBufferType() - which is only used by the Percepio trace tool.
Update the line within vTaskStartScheduler() that was setting xTickCount to 0 to instead set it to configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Start moving code coverage tests from VisualStudio (not checked in) to the MingW project (checked in) by creating a second build configuration in the Windows Eclipse project that includes the code coverage command line options. Additionally make minor code updates to ensure configASSERT() is not defined, and the application runs for a finite time, when the code coverage build configuration is used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Complete testing of changes that allow xQueueOverwrite() to be used on a queue that is part of a queue set.
Fix some compiler warnings in stream_buffer.c.
Update the MingW/Eclipse project so it also includes static allocation tests.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Introduce xMessageBufferNextLengthBytes() and tests for the same.
Add call to traceTASK_SWITCHED_IN() in vTaskStartScheduler() so trace tools can see the first task to run.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix buffer clean up in \FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Minimal_Windows_Simulator\demo_logging.c.
Update queue code to allow an overwrite operation on a queue that is in a queue set, and add prvTestQueueOverwriteWithQueueSet() to test function.
Update Eclipse Win32 project to bring it closer the the Visual Studio equivalent.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Allow IP address to be passed into gethostbyname().
Ensure xNetworkBuffersInitialise() doesn't use a semaphore before it has been tested against NULL.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Microblaze port: Place critical section around XIntc_Enable() to protect read/modify/write operation performed inside the library.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure data cannot be sent to a TCP socket if the socket is in the process of closing.
Correct definition of StaticTask_t in the case that portUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS is set to 1.
prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace() now returns configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE to allow return values greater than max uint16_t value if required.
xStreamBufferSend() and xStreamBufferReceive() no longer clear task notification bits - clearing was unnecessary as only the task notification state is used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct out of date comment in tasks.c.
Fix typo in comment in queue.h.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Roll up the minor changes checked into svn since V10.0.0 into new V10.0.1 ready for release.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update license information text files for the CLI, TCP and UDP products to be correct for V10.
7 years ago
Richard Barry
FreeRTOS+TCP: Added ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_WAKE_CALLBACK configuration option so the user can specify a callback to execute when data arrives.
FreeRTOS+TCP: Improve print output when using WinPCap to assist in selecting the correct network interface.
FreeRTOS kernel: Fix extern "C" { in stream_buffer.h.
FreeRTOS kernel: Correct tskKERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER and tskKERNEL_VERSION_MAJOR constants for V10.
Ensure the currently executing task is printed correctly in vTaskList().
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Update to MIT licensed FreeRTOS V10.0.0 - see
7 years ago
Richard Barry
Add missing +TCP code.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Added +TCP code to main repo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update TriCore port to work with latest GCC compiler.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update trace recorder source to fix some compile time warnings.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add MSVC .vs directory to keep the IDE's windows layout.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct long time mis-spelled portINITIAL_EXEC_RETURN to portINITIAL_EXC_RETURN
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update linker script so main stack starts on 8-byte alignment.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update IAR project for MSP432 to IAR version 8.11.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
FreeRTOS.h changes to go with the last tasks.c checkin.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove obsolete code from prvCheckTasksWaitingTermination().
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Fix typo in comment that got copied into multiple main.c file.s
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the FreeRTOS_Plus_CLI_with_Trace_Windows_Simulator demo to use the latest FreeRTOS+Trace recorder code.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update the MSVC and MingW demos to use the latest FreeRTOS+Trace recorder library.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Update to the latest trace recorder library.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove configurations other than 'debug' from the Win32 demo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Cosmetic changes only.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Updated name of CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_17xx_Keil_GCC to CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_17xx_51xx_Keil_GCC.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Added traceQUEUE_CREATE_FAILED() trace macros into the queue create functions.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add more "memory" clobbers into the MPU ports to make them robust to more aggressive optimisation in newer GCC version.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add more "memory" clobbers into asm code of GCC/ARM_CRx_No_GIC port to make it robust with higher optimisation in newer versions of GCC.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Updates to prevent warnings when compiled with LLVM.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure the PIC32 interrupt stack is 8 byte aligned for all values of configISR_STACK_SIZE.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
PIC32MZ project using later MPLAB X tools.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Change name of the CEC and MEC directory to CORTEX_CEC_MEC_17xx_51xx_Keil_GCC as it is also applicable to the MEC5105 part.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Change name of the CEC and MEC directory to CORTEX_MPU_CEC_MEC_17xx_51xx_Keil_GCC as it is also applicable to the MEC5105 part.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Updates to the Cortex-M tickless idle code to reduce clock slippage.
Updates to prevent the vTaskSwitchContext() function being removed from GCC builds when link time optimisation is used.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Enable button interrupts in the MSP432 demos in order to test code paths when an MCU exits low power mode for a reason other than a tick interrupt.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Ensure vTaskGetInfo() sets the sate of the currently running task to eRunning - previously it was set to eReady.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Maintenance on MSP432 demo.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Housekeeping check-in, no code changes.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add CEC and MEC 17xx demo that is completely statically allocated. NOT FULLY TESTED YET.
8 years ago
Richard Barry
Add additional memory barriers into ARM GCC asm code to ensure no re-ordering across asm code as optimisers get more aggressive.
8 years ago