From f6dff3fea38219a825870fc923f8d13e8540ca51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Lundin <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 10:21:07 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add Litani to run CBMC proofs (#501)

Update to out of source makefile build and add

CBMC proofs can now be run with Litani with the command

Based on commits:
* 1646301 - Ignore CBMC proof failures, fail the build later (4 months ago) <Kareem Khazem>
* 7e8c91a - Fix Makefile prerequisite symbol for CBMC proofs (4 months ago) <Kareem Khazem>
* bee04be - Enable CBMC proofs to run in CI (4 months ago) <Kareem Khazem>

Found in
 .github/scripts/              |   3 +-
 .gitmodules                                  |   3 +
 FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/Makefile.template  |  48 ++-
 FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/MakefileLinux.json |   2 +-
 FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/ | 313 +++++++++++++++++++
 FreeRTOS/Test/litani                         |   1 +
 6 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/
 create mode 160000 FreeRTOS/Test/litani

diff --git a/.github/scripts/ b/.github/scripts/
index cb731c1f14..7ac053eebf 100755
--- a/.github/scripts/
+++ b/.github/scripts/
@@ -261,7 +261,8 @@ FREERTOS_IGNORED_PATTERNS = [
-    'requirements.txt'
+    'requirements.txt',
+    ''
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 84723b4d13..902969180b 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -40,3 +40,6 @@
 [submodule "FreeRTOS-Plus/ThirdParty/wolfSSL"]
 	path = FreeRTOS-Plus/ThirdParty/wolfSSL
 	url =
+[submodule "FreeRTOS/Test/aws-build-accumulator"]
+	path = FreeRTOS/Test/litani
+	url =
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/Makefile.template b/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/Makefile.template
index 0e47abe4d5..fa5558f7fc 100644
--- a/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/Makefile.template
+++ b/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/Makefile.template
@@ -47,16 +47,6 @@ INSTFLAGS = \
   # empty
-# ____________________________________________________________________
-# Rules
-# Rules for building a:FR object files. These are not harness-specific,
-# and several harnesses might depend on a particular a:FR object, so
-# define them all once here.
 # ____________________________________________________________________
 # Rules
@@ -73,14 +63,27 @@ unpatch:
 # Rules for building the CBMC harness
-queue_datastructure.h: $(H_OBJS_EXCEPT_HARNESS)
-	python3 @TYPE_HEADER_SCRIPT@ --binary $(FREERTOS)/Source/queue.goto --c-file $(FREERTOS)/Source/queue.c
+C_SOURCES = $(patsubst %.goto,%.c,$(H_OBJS_EXCEPT_HARNESS))
-$(ENTRY)_harness.goto: $(ENTRY)_harness.c $(H_GENERATE_HEADER)
+# Build each goto-binary out-of-source (i.e. in a 'gotos' directory
+# underneath each proof directory, to make it safe to build all proofs
+# in parallel
+OOS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,gotos/%.goto,$(C_SOURCES))
+CWD=$(abspath .)
+gotos/%.goto: %.c
+	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-$(ENTRY)1.goto: $(OBJS)
-	$(GOTO_CC) @COMPILE_LINK@ @RULE_OUTPUT@ --function harness $(OBJS)
+queue_datastructure.h: gotos/$(FREERTOS)/Source/queue.goto
+	python3 @TYPE_HEADER_SCRIPT@ --binary $(CWD)/gotos$(FREERTOS)/Source/queue.goto --c-file $(FREERTOS)/Source/queue.c
+$(ENTRY)_harness.goto: $(ENTRY)_harness.c $(H_GENERATE_HEADER)
+$(ENTRY)1.goto: $(ENTRY)_harness.goto $(OOS_OBJS)
+	$(GOTO_CC) @COMPILE_LINK@ @RULE_OUTPUT@ --function harness @RULE_INPUT@
 $(ENTRY)2.goto: $(ENTRY)1.goto
@@ -111,10 +114,13 @@ $(ENTRY).goto: $(ENTRY)5.goto
 	$(MAKE) patch
-	$(MAKE) $(ENTRY).goto
+	$(MAKE) -B $(ENTRY).goto
+# Ignore the return code for CBMC, so that we can still generate the
+# report if the proof failed. If the proof failed, we separately fail
+# the entire job using the check-cbmc-result rule.
 cbmc.txt: $(ENTRY).goto
-	- cbmc $(CBMCFLAGS) --unwinding-assertions --trace @RULE_INPUT@ > $@ 2>&1
+	-cbmc $(CBMCFLAGS) $(SOLVER) --unwinding-assertions --trace @RULE_INPUT@ > $@ 2>&1
 property.xml: $(ENTRY).goto
 	cbmc $(CBMCFLAGS) --unwinding-assertions --show-properties --xml-ui @RULE_INPUT@ > $@ 2>&1
@@ -139,6 +145,13 @@ report: cbmc.txt property.xml coverage.xml
 	--property property.xml \
 	--block coverage.xml
+# This rule depends only on cbmc.txt and has no dependents, so it will
+# not block the report from being generated if it fails. This rule is
+# intended to fail if and only if the CBMC safety check that emits
+# cbmc.txt yielded a proof failure.
+check-cbmc-result: cbmc.txt
 # ____________________________________________________________________
 # Rules
@@ -154,6 +167,7 @@ clean:
 veryclean: clean
+	@RM_RECURSIVE@ gotos
 distclean: veryclean
 	cd $(PROOFS)/../patches && ./
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/MakefileLinux.json b/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/MakefileLinux.json
index 08442a2ab1..a4e96aebe2 100644
--- a/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/MakefileLinux.json
+++ b/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/MakefileLinux.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     "RULE_INPUT": [
-	"$<"
+	"$^"
     "RULE_OUTPUT": [
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/ b/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5391262833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS/Test/CBMC/proofs/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is
+# located at
+# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on
+# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import pathlib
+import subprocess
+import sys
+DESCRIPTION = "Configure and run all CBMC proofs in parallel"
+# Keep this hard-wrapped at 70 characters, as it gets printed verbatim
+# in the terminal. 70 characters stops here -----------------------> |
+EPILOG = """
+This tool automates the process of running `make report` in each of
+the CBMC proof directories. The tool calculates the dependency graph
+of all tasks needed to build, run, and report on all the proofs, and
+executes these tasks in parallel.
+The tool is roughly equivalent to doing this:
+        litani init --project "FreeRTOS";
+        for proof in $(find . -name cbmc-batch.yaml); do
+            pushd $(dirname ${proof});
+            make report;
+            popd;
+        done
+        litani run-build;
+except that it is much faster and provides some convenience options.
+The CBMC CI runs this script with no arguments to build and run all
+proofs in parallel.
+The --no-standalone argument omits the `litani init` and `litani
+run-build`; use it when you want to add additional proof jobs, not
+just the CBMC ones. In that case, you would run `litani init`
+yourself; then run `run-cbmc-proofs --no-standalone`; add any
+additional jobs that you want to execute with `litani add-job`; and
+finally run `litani run-build`.
+def get_args():
+    pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description=DESCRIPTION, epilog=EPILOG,
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    for arg in [{
+            "flags": ["-j", "--parallel-jobs"],
+            "type": int,
+            "metavar": "N",
+            "help": "run at most N proof jobs in parallel",
+    }, {
+            "flags": ["--no-standalone"],
+            "action": "store_true",
+            "help": "only configure proofs: do not initialize nor run",
+    }, {
+            "flags": ["-p", "--proofs"],
+            "nargs": "+",
+            "metavar": "DIR",
+            "help": "only run proof in directory DIR (can pass more than one)",
+    }, {
+            "flags": ["--project-name"],
+            "metavar": "NAME",
+            "default": "FreeRTOS",
+            "help": "Project name for report. Default: %(default)s",
+    }, {
+            "flags": ["--verbose"],
+            "action": "store_true",
+            "help": "verbose output",
+    }]:
+        flags = arg.pop("flags")
+        pars.add_argument(*flags, **arg)
+    return pars.parse_args()
+def set_up_logging(verbose):
+    if verbose:
+        level = logging.DEBUG
+    else:
+        level = logging.WARNING
+    logging.basicConfig(
+        format="run-cbmc-proofs: %(message)s", level=level)
+def print_counter(counter):
+    print(
+        "\rConfiguring CBMC proofs: "
+        "{complete:{width}} / {total:{width}}".format(
+            **counter), end="", file=sys.stderr)
+def get_proof_dirs(proof_root, proof_list):
+    if proof_list is not None:
+        proofs_remaining = list(proof_list)
+    else:
+        proofs_remaining = []
+    for root, _, fyles in os.walk(proof_root):
+        proof_name = str(pathlib.Path(root).name)
+        if proof_list and proof_name not in proof_list:
+            continue
+        if proof_list and proof_name in proofs_remaining:
+            proofs_remaining.remove(proof_name)
+        if "cbmc-batch.yaml" in fyles:
+            yield pathlib.Path(root)
+    if proofs_remaining:
+        logging.error(
+            "The following proofs were not found: %s",
+            ", ".join(proofs_remaining))
+        sys.exit(1)
+def run_cmd(cmd, **args):
+    if "shell" in args and args["shell"]:
+        if not isinstance(cmd, str):
+            raise UserWarning("Command must be a string if shell=True")
+        str_cmd = cmd
+    else:
+        if not isinstance(cmd, list):
+            raise UserWarning("Command passed to run_cmd must be a list")
+        str_cmd = " ".join(cmd)
+"Command: %s", str_cmd)
+    proc =, **args)
+    if proc.returncode:
+        logging.error("Command failed: %s", str_cmd)
+    return proc
+def run_build(litani, jobs):
+    cmd = [str(litani), "run-build"]
+    if jobs:
+        cmd.extend(["-j", str(jobs)])
+    run_cmd(cmd, check=True)
+def get_litani_path(proof_root):
+    return proof_root.parent.parent / "litani" / "litani"
+def add_proof_jobs(proof_directory, proof_root, litani):
+    proof_directory = pathlib.Path(proof_directory)
+    harnesses = [
+        f for f in os.listdir(proof_directory) if f.endswith("_harness.c")]
+    if not len(harnesses) == 1:
+        logging.error(
+            "Found %d harnesses in directory '%s'", len(harnesses),
+            proof_directory)
+        return False
+    # Neither the harness name nor the proof directory is unique enough,
+    # due to proof configurations. Use the relative path instead.
+    proof_name = str(proof_directory.relative_to(proof_root))
+    goto_binary = str(
+        (proof_directory / ("%s.goto" % harnesses[0][:-2])).resolve())
+    # Build goto-binary
+    run_cmd([
+        str(litani), "add-job",
+        "--command", "make -B veryclean goto",
+        "--outputs", goto_binary,
+        "--pipeline-name", proof_name,
+        "--ci-stage", "build",
+        "--cwd", str(proof_directory),
+        "--description", ("%s: building goto-binary" % proof_name),
+    ], check=True)
+    # Run 3 CBMC tasks
+    cbmc_out = str(proof_directory / "cbmc.txt")
+    run_cmd([
+        str(litani), "add-job",
+        "--command", "make cbmc",
+        "--inputs", goto_binary,
+        "--outputs", cbmc_out,
+        "--pipeline-name", proof_name,
+        "--ci-stage", "test",
+        "--tags", "stats-group:safety check",
+        # Make returns 2 if the underlying command exited abnormally
+        "--ignore-returns", "2",
+        "--cwd", str(proof_directory),
+        "--description", ("%s: running safety checks" % proof_name),
+    ], check=True)
+    property_out = str(proof_directory / "property.xml")
+    run_cmd([
+        str(litani), "add-job",
+        "--command", "make property",
+        "--inputs", goto_binary,
+        "--outputs", property_out,
+        "--pipeline-name", proof_name,
+        "--ci-stage", "test",
+        "--cwd", str(proof_directory),
+        "--description", ("%s: printing properties" % proof_name),
+    ], check=True)
+    coverage_out = str(proof_directory / "coverage.xml")
+    run_cmd([
+        str(litani), "add-job",
+        "--command", "make coverage",
+        "--inputs", goto_binary,
+        "--outputs", coverage_out,
+        "--pipeline-name", proof_name,
+        "--ci-stage", "test",
+        "--cwd", str(proof_directory),
+        "--tags", "stats-group:coverage computation",
+        "--description", ("%s: computing coverage" % proof_name),
+    ], check=True)
+    # Check whether the CBMC proof actually passed. More details in the
+    # Makefile rule for check-cbmc-result.
+    run_cmd([
+        str(litani), "add-job",
+        "--command", "make check-cbmc-result",
+        "--inputs", cbmc_out,
+        "--pipeline-name", proof_name,
+        "--ci-stage", "report",
+        "--cwd", str(proof_directory),
+        "--description", ("%s: checking CBMC result" % proof_name),
+    ], check=True)
+    # Generate report
+    run_cmd([
+        str(litani), "add-job",
+        "--command", "make report",
+        "--inputs", cbmc_out, property_out, coverage_out,
+        "--outputs", str(proof_directory / "html"),
+        "--pipeline-name", proof_name,
+        "--ci-stage", "report",
+        "--cwd", str(proof_directory),
+        "--tags", "stats-group:report generation",
+        "--description", ("%s: generating report" % proof_name),
+    ], check=True)
+    return True
+def configure_proof_dirs(proof_dirs, proof_root, counter, litani):
+    for proof_dir in proof_dirs:
+        print_counter(counter)
+        success = add_proof_jobs(proof_dir, proof_root, litani)
+        counter["pass" if success else "fail"].append(proof_dir)
+        counter["complete"] += 1
+def main():
+    args = get_args()
+    set_up_logging(args.verbose)
+    proof_root = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
+    litani = get_litani_path(proof_root)
+    if not args.no_standalone:
+        run_cmd(
+            ["./"], check=True, cwd=str(proof_root))
+        run_cmd(
+            [str(litani), "init", "--project", args.project_name], check=True)
+    proof_dirs = list(get_proof_dirs(proof_root, args.proofs))
+    if not proof_dirs:
+        logging.error("No proof directories found")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    counter = {
+        "pass": [],
+        "fail": [],
+        "complete": 0,
+        "total": len(proof_dirs),
+        "width": int(math.log10(len(proof_dirs))) + 1
+    }
+    configure_proof_dirs(proof_dirs, proof_root, counter, litani)
+    print_counter(counter)
+    print("", file=sys.stderr)
+    if counter["fail"]:
+        logging.error(
+            "Failed to configure the following proofs:\n%s", "\n".join(
+                [str(f) for f in counter["fail"]]))
+    if not args.no_standalone:
+        run_build(litani, args.parallel_jobs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Test/litani b/FreeRTOS/Test/litani
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000..3fc5e02bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS/Test/litani
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 3fc5e02bc17483352546ac4c81078fde64cab674